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About Big_Hitter1991

  • Birthday 06/13/1991

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  1. Go to NL Development center and get busters node smoother I use it occasionally but don't use the AHG until the track is as smooth as can be but I still suck at NL so if some one disagrees with my idea go with theirs
  2. Park looks cool but please don't make quad posts just wait for people to respond.
  3. I just got finished with my sasquatch coaster! its set in a winter eviroment this coaster has a cartexture so NL track packager! Sasquatch.nlpack Sasquatch roller coaster need track packager
  4. Yeah, the shake effect is really getting to me and was wondering how do you turn it off in the simulator thanks!
  5. I am building a woddie in NL and I need to know how you make the kind of wood that is the cat walks in the auto supports thanks!
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