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Posts posted by f3aredricka

  1. The toughest fits for me were in this order: Wicked Twist, Topthrill Dragster, Millenium Force.



    If you can fit into TTD and MF DO NOT PASS THEM UP. Even if you don't like those types, you've likely never road a coaster like these, they are 100% badass. Take the extra 10 minutes in line to ride the front row too, TRUST ME. The maverik is also VERY badass and its seating is easy, they built the seats with plenty of room for us fatties.

  2. I fit everything fine. I almost missed the wicked twister since I have a large chest but I pulled the restraint down and a worker hooked it in. I had about 1-2 inches on MF and 1 inch on TTD. I rode all the rides a few times except maverick and WT. It's easy for me to pull it and for the person to snap me in, its hard to aim the thing with how much of the seat I take up (no space for my hands really). I was able to snap myself in, but it's just easier to get them too help (haha i got lazy after the 3rd time I guess)


    BTW, take the time to ride in the front row every time.


    I can totally see big thighs stopping you btw, mine are respectable but nothing crazy, and the belt definately had to work with them, I am more wide than big belly'd and that has its downsides when you fill up the seat widthwise haha.

  3. Going to the park today, riding tommorrow. I got down to 259 and then I took the past few days off, so i'm back at 265 fro mwater weight + probally a bit from all the delicious food I ate. Water weight comes back like whoa.


    I'll let you guys know how it goes, my waist still feels about 39".

  4. I'm going to cedar point in about 1.5 weeks. I currently have been busting my butt to make sure I fit into these roller coasters.


    I started off 5 weeks ago at a little over 300 and a 44'ish inch waist and 5'11-6'0, I am currently down to 265 and a 39" Waist. I'm hoping to drop 1 more inch off my waist and be able to ride everything. I had a 52" chest and it's probally 50" or less now since i've lost a good bit of weight.


    I really hope I can ride everything, most people say if you have a 38" waist you have a solid shot at riding everything, hopefully I am built well enough to do this, or I better use these muscles I got to stretch that belt! What do you guys think?

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