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Any ideas for the next official TPR trip floating around?

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^ You were cooler than the ice bar, shut up.


Well, that's good to know. Depending on how "cool" anyone thought the Ice Bar was, of course.


I cannot believe people went to the Ice Bar and missed out on PEPPER STEAK!!! At least I saw Derek & Nicole partaking in this godly meal at Liseberg.


It did suck that the place didn't open until 5, otherwise I think a lot more people might have checked it out. Oh well, this just means the next time we go to Liseberg, we need to stay for a full day!


Dave "there's no such thing as too much Balder!" Thomas

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I feel the need to say a little something here, since I have had multiple people make comments about the TPR Spain trip to me, since I just got back from a trip to Spain.


Please keep in mind that R&E are organizing a COASTER trip to Spain. They aren't organizing a sight-seeing, alcazar touring, paella and gazpacho eating tour. They are organizing a trip that will let you see the theme parks, and probably won't include much historical stuff. Please keep that in mind when deciding to go on that trip. I've had quite a few people look at my Spain TRs and tell me "I've always wanted to go to Spain. It looks like such a beautiful country. This is my chance to go there!" If you wanna see the parks there, I'm sure R&E will organize a really kick ass coaster tour of Spain! But if you want to sight see outside the parks, that trip might not be the best option.


I just wanted to remind people of that since I have had so many people liken my recent trip to what R&E are organizing!



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I cannot believe people went to the Ice Bar and missed out on PEPPER STEAK!!! At least I saw Derek & Nicole partaking in this godly meal at Liseberg.




Wish i had had more time to enjoy it. And maybe eat some of the fries. lol. NEXT TIME!

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I cannot believe people went to the Ice Bar and missed out on PEPPER STEAK!!! At least I saw Derek & Nicole partaking in this godly meal at Liseberg.


Sometimes y'know, you just have to make a choice.


For me, I think this was (somewhat) in comparison to the way some of us had to go with the Thursday at Blackpool - with dinner and then rush to the Ice Show?


This was 'kind of in reverse' ("show" before "dinner"?), but I was okay about missing out on the Pepper Steak. The Ice Bar was a more freaky unique kind of way to be a part of ending the tour . And very tasty, too, heh heh. And - we still got our 'one last ride' on Balder, before we left the park for the coach- hah!


And two of us got to break our ice glasses, Karen and me!!! In front of the Balder Big Sign Entrance! Very c-c-c-cold carrying them things over from the Bar to the Balder, lol. Very cool thing to do, too. I hope the pix (and a vid?) taken, turned out ok.




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I cannot believe people went to the Ice Bar and missed out on PEPPER STEAK!!!


When we were wandering around the park after ERT I actually sought out the Pepper Steak place, but then two things happened: One, we didn't have an awful lot of currency between us (mostly my fault, I admit. Okay, totally my fault. ), and two, we got distracted by all the other awesomeness the park had to offer and completely forgot. Just gives me yet another reason to go back!

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How much would one of these trips cost?

OMG! How many times have people had to quote this:


From Page One:

More details on all trips including dates, prices, preliminary itinerary, etc to be announced in August
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How much would one of these trips cost?

OMG! How many times have people had to quote this:


From Page One:

More details on all trips including dates, prices, preliminary itinerary, etc to be announced in August


Not only that, Robb, but a bit of basic investigation will net them an approximate price already.


A quick search back to when you were in the discussion stages of the UK trip showed that you budget roughly $100-$120/day for domestic trips and roughly $150-$200/day for international (depending on exchange rate, etc.).


The midwest trip is a 10-day trip, assuming no addons or zero-day, therefore it is safe to estimate $1000-$1200 for the actual trip.


While R+E may help us find the best deal in airfare, anyone now can go and price out a trip from their airport to CVG for this August to get a rough estimate of how much needs to be budgeted for the trip.


For instance, I budget conservatively, meaning I assume the high end of prices.


I see that this trip will run near $1200.

Airfare from Houston will be at the high end $500.

I will need to purchase some meals and other misc. costs: $300.


Thus, I'm budgeting $2000.


If it doesn't cost that, groovy. I can transfer that to another trip (like the WDW one we're going on in October 2007).


This isn't exactly rocket science.



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Depending on where the Mid West trip starts...I am lucky. If it starts in the Dells, then all I have to do is drive up there or take a bus. If it starts in Ohio, I can take a bus to Cleveland or Sandusky from Chicago. Or I can always drive down to my grandmas house in Cleveland and stay there until the trip starts.


For me I am guessing $1,000-$1,300 for the actual trip. Then about $200-$300 for food. As long as there is a McDonald's to go to every day...Ill be fine

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Fly In/Out of CVG

^ Just to let you know, CVG is in Kentucky.


So, if I do head out for the Mid-West trip, my dad and I would drive out to Kentucky (depending on which time of year) and just park the car at the airport and hop on the bus. It might end up being cheaper than flying there.


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Fly In/Out of CVG

^ Just to let you know, CVG is in Kentucky.


So, if I do head out for the Mid-West trip, my dad and I would drive out to Kentucky (depending on which time of year) and just park the car at the airport and hop on the bus. It might end up being cheaper than flying there.



Yes CVG is in the North part of Kentucky about 15 min. ride depending on traffic to Ohio. I live about 10 mins. away if you have any questions about this area.

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Hmm...I'm pricing flights and flying in to Louisville is substantially cheaper than flying into CVG for me. In fact I could probably fly to Louisville and take ground transport to CVG for far less than flying into CVG.


I think it's because Louisville is one of Continental's second-line hubs and obviously I'm flying from their main hub (Houston).


Just a heads up for those of you looking for the best deal.



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I honestly would wait until we have more details before everyone starts second guessing pricing, airfare, etc. I'm kind of regretting even giving the details we did because they might ALL CHANGE!


Please don't try to extract additional information of the preliminary stuff we've mentioned because it's not set in stone yet.


I hope this makes sense.



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September 2007 is looking more and more undoable for me. I guess I'll have to settle with the midwest trip. Besides, I'd rather spend a little more time getting culture credits in Japan, whereas the ONLY reason I'd visit the midwest USA is to ride coasters.

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