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Everything posted by rct3josh

  1. rct3josh

    B&M Rattle?

    Exactly how bad would you think B&M rattle would be? Here in Taiwan, I rode Insane Speed at Janfusun and it had a little bit of headbanging in the second flat spin. But on Scream! at SFMM, the Zero-G was just plain rough for me (maybe not Arrow/Vekoma rough) but maybe I just haven't been on enough B&Ms to know how smooth a B&M should be. Are other B&M looping coasters much smoother than Scream! and Riddler and whatnot? Or is "Scream!" pretty much what you should expect from a B&M looper?
  2. Wasn't that Jeff fafahhh Therefore, Rob babahhh Al-vey!
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