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About bezzzzzer

  • Birthday 08/10/1989

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  1. Apologies Rob, but thanks very much for keeping the topic open. It's a great opportunity to hear what the users want to improve about the site and really helps me a lot. Also, thanks for the suggestions! They're really great, thanks guys. Clicking anywhere on the image to go to the next one is really a great idea, as it videos. Keep them coming!
  2. Hey there. This is for a project I am conducting to finish off my final year of my degree. Myself and my group have to create or modify a web site and then present why we have done what we've done. We have decided to take rcdb.com and create a 'mock-up' of a modifed version of the site. However, it has to fit the users i.e. YOUR needs. Therefore, I would really appreciate you letting me know what can be improved about rcdb.com. The chance to hear about what you guys think would be of great use to us. I have loads of ideas, but they need to come from you. I'm thinking Web 2.0 features. So please leave your comments on your ideal improvements to this site which we all use so frequently so we can present our ideas in our presentation and say "we have done this because this is what the users want". Thanks guys, I really appreciate it!
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