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Six Flags new commercial!

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I got back from the movies just a bit ago. During the pre-previews showing, they showed Six Flags new commercial!


I've searched over the internet everywhere and can't seem to find it! Its a very very funny commercial.


It starts off with two teens, one laying on a couch. He is holding a vacuum with half of a 1 liter soda bottle taped on the end. The other teen is throwing cheesy poofs at the vacuum trying to get them in. Then suddenly, a strange man appears. He is waring what seems to be a half ripped bed sheet, and a spear. The next shot is of the man and two teen boys running down the street.


Again, its showing a teen girl, bored. She's standing in her kitchen opening and closing the blinds on a sliding door. Open, close, open, close. As she opens again, the mysterious man, and two teens boys are standing outside the door. The next shot, the 3 teens running down the street with the mysterious man.


The last scene I remember is of 3 teenage girls, sitting in a room. One is adjusting the 'rabbit ears' on a T.V. One is sitting on a bed, pointing which way for the girl to adjust the 'rabbit ears'. The third is putting on eye makeup in a mirror. She turns the mirror and the mysterious man appears in the reflection.


The scene continues to show gathering teens running down the street, until stopping at the entrance to Six Flags (its Great Adventure). Where Mr. Six is waiting. Mr. Six starts dancing, dancing, but the teens to not seem amused or even smile.


The mysterious man point his spear at Mr. Six, screams, and him and the crowd of teenagers charges Mr. Six, trampling him like a stampede of elephants.


That's all I remember, if anyone has a link to the video, post it!

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It wasn't an actual trailer before the movie. It was part of the commercials that AMC projects on the screen from a cheap computer projector before the lights go out and the real trailers begin.


But, if you must know, it was "The Break-Up" (not the best date movie, I might add).

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Wow they actually trample Mr Six to Death?! I like this new leadership at Six Flags!


I was burned out on Mr Six, not to mention that dam song they play during the commercials, which is forever burned into my skull.


I guess the next movie I see will have to be at my local AMC, so that I can see the final demise of the Creepy Bald Guy.

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I have no idea on that answer, but this sounds kind of like an odd commercial. I Mr. Six is awsome. My friends talk about how great Mr. Six is. So.... ya. Respect the elders. And that means no stabbing elders in the heart.


I think they should have kept Mr. Six all this time. It's a bummer that he left.

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Uhhh... ...Nothing says family friendly like running down an old person and possibly impaling him on a spear. Blunt or not. Is this the New Direction? My kids love Mr. Six and were traumatized by the commercial before Nacho Libre!


I really question Shapiro's management decision on this one. It stinks of mistake like the decision to not allow re-admits to the park. Well, they said they wern't afraid to make them. Here's a big black hole of a mistake regarding their family friendly direction.

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