Director_Guy Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 I seriously doubt Magic Mountain is going anywhere. Relax. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wes Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 To the people who are going to stand in front, you realize they'll probably arrest you for trespassing and then tear it down anyway. Â EVERYONE STOP BEING SO REACTIONARY!!! THE PARK HASN'T BEEN SOLD AND THERE ARE NO PLANS TO TEAR IT DOWN! Â Seriously, everyone who's starting petitions and willing to put their bodies in front of tractors needs to take a deep breathe and realize this was a comment on their intent, not any final plans. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
map2 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 i know this is a very messed up comparasion, but in orlando, more locals go to universal opposed to disney. disney is more for the tourists and universal is al ittle bit more for the locals- did that make any sense, because to me it didn't  what im pointing at is that SFMM is more of a park for the locals. disney and universal prices are too expensive and knotts is small, and can be done in less than 5 hours without any wait.  basically SFMM is a park for teens. repackaging it is not worth it, destroying it will cause too much uproar-and gve six flags negative feedback, what other option is there but to sell it to another competitor  but lets be realistic people, more than likely SFMM is staying Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colossus Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 i can tell you one thing sfmm will not go down as easy as astroworld. im really jumping the gun but my job is on the line and im mad.and if you have ever tried to find a job in so cal you understand where im coming from. Â ~Chris-O Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olsor Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Enough with the drama! They're simply considering their options right now. That's it! No bulldozers are coming tomorrow. No bulldozers may ever come. Â Seriously, some of you need to take a business class. Amusement parks don't operate for the good of the public, nor are they magically funded by some unknown source. They're businesses, and they need to be profitable. It's not personal. Six Flags doesn't want to screw over southern California. Six Flags wants to stay in business, and it might just take selling SFMM to do that. But maybe not. We don't know yet. But it's not personal, so quit acting like Mark Shapiro's out to get you. Â Was there this much of an outcry when the Raiders and Rams left town? Houston lost a football team AND an amusement park. As far as I know, the city hasn't crumbled into chaos, nor has anyone's life been ruined. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
weatherkid17 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 im going to have to agree with director_guy here. theres really no reason for a whole family to go there, when there are way more family friendly parks in the area. ive been there once, and compared to some other parks, like SFOT and SFGA, it has very little for the family to do. it has great thrill rides, but when you go to a theme park with the whole family, there needs to be something for everyone to do. if mark had any intentions of keeping the park last year, he would have put in some family rides, like he did at alot of other parks, rather than another thrill ride, tatsu. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wes Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 i can tell you one thing sfmm will not go down as easy as really jumping the gun but my job is on the line and im mad.and if you have ever tried to find a job in so cal you understand where im coming from. Â You mean you can't find a job that pays the same rate at any fast food restaurant, store in the mall, big box store, video store, etc. etc.? Please. Most jobs at SFMM are no more specialized than working the cash register at McDonald's. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colossus Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 TATSU was half way threw construction when he was turned into sf ceo.But i saw shapiro when he came down to sfmm and he talked to a crowd of a 100 or so workers he said "if i took over sf 5 months early there would be no new coaster's for 2006". Â I have another question where's robb and elissa when we need them the most? Â ^^Its not the pay its the job in general i do what i like and i like what i do and many supervisors make more than 100 grand tell me where you make a 100 grand with a high school diploma. Â Â ~Chris-O Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Director_Guy Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 "You mean you can't find a job that pays the same rate at any fast food restaurant, store in the mall, big box store, video store, etc. etc.? Please. Most jobs at SFMM are no more specialized than working the cash register at McDonald's." Â I'm sure it has more to do with the people and type for job they have more than pay. Some people would rather have jobs at the Gotham City pizza place than the local pizza hut. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wes Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 ^ I'd rather work in a gold plated office with a corner view and swedish models feeding me grapes and sweet meats, but I'll take the best place I can find that fits my skill set. Â Honestly, a good majority of workers at SFMM are teen or college age kids. I don't think most of the current workers see themselves operating the Pirate boat ride in 15 years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Director_Guy Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 No, I'm sure they would've moved up to bumper cars by then. ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Twister II Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 About SFMM. I did noticed that it is sitting on very valuable land. According to Google Earth, on an oilfield. Â About selling SFEG, I wouldn't understand why. Â Pro's of the park: -In the city, attracts a lot of visitors/tourists. Â Con's of the park: -No room for expansion. Â Then about Colorado in the winter when it attracts most tourists. It attracts tourists to the mountains, not Denver. No on wants to be in Denver during the winter, burrrr. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BiCoastal Kid Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 When SFMM gets torn down, I hope they do it with pyrotechnics and music. Go all Vegas destruction style on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
map2 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 SFMM is not going to be torn down (i hope not) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wes Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Also, everyone who has expressed interest in a petition/boycott/throwing your body in front of tractors has been a teenager. What good is a boycott going to do when Six Flags already doesn't want to your business anyway? Â "Increased guest spending is continuing at a strong pace - a clear indication that our strategy is working. The drop-off in attendance was driven primarily by an anticipated decline in our season pass sales, which we are no longer deeply discounting in an effort to restore price and brand integrity, and to wean ourselves from those teens who don't spend money in the park," said Shapiro. Â Just something to think about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterjunkie91350 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 guys did you know exxon owns the land sfmm sits on sf just rents the space so sf cant do a damn thing till they talk to exxon oil co Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jew Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Also need of mid level supervisors and trainers. Â SOOOOOOOOOOOO true. Why is anyone going to be motived to do a good job if the people directly above them are horrible employees? Not that SF *cough* SFMM *cough* parks have a problem with that. All the supervisors are always in their area working their asses off. And I'm not being sarcastic. Â Oh, and I personally think they are just dangling the sale of SFMM out there to entice investors with the possibility of a $500 million influx of cash...I don't think they are going to sell a park that is already profitable, sits in such a huge market as LA, and also sits on land that is only going to get more valuable as time goes on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterjunkie91350 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 jew i agree but with the citywalk we are building its going to be hard to sell anyway Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jew Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 ^Uhm...have you not noticed all the other developments built around/right next to shopping centers in Valencia? If anything, that would make any potential real estate development there sell for more money. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coasterjunkie91350 Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 jew i moved out here when i was 8yrs old so i have been out here long enough to know whats going on and i info i got tells me no houses will be built there i was told they are building a entertainment complex much like universal citywalk complete with a amc cinema the city hope it will draw more people to the park Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jew Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 ^I know that. Hence the reason I mentioned it. Houses/condos/etc. built on what is now Magic Mountain will be located right next to that, thus making those houses/condos/etc. more expensive... Â Six Flags does not have anything to do with that property being developed just outside their gates. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BiCoastal Kid Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Well then why doesn't the city fo Valencia take on the park operations. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
arrowfanman Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 ^ Because the city cant even take on the responsiblities of running a city properly! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BiCoastal Kid Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Well I guess we wouldnt really notice the difference at the park then, would we? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darklingscribe Posted June 23, 2006 Share Posted June 23, 2006 Maybe it would be good for the park if it goes back to being run by a non chain company that could afford to concentrate solely on making Magic Mountain better. Â Â I have recently been wondering why the Tussauds Group (Alton Towers, Chessington Worlds of Adventure, Thorpe parkl, Heide Park) doesn't own any Theme parks in America? After all Tussauds already has a Wax Museum here in New York. I know someone answered this before but I can't remember the reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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