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MAVEN Rocket to Mars! NASA Kennedy Space Center Launch TR!

Some of you might remember that TPR was able to attend the SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Launch in March 2013 as part of the @NASASocial group. (Please follow their Twitter!)

FULL DISCLOSURE!!! I am not a "space geek", but I pretend to be one during these events. I find the events to be fantastic and the subject matter interesting on so many levels, and love sharing it with all of you, but if I don't know every fact or figure, or might mess up some jargon here or there, please forgive me! I'm a "theme park geek" at heart with an inner-space nerd who still has plenty of learning to do!

That being said, let me just talk for a moment about why these events, from an "event planning" perspective are so fascinating to me. To me, these events are JUST like a TPR "Bash event", but for space geeks! They do backstage tours, have Q&As, get together with other people who love the subject matter and totally "geek out" over it. They share stories online, have friends from other meet-ups, make friends, etc, etc. It's awesome! Best of all, it's just great to see an event like this from the "other side" and instead of being the one organizing it, I'm now the one enjoying it!

Ok, so about the event. This was a multi-day event covering the Atlas V rocket launch that was carrying the Maven spacecraft designed to orbit Mars and collect data about the Martian atmosphere. (not gonna lie, I lifted that info right from Wikipedia!) =)

I spent a day touring several areas of the Kennedy Space Center, most of which normal tourists to the visitor center do not have access to, listening to senior level staff involved with the program talk about Maven, and listen to some decorated astronauts speak about their experiences in Space and working with NASA. On Day two, I got to tour one of the launch pads that is being converted for use for an upcoming new program, and then finally the launch of MAVEN.

On the launch, all I can say is WOW! If you're interested in space exploration at all, please visit the NASA website for schedules of when they will launch rockets. There is a lot going on right now not only with NASA, but in the private, commercial sector, and launches happen probably more often than you think. KSC Event Schedule: http://www.kennedyspacecenter.com/events.aspx

Ok, onto photos & video!

I'm sure the thing you want to see most is something BLASTING OFF into the sky, so here goes! Video of MAVEN's lift off!!!

This is a stock photo of the crew module so you can get an idea of what it looks like.

Our next stop was this building. We weren't allowed to take photos inside, but this is where they were actually working on the Orion Crew and Service Module that will be part of the SLS program.

And here's some info. The new Space Launch System, which is designed to replace the space shuttle, will begin it's first test launch in December 2017. Yes, the NASA Space Program is still alive!

Next we stopped for lunch over near the VAB.

I have no idea why this photo was so entertaining to me, but there was just something about there being a Subway RIGHT. NEXT. DOOR to one of the most iconic buildings in USA's history. It was just one of those weird, memorable "Dude, I'm totally having Subway right next to the VAB" moments. Yes, I know... I'm dumb! =)

Oh, yeah. This was all put on by NASA Social! Follow them! They rock! @NASASocial

YAY! MAVEN is on the launch pad ready to go!

We heard some great presentations from members of NASA and the partners they are currently working with. Jim Green Dir of Planetary Science giving a presentation on MAVEN and it's goals... (to study Mars' atmosphere and find out more about why we think there used to be water on Mars, had a thicker atmosphere at one point, and now does not.)

Jim Green feels that when man finally makes it to Mars, we will need so much equipment, that this is what we might look like! =) (Cue Michael Bay for his next film, please! On second thought.... don't...)

Lisa May (who is a Google Glass user via iPhone, which I give her props for!) talks about her journey getting to where she's at now with NASA: "I was a math geek, hated pre-med, found engineering & made it my home." Again, very interesting and inspiring stories for people who are interested in the field.

Chris Waters, Systems Design Lead discusses the MAVEN mission and uses the model to explain how it will orbit Mars.

We heard ULA Launch's Joe Fust walk us through MAVEN's assembly process.

John Grunsfeld, who is a decorated astronaut with the shuttle program said "I think a mission to Europa would be really exciting!" Which I think had a VERY different meaning for me than it did for him! =)

Time to say goodbye to NASA and the VAB on day one! Was a GREAT day! Can't wait for day two...and to see MAVEN BLAST OFF!!!

Oh, yeah, and be sure to check out the new Atlantis exhibit at the Visitors Center!

Here we are back on day two driving into NASA. We see the sign "0 Days to launch!" YES!!!!

We start our day by hearing from two astronauts from the shuttle program, NASA Administrator NASA administrator Charlie Bolden & Bob Cabana. Was amazing listening to the stories these guys had to tell.

Next stop...another icon of NASA! The Countdown Clock!!! This is the "official countdown clock" you would see on every shuttle launch on TV and pretty much, other than the VAB, is probably the most iconic part of Kennedy Space Center.

"Just me hanging out with the Countdown Clock!"

"Yo, what up, bros?"

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