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Posts posted by jjh209

  1. So I've sadly had to postpone doing this trip for a year or so HOWEVER going to new york in 28tg August to 6th September. Looking to just visit six flags great adventure. Few questions:


    - best day of week to visit?

    - what will the queues/crowds be like? (Understand schools go back towards end of that week)

    - can you get fast track, and is it worth it?

    - do six flags parks have buy one get one free entry vouchers like our English parks do?



  2. Thanks for all the advice! Didn't think of knoebels! Will look that one up!


    And Washington - I stopped off there briefly once for a day before but missed out so much so need to go back to see the rest.


    What time of year is best for these theme parks in terms of lowest queues? Fairly flexible on dates. Are they the same as UK parks eg Alton where they close during the winter months?


    Also hadn't thought of parking fees! I remember doing magic mountain the parking fees are quite steep in America!? (Well compared to the UK parks!)

  3. Hey! Thinking of coming on a two week trip to the east coast next year for some themeparking. Have done a bit of research and thinking the following:


    Fly London to Norfolk?


    Two days at Busch gardens

    Two days at kings dominion

    Two days in Washington DC

    Two days at Hersheypark

    Two days at six flags great adventure


    Reckon this is enough time at each park, and the correct way round to do it (ie Norfolk to New York!) Any other parks recommended to replace any of the above?


    Also, best time of year for east Coast parks (ie when not as busy!) when would you recommend?



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