terps252006 Posted June 20, 2007 Share Posted June 20, 2007 Haha I decided to do a search for the guy I mentioned a couple posts back. and I found a couple videos of him. Apparently He's there everyday and does this all the time. The park must pay him to do this. I actually thought that might be the case, but its still funny. *none of the videos are from the time I went. Just do a youtube search on "cedar point guy" and you should find some results. ...and remember he does this the ENTIRE time you stand in line. lol 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FLIPDUDE Posted June 20, 2007 Share Posted June 20, 2007 ^How odd. I find him awsome, and yet if I stood in line close to him I'd feel like punching him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63fSVKGyXVU Lay down that mean backstreet boy groove, dawg. Back on subject... -Once I waited in line for Deja Vu in SFMM(my first and so far only time), and it was a rediculously long wait. over an hour easy. Well, being the friendly chatterbox that I am I struck up a conversation wit the guy standing in front of us. and I started telling him about rollercoaste raccidents, and how Deja Vu tends to valley, and how painful it should be, and basically spent the entire hour and a half scaring the **** out of him. Well, we finally get aroudn to the ride. we sit down. the ride operates. as it finishes and the restriants open, he gets up all cool like walking over to the exit with a smile on his face. He looked over at me and I was sitting there starign blankly in shock at the seat in front of mee with a splitting headache. Deja vu - the karma koaster. -The first time I rode MF I was scared out of my mind, and when I was sitting in the trian int he station someone shouted "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!". And that's how I invented Stationman. -I once argued with a girl from my class because she claimed Indiana Jones at Disneyland paris had 12 loops. -During Fright night at six flags, in the gotham city area theres alo of fog, and people tend to go in so nobody can see them, and scream their guts out just to scare people. then walk out like nothing happened. Well, I went in, snuck up on a girl, went to scream at her but all of asudden a laugh snuck up on me, and I ended up jsut going "PEHHHHHHHHHH!" in ehr face. I quickly walked away embaressed. -That same day I teamed up with a pack of other 5 cool kids and we were walking past a huge line for maze that streched along the path. I nonchelantly said "I wonder what whould happen if we were all to scream at once", not actually thinking they would do it. but one of them said we should, so I counted us down, and then we all screamed at once. the entire line practically jumped back a step. It was so cool. -Wile I was wlaking around with that group one of the staff emmebers scared the crap outta one of the girls we were hanging out with and she ran away. so I had to walk around the park claling her name. problem is her name is "Oo-ray". I felt weird yelling that out around the park. it was funny though. -At KBF I teamed up with this cool kid who was a VERY stereotypical african-american(spoke ebonics, and just had stereotypical mannerisms)(keep in mind I'm from Israel so I'm not used to that). Well, as we're going up ghostrider's lift he looks up at the top o fthe lift and says "We gonna go down from there?!" so I say "No, we're gonna float down on the back of magical ponies. Of course we're gonna go down from there!" and he responds "oh Ima scream like a lil' b*tch." And scream like a lil' b*tch he did. he did that steretoypical high pitched scream you usually see in comedies, only it came to him naturally. I found that hysterical. -Both times I rode on MF some guy's raised hand blocked me on the onride photo. -While riding Viper at SFGADv to see if the ride is too wild to take my video camera on, I wore a fannypack. Well, after two laps, in the turn right before the brake run, my fannypacka ctually managed somehow to detach itslef and fly off. luckily I caught it with my knees. Needless to say my video camera never made i onto the ride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
youthink? Posted June 21, 2007 Share Posted June 21, 2007 At Worlds of Fun on the top of Mamba my sister yells "I JUST CRAPPED MY PANTS!" And then on Patriot I saved in my breath to produce the loudest scream I ever did on the zero G roll and the whole train started laughing and when the ride was over I pretended to be traumatized and people asked me if I was ok Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
XII Posted June 21, 2007 Share Posted June 21, 2007 Going on the Sun Wheel @ DCA and having everyone sit on the same side made some people scream their ass off and it was funny as hell. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carolinacaniac Posted June 22, 2007 Share Posted June 22, 2007 At Knoebels last year my step-brother Kellen, Melissa and I were in line for the Skooters. Kellen told us how he thought it would be great to hit someone so as to cause a pile up that no one could get out of. Well he didn't get his wish to cause the pile up, but at one point as I was making a turn around the corner, I got nail on the side and caught-up into the wall, and this cause EVERYONE to get into the pile, and they had to stop the ride to pull me away from the wall, then restart the ride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HHIslandGirl Posted June 22, 2007 Share Posted June 22, 2007 I grew up near Cedar Point, so most of my best stories are from there... -We went to CP for Senior Skip Day. My boyfriend at the time went to a different school, but his folks let him skip a day too and go with us. He wore a t-shirt that had a smiley face on it. Only the smiley face had been shot in the head. Yeah, he had to turn it inside out. And all day people were like "uh...your shirt's inside out." We just laughed. -Same boyfriend, different trip...On Magnum, as we got to the photo section: He took his shirt partially off so it looked like it was being pulled off by the force of the ride. I just wish I could have convinced him to buy it-turned out GREAT! -I once ate a bug on Magnum...Open mouth to scream while hurtling downhill, end up swallowing nasty bug. I about barfed. -Being on Gemini with both cars dispatched together and EVERYONE acting like they're rowing a boat around the side by side turns. -My last trip to CP with my sister we rode MF. She was laughing and screaming...I look over at her and there is drool EVERYWHERE. Which caused me to laugh hysterically. We decided to ride it again (no lines-love that!), only this time I told her she had to put her shirt in her mouth or something so she wouldn't drool all over the place. Her shirt was SOAKED when we got off. Gross. I still tease her about it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IceDragon Posted June 22, 2007 Share Posted June 22, 2007 Waveswingers are great if you're fairly popular or with a group of friends... On one, we managed to get about 30 people (that we didn't know) to start walking at the beginning, then flapping their arms when we rose and finally flapping and running as the ride went on... There should be a video somewhere, it was a riot! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jpdupuis Posted June 22, 2007 Share Posted June 22, 2007 I was on a swing and someone lost his shoot and it went on the top of the operator post, she was tromatised, it was SO funny!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EmBy Posted June 23, 2007 Share Posted June 23, 2007 Me and my friend losing a cap lense of a video camera onboard Big Dipper at BPB when we were filming from the front seats. Spent the whole ride nearly upside looking for it and getting thrown all over the car. Looking back now it was pretty funny especially the all the other riders staring at us. We never did find it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sweetmelissa Posted June 23, 2007 Share Posted June 23, 2007 On Superman ROS at Darien Lake, I was on with my cousin, and on the big banked helix-thingers toward the end he went to yell out "WHO'S YOUR DADDY!?" REALLY loud. But instead of just being normal and silly it sounded like... WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS YOOOOURRRR DAAAAADDDDDYYYYYYY!!!! If you've been on it....you know why. Everyone was laughing at him and I kept hearing people go "OH MY GOD, WHO WAS THAT!?" All the way until we went to look at our pictures. Then someone was like "HEY, LOOK! IT'S THE 'WHO'S YOUR DADDY' GUY!" I thought it was pretty funny. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Calvin Posted June 24, 2007 Share Posted June 24, 2007 My cousin and I were riding X-Scream on the Stratosphere tower. We'd been riding in the front seat with him on the inside and me on the outside edge. I told him we should switch seats and when we went over again he screamed the loudest I have ever heard a person scream, it was hilarious. I looked down the side and got an interesting "compressed" view of the tower. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Golfie Posted June 24, 2007 Share Posted June 24, 2007 I just find it funny how someone always screams "Oh SHIT" at the crest of Raging Bull's lift. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chadley Posted June 24, 2007 Share Posted June 24, 2007 When me and my wife took some of the kids in our youth group to King's Island a few years ago one of the girls had a memorable experience. She had never rode Tomb Raider before because of being scared, but we convinced her to finally ride. I frequent this ride and know there are some seats that get wetter than others by the water/lava jets during the ride. Myself and a couple of the guys positioned her in the center of our group near the middle of the gondola. During the ride when the water jets hit I looked over and she was not just getting sprayed like I'd hope...she was getting doused, totally soaked. The best part was that she freaked at first, then just began laughing, and telling us all we were dead. I still tease her about it today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JFields Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 One time me and my friends were riding Monster Plantation at SFOG. Obviously the ride is not that scary and isn't meant to be scary, but right at the end when the red eyes glow above you one of my friends leaned over and said "boo" to my other friend, who is quite touchy. She let out a huge scream and all the little kids on the ride were looking at her like she had some kind of problem. On the same trip we were riding Ninja. It was an unbearably hot day, so when we get to the top of the lift hill, my friend (the same who screamed on MP), said something like, "wow, nice breeze up here," and then we dropped and she started screaming her head off. On Thunder Run these two guys were riding in the row in front of me both wearing hats. During the ride they both came off at pretty much the same time, but I was only able to catch one. When we got back to the station I handed the guy whose hat I had saved his hat back, and the other guy just kind of looked at me like, "why couldn't you save my hat?" And last, but certainly not least... One time I was riding Twisted Twins with some friends. We had just ridden Mile High Falls, and were all completely soaked. One of the girls I was with discovered that the water had made her skirt somewhat transparent. Luckily the other girl that was with us had an extra skirt. Instead of going to the bathroom to change though, they decided it would be a good idea to try and change while riding. So as soon as we left the station, she started changing, and kept yelling throughout the whole ride to me and the other guy in our group, "don't you DARE look back here!!" And, believe it or not, by the time we got back to the station, she had succeeded in changing! Pretty talented if you ask me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FLIPDUDE Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 ^ That should've made for an interesting onride photo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itsme102 Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 This isn't an amusement park funny moment, but it's a waterpark moment so I think it works. A few years back, at Camel Beach, my friends and I were waiting in line for an inclosed tube slide. While we were waiting, I was telling my friends about how I knew someone who accidently flipped over in the middle of the slide and ended up getting run over by the person behind him (He wasn't hurt). Ironically, on that ride, I had too much speed on one of the curves, and flipped over. I could hear my friend yelling behind me. I tried to yell up to him to tell him to slow down but he couldn't hear me. So I had to push myself the rest of the way down on my rear so I didn't get run over all while constantly kicking my now empty tube in front of me because it kept getting stuck. It made for a very exciting ride, to say the least. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jmicha Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 1. While in line for Mean Streak, the gold train came back to the station (completely full) and the ride op very excitedly yelled, "How was your ride!!!" About five seconds went by and there wasn't a single noise from the train. The ride op then exclaimed, "Gee, I wonder why that is," clearly poking fun at the rather boring nature of the ride. The rest of the people waiting in line burst into laughter, myself included. 2. A few weeks ago, I rode Cedar Creek Mine Ride and was in the back seat of a full train. We entered the final helix and someone in the front seat yelled, "Oh no, not the helix of death." The relatively quiet train then suddenly began screaming and everyone threw their hands into the air. It was one by far the best ride I've ever had on CCMR. 3. That same day, I got in line for Maverick around eight o'clock after a short breakdown. My friend and I got the the first switchback inside the old WWL building and the ride went down again, reopening about 5 minutes later. We moved about twenty feet and it broke down again. About fifteen minutes into the breakdown, a group of college-age men suddenly began yelling, "1 2 3," and would then throw their hands up in a wave fashion. After about two times later, the queue realized what they were doing and they got the wave to go from the entrance to the WWL building all the way up into the station. It was great fun. 4. After the wave in line for Maverick ended, the ride reopend...then broke down again, greatly aggrivating a group of about five people on the first set of stairs up to the station. They then proceeded to leave the queue, only they began a train. By the time they had gotten through the entire WWL building, they had formed a 25+ person train. These two events made the 2.5 hour wait for Maverick go way faster and is the most fun I've ever had in line for a coaster. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
307 Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 I was on Superman Tower of Terror and this broad's legs got cut off! LOL Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
itsme102 Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 I'm all for humor but I think that's alittle too soon... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KingOfNynex2003 Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 the funniest thing that happened on a ride was when I went onto The Hellevator (an S&S Combo Tower ride) at Playland in Vancouver, BC, Canada the year it opened there was this lady that was sitting beside me on the ride and she was wearing flip-flop shoes and the ride-op said she should take them off because they could fly off her feet and she said that they would be fine and that they wouldn't fall off her feet the guy was skeptical but let her go on it with her flip-flops on and right after it launched up those shoes were history! they unbelievably flew from the ride all the way to the basketball court which was at least 90 feet away from the ride! She was screaming saying that her shoes flew off her and me and my friend were just laughing our heads off! I don't even know if she got them back or not but it was totally hilarious! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
moofygirl Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 On an EMH at Epcot a couple of years ago, I decided to ride Universe Of Energy. Toward the end of ride (before the vehicles reach the unload area) it stopped. A cast member comes out and proceeds to tell us very dryly what happens during the final Jeopardy scene with Ellen. (I'd seen this a zillion times, so it was funny hearing his interpretation.) This was the first thing to make me crack up. Then when he realizes the ride isn't going anywhere he warns us of the "9 inch" drop when stepping out of the stopped vehicles. This, for some reason, put me in hysterics. Now I can understand warning if there were a two or three foot drop, but 9 inches? Lastly, a woman in the back row was laughing hysterically . She was laughing so hard the entire audience was cracking up. The whole vehicle was laughing and no one knew why. It was priceless!...I guess you had to be there. Also, whenever I have a my video camera out, I somehow have the knack of capturing people burping How's that for a first post? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snorkymn Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 I had just gotten off The Hulk at Islands of Adventure and my brother asked me how it was? After it being so hyped by everyone, and being slightly disappointed after finally riding it, all I could think was... "It wasn't as good as Kraken." (I had been on Kraken the previous year and rode it many times with my niece and it had become my favorite coaster.) Five minutes later, my 12 year old niece comes out the exit for The Hulk. I asked her, how was it? (We had not discussed the ride in any way.) She has the same look that I had when I got off and says to me, "It wasn't as good as Kraken." I looked at my brother and started laughing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IwantRevenge Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 yesterday I went to a Coaster Force live with Matt, Steve, Sarah, Blake, Blakes Father, and my friend (i'm just gonig to use nmaed and CF members will most likely know who they are) our first ride of the day was El Toro naturally, then Rolling thunder, now on rolling thunder Steve and Matt rode the very back row and me and my friend rode in front of them, (me in fornt of steve and my friend in front of matt) now during the ride we were all screaming from the pain, and halfway through before the no airtime hill section steve reached forward, grabbed my shoulder and bagn to shake me screaming, Twas funny...for me atleast. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrillrider15 Posted June 25, 2007 Share Posted June 25, 2007 One time, my friend and I were sitting in the very back seat of Wild Thing at Valleyfair, and at the bottom of the first or second bunny hill on the set of bunnyhops, (I'm not sure what happened) the car jolted, and both of our lap bars get shoved into our stomachs. My friend and I both yell "D*MMIT!" And everybody hears us, and looks back. We laughed so hard the entire ride through. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goliath513 Posted June 26, 2007 Share Posted June 26, 2007 This isn't an amusement park funny moment, but it's a waterpark moment so I think it works. A few years back, at Camel Beach, my friends and I were waiting in line for an inclosed tube slide. While we were waiting, I was telling my friends about how I knew someone who accidently flipped over in the middle of the slide and ended up getting run over by the person behind him (He wasn't hurt). Ironically, on that ride, I had too much speed on one of the curves, and flipped over. I could hear my friend yelling behind me. I tried to yell up to him to tell him to slow down but he couldn't hear me. So I had to push myself the rest of the way down on my rear so I didn't get run over all while constantly kicking my now empty tube in front of me because it kept getting stuck. It made for a very exciting ride, to say the least. Haha. Last year at Waterworld USA in Sacramento, me, my brother, and a friend were going down the biggest tube slide on a triple tube and we purposely flipped over. Well they chickened out so I just jumped off the front and when we came to the bottom, the ride of was all "Stay on your tube!" But we just laughed and walked off because this was back when we thought the park would be demolished after the season since Six Flags had sold it. But as luck would have it, it's still there as Raging waters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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