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Posts posted by JJboy101

  1. hey robb i live in australia and i dont think u have vistied some of our gr8 theme parks even thought we only have 3 good one and 1 big water park. These 3 are some of the best in the world:

    1. Dreamworld, in dream world we have the tallest drop ride in the world..way better than blue fall! yes u heard me better then blue fall! also a coaster called cyclone that is a nice looping coaster

    2. Warner Brothers Movie World, In this park we have one of the fastest coasters in the world reaching 100 km/hour in 2 seconds!!! Also another coaster called Lethal Weapon which one of those suspended ones. Plus those little novelties rides related to the loony tunes.

    3.Sea World this park has one good coaster but is fun cause sometimes they have it run 50 times in a row!!! Plus gr8 dolphin shows and polar bears!!!

    All i m saying is consider a trip to aussie theme parks cause even thought there arent 4 billion like america (so i exxagerated) we make up in quality!!! trust me it is worth it!!!

    P.S cheers on this gr8 site and coverage of other theme parks in the world

  2. All u have to do is make as many words of roller coasters, thrill rides (flat rides), theme parks and anything that basically relates to theme parks out of the sentence...*the quick fox jumped over the lazy god* 4 some ppl it maybe easy if u now wat the sentence has. Yes it has a whole thing in it! Every week or so i will add a new sentence and announce the winner of the week. Even though i dont have any prizes...actually i do... the glory of coming first!!!!!!hahaha


    Dont copy other pplz names of things never copy till a new rounds starts..so u better start cracking cause the early bird gets all the words *at least i think that is how it goes*?

    good luck and happy posting!!!

  3. This is a petition so that the Theme Park Review ppl (not that there is anything wrong with them) should start a section of videos about flat rides like the zipper, chaos, haunted houses and various other thrill rides.


    So if u would like to have a section mainly based on thrill rides and attractions plz!!! vote yes and/or post ur thoughst about this matter

  4. The Zipper is the most manufactured thrill ride in the world with over 250 rides in the world. I know there are a lot of true stories about people falling out of the cages and stuff like that. Hearing that may scare you out if riding the ride, it did to me. But when i rode it i got the biggest adrenaline rush i have ever had!! It is worth riding. But some people in the world arent lucky of having the MAGNIFICENT ZIPPER at their carnaival (like me ). So anyone please send a video to theme park review so unfortunate people (like me ) who dont have the pleasure of riding the ride will get to see it in action! Also feel free to post your thoughts on wether Theme Park Review should have a section of videos featuring carnival rides like the zipper!!!!!!!

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