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  1. Greetings Friends, Believe it or not, @ 43 years old, I finally become an official member of the themeparkreview.com. To say the least… I’m quite excited about the prospect of sharing all of my Park/Coaster/Industry memorabilia; we’re talking close to 35 years worth of STUFF. everything from Maps, to roller coaster! Magazines, inside track magazines, ACE newsletters, press, releases, and, of course… Photos. Lots of photos. As you can tell, I more or less rediscovered the collection myself only recently. In doing so, it had never dawned on me just how much I managed to collect over the years. Until now. Courtesy of the pandemic, I feel that we are now living in a sort of parallel universe; where anything and everything is possible. Some of it good, some of it not so good. Progress winds change, right? That’s my rant… I apologize… In my own rediscovery of this collection of memorabilia has opened my eyes up to a whole new world of possibilities that I can’t say I’m all that thrilled about. But nevertheless, I also discovered that I do not have my 1992 souvenir map of Six Flags over Mid America, known today as Six Flags St. Louis. Clear protective sleeve is empty. So, if anyone has a spare or is willing to sell the one they have… Please contact me. Again, my apologies for going off track. To make this post a little bit more worthwhile I’ve attached a few of the newspaper articles I meant years about various ride additions/removals. Enjoy!
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