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Movie Park Germany Discussion Thread

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If that warehouse picture is anything to go by, it could mean that they're building another indoor attraction. And considering how well Van Helsing's Factory turned out, I have faith this will be another solid addition!

Edited by jedimaster1227
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^So it's supposed to be dinosaur-themed? Is there a such thing as an Elephantosaurus? Because that fuzzy thing is ADORABLE.


It could be a wooly mammoth? Or more likely, it's just something that was sitting on the desk of the person taking the pic.

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Could someone please tell me what that thing is? If its a ride themed round that thing it would be AWESOME!


Also did anyone manage to ride Bandit after the track work or is no one now alive to tell us?



If you look to the pìcture, theres a part of layout we can see. This could probably be something similar to Thors Hammer in Tusenfryd, that opened this year....

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^So it's supposed to be dinosaur-themed? Is there a such thing as an Elephantosaurus? Because that fuzzy thing is ADORABLE.


It could be a wooly mammoth? Or more likely, it's just something that was sitting on the desk of the person taking the pic.



Ice Age 3 had Manny the Mammoth and Dinosaurs as well.

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The park finally unveiled the new-for-2014 ride.


It will be a darkride by Riva Digital, using Simworx' Immersive Tunnel: http://www.simworx.co.uk/immersive-tunnel/


Guests are seated inside a large vehicle that is surrounded by a single, giant movie screen.

Similar to King Kong 360 at Universal Studios Hollywood.


No ride name yet, no opening date either. Likely sometime in the summer.



PR in German:


Dinosaurier erobern Movie Park

Film- und Freizeitpark eröffnet weltweit einzigartige Attraktion

In der Saison 2014 startet ein spannendes Abenteuer


(Bottrop-Kirchhellen, 17. Februar 2014) Hochspannung, eine abenteuerliche Reise in längst vergangene Zeiten und Dinosaurier – das verspricht eine neue Attraktion, die Movie Park Germany im Laufe der Saison 2014 feierlich eröffnen wird. Auf rund fünf Millionen Euro beziffert Geschäftsführer Wouter Dekkers die jüngste Investition des Film- und Freizeitparks. Dank modernster Film- und Animationstechnik sowie aufwändig gestalteter Kulissen erleben die Besucher eine spannende Geschichte und werden selbst Teil des Abenteuers.


Die neue Attraktion, die in ihrer Gesamtheit einzigartig ist, entführt ihre Gäste tief unter den Park in eine Urzeit-Welt, in der ein mysteriöser, alter Tempel entdeckt wurde und deren Bewohner mehrere tausend Jahre alt sind. Die Besucher lernen einen weltberühmten Archäologen kennen, den sie auf eine mitreißende Expedition zu unterirdischen Ausgrabungen begleiten. Als der Forscher plötzlich verschwindet, sind die Parkbesucher gefragt und treten an zu einer nervenaufreibenden Rettungsaktion. „Wir kombinieren 4-D-Effekte und eine 360-Grad-Leinwand. Im sogenannten ‚Immersive Tunnel’ verschwinden die Grenzen zwischen Fakt und Fiktion, sodass die Besucher das Gefühl haben, mittendrin zu sein und das Abenteuer mit allen Sinnen zu erleben“, erklärt Wouter Dekkers. Die zentralen Elemente stellen zwei Expeditionsbusse zum Transport von jeweils 30 Besuchern und die ellipsenförmige, 23 Meter lange Leinwand dar, auf der Special Effects „Made in Hollywood“ für perfekte Illusionen sorgen und den Blutdruck in die Höhe schnellen lassen. Verantwortlich für die kreative Konzeption, die speziell für Movie Park Germany entwickelt wurde und in Bottrop ihre Weltpremiere erlebt, zeichnet die international führende Filmfirma RIVA Digital aus Kalifornien. Deren Mitarbeiter animierten bereits Blockbuster, wie „Fluch der Karibik“ oder „Jumanji“.


In Bottrop laufen derzeit die Bauarbeiten in den ehemaligen, rund 2.500 Quadratmeter großen, Movie Magic-Hallen, unweit des Haupteingangs, auf Hochtouren. Aktuell sind örtliche Tiefbauer und Elektriker damit beschäftigt, die Schächte zu bearbeiten. „Spätestens ab März wird es bunt auf der Baustelle“, berichtet Dekkers. Denn dann werden die Einzelprojekte des internationalen Teams, das seit Sommer 2013 mit den Planungen beschäftigt ist, in Kirchhellen zu einem großen Ganzen montiert. „Wir haben bereits im letzten Jahr einen Millionenbetrag in unsere Kinderfahrschule ‚Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – License to drive’ investiert und sind überzeugt, dass auch unser neuestes Abenteuer sowohl die kleinen, als auch die großen Movie Park-Besucher in Begeisterung versetzen wird“, so Geschäftsführer Dekkers.




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^^Google translation below


Dinosaur conquer Movie Park

Film and theme park opened new attraction for the season 2014.


High voltage, an adventurous journey into a bygone era and dinosaurs - the promise of a new attraction, which is Movie Park Germany solemnly open during the 2014 season. In around five million euros estimated Managing Director Wouter Dekkers the recent investment of the film and theme parks. Thanks to the latest film and animation technology and elaborately designed scenes, the visitors experience an exciting story and become part of the adventure.

Graphic scene image. +

With buses through a primeval landscape of the Cretaceous: Graphic become a new attraction at Movie Park.


The new attraction is unique in its entirety, the park operator. It transports guests deep under the park in a prehistoric world where a mysterious, ancient temple was discovered and the inhabitants thereof are several thousand years old. The visitors get to know a world-famous archaeologist, to accompany them on a thrilling expedition to underground excavations. When the researchers suddenly disappears, the park visitors are asked to enter and to a nerve-wracking bailout.


"We combine 4-D effects and a 360-degree screen. In the so-called 'Immersive tunnel' the boundaries between fact and fiction, so that visitors have the feeling to be in the middle and experience the adventure with all the senses," explains Wouter Dekkers. The central elements provide two buses for transporting expedition of 30 visitors and the elliptical, 23-meter-long canvas represents, on the special effects 'Made in Hollywood' for perfect illusions provide and allow the blood pressure to skyrocket. Responsible for creative concept, which was developed specifically for Movie Park Germany in Bottrop and experienced its world premiere, draws the world's leading digital film company RIVA from California. Their staff already animated blockbusters like "Pirates of the Caribbean" or "Jumanji".


In Bottrop currently underway in the former construction, 2,500-square-foot, Movie Magic halls, near the main entrance, at full speed. Latest local civil contractors and electricians are busy trying to edit the shafts. "By no later than March it will be colorful at the construction site," said Dekkers. Because then, the individual projects of the international team that has been Summer 2013 deals with the planning, mounted in Kirchhellen into a larger whole.


"We have millions in our children's driving school, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles last year - 'invested License to drive and are convinced that our latest adventure both the small, is as well as the large movie park visitors put in enthusiasm," says CEO Dekkers.

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