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I feel like I have accomplished something :)


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As some of you know, Im the drummer of a heavy metal style band called Holotype based out of Orlando, FL. Our song 'Only Through Glass' has achieved the #1 spot on Garageband.com in the 'Hardcore Metal category', and is also the #4 (however the highest ranking song from a U.S. band) song in the Metal category.


heres the link if you want to check it out, http://www.garageband.com/artist/holotype, and click on the song Only Through Glass. You can also read a whole bunch of reviews on the song, and the best part of those reviews is that they are from other musicians who are in bands that are trying to get the number one spot in their respective categories themselves.


Im not sure if there are many fans of this style of music on this site, but if this music is up your alley I would love to hear your feedback!


-Im "Excited, thought Id share with everyone" hotep

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i wanna say congrats that is really good!!!

not much of the heavy metal guy, but it was good!

you never know you may have a #1 song on the billboard charts and record double platinum albums


can i have your autograph!!!

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Thanks for the feedback! Yeah this music isnt for everyone, but Im glad to see that even those who arent into it still gave it a listen. I really appriciate that .


Colin, we are finishing up recording the last song for the album as we speak all that is left is mastering and it will be ready. Id say hopefully if things go right, a month. We have 5 song demos, and Id be more than happy to send you one if you want (that goes for anybody here).


If you want to hear more songs we have 9 songs in a player on our homepage, http://www.holotypemusic.com. Its tempremental so tell me if you have problems with it.


Lata, \m/.


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I think I should actualy go to one of your shows. I've heard of Holotype playing shows around here (I believe) but never actually went. I live in Orlando so I would be happy to check you guys out live Maybe Orlando will release another great metal band (The other being Trivium)

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Actually just listened to your song "Though the Glass"... Very good! I think it'd sound a lot better if it wern't though my computer speakers. Hey! I just checked out your Myspace.. I'll try my best to make it to the show at The Backbooth!


Just got back actually from the Mindless Self Indulgence concert... that was insane!

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as a fellow drummer, let me just say, you are DAMN GOOD!


you gyuys got a good recording, and some good songwriting


oh and you obviosly have good talent all around, congrats, hope you GREAT success in the future, just remember me


Chris your bud

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Wow man,


Thanks guys so much! Cool Colin, Ill get the cd out to you asap. Same goes to anyone else that wants to PM me their info (hope Im not violating any TOS rules). We have been trying very hard to take this band to the next level for a while, and hopefully it will happen soon. We have been fortunate enough to meet and make friends with a few lucrative people, so we may have some chance. I dont really want to sound like Im blowing smoke, so Ill say this.. Just be sure that we are serious about making this our careers, and we are definately on the hunt for a label that believes in us


Kraken King- Hope to see you there man! Look forward to meeting you. Its cool that you've heard of us before! By the way, I love MSI!!! I saw MSI like 4 years ago open for ICP in tampa. They blew me away.


Crispy, Thank you, and coming from a fellow drummer I couldnt be more honored. I really loved your stuff when I heard it, and the fact that you laid down all those tracks in one day despite the issues you guys had in the studio (if I remember correctly, some of the songs got lost?) is awesome. I would actually like a cd of your stuff, Ill email your myspace account with my info.


We will have to check out BigVin... We may have sent a promo pack to them already, if not its in the mail Monday.


-Im "you guys are the greatest" hotep

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^I havent made it big until one of 2 things happen... Im on the cover of one of the drumming magazines (which will prob never happen), or a song is included on one of the TPR dvds lol


That was effing sweet man! It's good to know that there are still people out there that know how to play the drums.


Thank you!! Its good to know there are people out there that are brewing their own beer! Ill trade you a demo for a bottle I should really check the drum game out, I havent played it yet..

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