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Funniest Ride Experiences

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My mom, sister, and I were riding the down side of Power Tower about 3 years ago. My sister of course, is praying and when it drops she opens her mouth but no scream...when we get to the bottom she lets out the most ear splitting scream i had ever heard, it was pretty funny.


Another time, we where on the Mindbender and my sister was praying....again....and it started to go down the first drop and she raised her hands and my friend Lauren poked her arm pit and it was hilarious.

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On medusa I do funny things for the ORP, The first time me and my friend went on i did a superman pose. But the second time, i was going to do a crazy look, once we exited the ZeroG i flung my hand out and it smacked my friend in the face. I felt bad for hurting her but the ORP was goddamn funny.

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There were quite a few from BGE in operations and in management roles. Perhaps the one that really sticks out to me was from the LNM. A group of riders in the back car 'appeared' to be somewhat intoxicated, but it was really difficult to not let them ride, because they weren't acting in a manner that could be a safety issue.

As their train came back within the station, I notice quite a BIG smile on the woman passenger and was somewhat confused why. As the train came to a stop it was quite clear what had happened. She had no panties, no bra, her shirt was ripped and her skirt was almost completely OFF of her.

Well, they (LNM ride ops crew) informed me that the guests had requested that she get her bra, panties back (apparently 'discarded' within the helix-tunnel, and if we (BG-park) offered discounts on merchandise clothing (lol). It was quite hard to remain professional without breaking out with a laugh and rolling along the station floor...gawd!

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At the fair here, me and my sister were riding Rock N' Roller and she had her purse and during the ride her purse fell out of the car and for some reason it was open and everything just flew everywhere when the purse landed and the fair people closed the ride down for like 30 min. so me and her can pick up everything and we found everything except her cell phone and she never got it back.


Haha, I thought it was hilareous.

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The only funny thing I can remember off the top of my head happened at Knott's. I was in line for Ghost Rider and over the loud speaker the Ghost Rider ride op was giving the regular safety spiel. Then at the end he said,"Now enjoy your ride on Colossus here at Six Flags Magic Mountain". I was only half listening and it kinda took me by surprise. My sister heard him too and we started laughing. Then later on we were in line for Boomerang and the ride op said,"Enjoy your ride on the BOOOOOOOMERRRRRRRRANGGGGGGGG". It was funny.

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my funniest is once i was on the runaway mine train ride. i was in the 3rd to last row and right when the ride goes near/over the water my hat flew off. i figured oh well its gone in the water. when the ride ended a girl in the last row hands me my hat. i was shocked!

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Back in February me and a couple of friends took a day trip to Disneyland. For whatever reason, I thought it would be fun for us to ride Gadgets Go Coaster in Toontown which isnt smart if you are tall.


Anyways, they are rather short so they were fine, but I'm tall so of course I had to contort myself to get into the seat. As the train took off, we all lurched back as I screamed. "OH LORD, WE GONNA GET BROKEBACK!"


The ride ops looked at us like OMG and busted out laughing. Note...we were the ONLY people on the ride.


That was best ride experience ever!

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I was on Millenium Force at Cedar Point, and when I was riding, all of a sudden, some type of bug just hits me right in the forehead. When your going 93 mph, that can really hurt, but it was funny as well.


Another ride on Millenium Force. People really need better pockets because when we were going around a turn, a cell phone comes flying out from the front car. I was in the second car. I was literally a centimeter from hitting me. Luckily I lowered my head, or right now, I would have a big black mark on my face.

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I had just gotten off of the GASM at SFOG this little girl said "Let's go on Ninja" to her brother and I said "You don't want to ride that. It will hurt really bad especially if you're short" and her brother is I'm guessing around 7 years old says "That was mean! You called my sister short!" and he punches me in the stomach. I have others but this one was funny to me now.

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I was on the log ride at SFMM and when we were at the top of the hill the ride op that is supposed to be making sure everyone was sitting had his feet kicked back and his hat over his head...asleep! It was so funny to see it!

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It was not funny to me but every one else laghed. The other day when I was running the little dipper I was checking the safty bars when a kid says somthing when I was checking his bar I turn to look at him the he Throws up all over me. The kid laghs and so did the parents. I had to shut down for an hour to clean myself and the seat.

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My funniest ride experience would have to be going to Disneyland Hong Kong about a month and a half ago, and while riding the Buzz Lightyear Ride, someone kept on standing up during the ride, stopping the ride. While everyone just sat there, waiting for the ride to restart, me and my cousin just continued to hit the targets. By the time we had made it to the end, we had MAXED out the points on the screen.


Remembered the face of the person behind me, who had only about 125,000 points.

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Me and my friends where in the sky cabin at Knotts.We watching Xcelerator go over the top hat and from the front seat you see a silver thing go in the air and right as the back is about to go over the top hat this guy in the back seat cacthes it in the air.We were laughing so hard the whole day.

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my friend and i were on the Dahlonega Mine Train at SFOG and he said "This ride sucks! It's boring!" then right after he insulted a great ride we go around a turn and he is slammed angainst the side of the hard plastic seat. then he started apologizing. I told him never to mess with a mine train again

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The funniest thing i can think of right now would be on my first trip to BGW ( i think i refuse to refer to is as Europe) My boyfriend and i are in line for the Tea cups, but we noticed none of them were really spinning real fast. So when the ride before us ends, we make for one that was still spinning a bit. We get in and start crankin' it. I'm laughing hysterically and halfway through i lose my grip and get flung down in the seat, we were going fast enough that i couldn't get up, and so fast that we didn't realize the ride had stopped! The guy was about to start it back up again with us still spinning. It might have been one of those you had to be there things, but it's still freakin' hillarious to us.

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I was riding on the GASM at SFOG with a first timer and she was loving it so I was all grins and then we were approaching the brake run and I knew to brace myself but the lady didn't so when when we stopped on a dime she just went *zoom/wham* into the buzz bar. I tried not to laugh but it was impossible.

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OMG, the funniest Themepark moment i can think of has to be at SFMM. My friends and I were on Psyclone and EVEYRONE was in pain; screaming out random body parts like "MY JAW!" and "MY KNEE, OMG MY KNEE!". After the ride as the the train came into the station and eveyrone was laughing at how insanly BAD the ride was, and i turn around and the guy behind me was in TEARS; going "OMG, it wasn't worth it, OMG." *turns to his girlfriend* "Oh, man, i told you we should not have ridden..." *whimper*.



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I visited Cedar Point in 2000, I was on the Mine Train, when it does the drop over the water someone's "baseball" cap flew off at the front of the train and I caught it as I was in the back row. I was thanked quite a lot for saving it


I was riding Goliath at Walibi World in Holland in May this year and I was sitting in the 3rd row from the front, there were 2 girls sitting in the front seats and on the 2nd to last bunny hop a set of keys flew out of one of the girls top pockets and went past me in slow motion.


I don't know if the staff managed to find the key's, but this is a warning to say "don't put anything in your top pockets when riding a coaster with Airtime hills".

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When we were riding Superman: Ultimate Flight, the people infront of us had bare feet and they just went swimming so their feet were really pruney. We were laughing all the way up the hill.

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At the MN State Fair, I was urging my mom to take off here hat before we got on Crazy Mouse. Sure enough, as soon as we get out of the station, there goes the hat. It's interesting that it didn't even happen during a drop. There wasn't much wind or anything. It just sort of... came off.


They had to shut down SplashOver at Adventureland because someone dropped his cell phone.


I saw someone lose their hat on Mighty Axe at PaMoA.


This is my favorite:

I saw a pair of pants hanging from the supports of Outlaw at Adventureland as we walked out of the station.

Just remember, it's okay to love coasters, but please don't try to mate with them. It won't work, and you probably won't get your pants back.

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The guy I was dating came with me and my friend Jessica went to Great Adventure. Well he was moody and stuff so me and Jess rode together on Rolling Thunder and he sat infront of us.....Well when we went around the first-turn-around his head whipped to the side so f-in fast we almost died laughing. He was soooo made but thats what he gets for being a B!....LOL....

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Ok I have a new one. Yesterday I went to a carnival and rode the Zipper. My friend had ALOT of coins in his poket and at one point are car starts flipping like crazy. Then almost all of his change flies out everywhere, making the noise when it hits the car. It was so funny I coudn't stop laughing.

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