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Funniest Ride Experiences

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1. Six Flags San Antonio on Poltergeist. This was the first ride of the day and my BFs first time to this park. We were in the front seat. It took off as normal but I could tell it did not pick up enough speed. I looked over at my BF and shouted "we're either not making this incline or getting stuck at the top, be ready". The look on his face was priceless. They were able to engage the breaks and we slowed down just before the incline and since the second train was not on the track they pulled us back into the station.

2. One time on the Zipper at Trimper's in Ocean City, MD my cousin and I were riding when one of her necklaces fell off. She caught it in her mouth without even trying. We were super young and dumb and thought it was the funniest thing at the moment.

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Sierra Sidwinder at Knott's Berry Farm.

Was in the park with family and joined my mom and cousins for a ride (none of them had been on it before).  A kid behind us in line started getting nervous as we got closer to the front and my mom's instincts kicked in and she started mom-ing him about how it was going to be fine and how he'd have so much fun.  And it seemed to genuinely help.

Cut to.... we finish our ride and hit the brakes and my mom turns to me and says "oh man that kid's gonna die".

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Here's a few of my favorites:

Impulse at Knoebels, my fiancee and I ended up riding with another group. The one girl obviously terrified grabbed her hand as we all had them in the air. So we were all holding hands unintentionally straight up for the ride photo, we most certainly bought the photo.

Over the weekend a guy that was extremely confused on how SV could go upside down and be safe as a wooden coaster. After talking him into riding it and explaining it's perfectly safe, explaining he'll have the time of his life and getting him to work up the courage. Afterwards he gave me the biggest bro hug when he saw me in the park thanking me up and down for talking him into it.

A few wardrobe malfunctions always make for a good laugh, a bit embarrassing, but funny none the less. The most recent was a girl freaking out behind us on The Voyage and having a good laugh about it with us. Explaining the second half she couldn't get it under control since, well, it's the Voyage's second half.

Plenty of stories of catching hats (since we typically ride in the back) and being the hero for ten minutes giving it back to the person that thought it would be lost forever. We've developed a skill for catching loose articles from other riders.

I'm sure there's a million more stories I can't think of, the Impulse one was pretty hilarious to us at the time though. It's kind of crazy how quickly you can make friends with complete strangers at amusement parks and those are always the best (and funniest) moments.


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  • 2 years later...
  • 3 months later...



The funniest most satisfying experience was when a ride op allowed a lady to ride Diamondback with her purse in a cross body position, while holding her flip flops. This was after she accused the ride ops profiling. We missed out on a fireworks ride experience, due to the delay. Her flip flops ejected out of the train on the first airtime hill.

Justice served.

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7 hours ago, prozach626 said:



The funniest most satisfying experience was when a ride op allowed a lady to ride Diamondback with her purse sung around her shoulders and holding her flip flops, after being briefly accused of profiling. We missed out on a firework ride experience, because of the exchange delaying the train. Her flip flops ejected out of the train on the first airtime hill.

Justice served.

I lost my glasses on The Joker at SFNE (it was all my fault.)

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I rode the Racer one time at KI and didn't think anything about my glasses (which were loose from being bent up) and made it all the way to the 2nd bunny hill before the climb up to the turn around and off they went.... the guy behind me tapped me on the shoulder when I started to look around trying to figure out where they landed and somehow he caught them in his hand so as we were going around the turn around I slipped them in my front pocket... whoooooppsss!

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5 hours ago, mikeykaise said:

I rode the Racer one time at KI and didn't think anything about my glasses (which were loose from being bent up) and made it all the way to the 2nd bunny hill before the climb up to the turn around and off they went.... the guy behind me tapped me on the shoulder when I started to look around trying to figure out where they landed and somehow he caught them in his hand so as we were going around the turn around I slipped them in my front pocket... whoooooppsss!

Oakley frames work great for staying on your face.

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  • 3 months later...

In 2008, give or take a year, I road Canyon Blaster at Great Escape with a friend. His restraint popped right back up after the first drop and was up the whole ride. This was hilarious to me as I had ridden the ride a bunch of times before and knew it was foreceless. He was in no danger. But he was panicking and I was dying laughing the whole time.

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  • 1 month later...

Some guy on the SLC at SFA yelled, "I WANT MY MOMMY!!" right before the brake run.

Also, at SFGAdv today, my seatmate on Houdini was freaking living it up. He was screaming "WE'RE UPSIDE DOWN!!" and he even went, "Hi down there!" when the walls were sideways.

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