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Any ideas for the next official TPR trip floating around?

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One of the trips could be like... TPR attacks Ohio


Where we would take a 5 day trip to go to Cedar Point, Paramount's Kings Island, and Geauga Lake... maybe a few more - that would be fun!

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Hi everyone!


I was randomly looking up theme parks in africa and south africa on RCDB And found quite a few good ones!


Gold Reef City in johannesburg which features the worlds only giovanolia inverted coaster and a kick ass drop ride called tower of terror whick apparently has G-Forces of 6.5 at the bottom of the drop!


Rantanga Junction Features a painfull vekoma SLC and a really cool vekoma mine train called diamond evil run!


There is a park in egypt whick has a dark ride and a vekoma SLC and a wild mouse too.


Also, there are loads of credits over there which im prettey sure elissa will enjoy Lol

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A quick search on airfare from Houston to Johannesburg, Johnannesburg to Sydney, and Sydney to Houston comes out to over $5000 PER person.



That's so not going to happen.


It's $1500 PP just to fly roundtrip Houston-Sydney already.

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Hi everyone!


I was randomly looking up theme parks in africa and south africa on RCDB And found quite a few good ones!


Gold Reef City in johannesburg which features the worlds only giovanolia inverted coaster and a kick ass drop ride called tower of terror whick apparently has G-Forces of 6.5 at the bottom of the drop!


Rantanga Junction Features a painfull vekoma SLC and a really cool vekoma mine train called diamond evil run!


There is a park in egypt whick has a dark ride and a vekoma SLC and a wild mouse too.


Also, there are loads of credits over there which im prettey sure elissa will enjoy Lol



Thanks for the update...not


lol, your a little late bud, acually really late, but no hard feelings.

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I'm thinking: while the *major* trip is likely to be Japan or Europe or something, I think a case could be make for an East-Coast USA trip. It appears Robb and Elissa haven't been there in a while and next year Knoebels will have their new flying turns, SFGadv has KK and El Toro now, and BGE will have what appears to be a new dive coaster for next year, and thats only what we know about so far. They could hook around and hit Dollywood for their new themed Eurofighter also.



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Our UK Trip Participants will find out first (and have first sign up dibs on future trips) and then we will announce it here shortly after.


I will give you all some clues though if you'd like to have some fun!


- Year 2007

- 3 trips total

- 2 international

- 1 domestic

- 2 will be 2 weeks

- 1 will be 5 days with an addon option

- 1 will not be official for a few months while the others will be confirmed very shortly

- 1 other remote possibility trip

- Time frame for 3 trips: summer - late summer


Have fun guessing!

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Yes! If there's a trip in late summer, I'll be able to go. Now all I have to worry about is the money. I'm guessing at least one of the trips will be to Japan, and the domestic one will include Dollywood and BGE.

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I'd love them to do a trip to Eastern Canada. Robb went to La Ronde once, but Elissa never did, so I don't know why, but I'd love that ! As for PCW, they haven't been there since 2003 so yeah ...


I can hope !

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2 weeks = Japan

5 Days + Add-on is Spain, not sure about the add-on.


Pretty sure on those. I'm absolutely dead certain about getting to Japan. Spain would be a laugh and it wouldn't be too expensive from the UK. Like £20 flights?

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I figured one of the two-week trips would be Japan. If you think the 5-day one is in Spain, that means a two-week domestic trip. That might be a huge draw as it would be fairly affordable I would think.


As for the domestic one, just look where most of the new coasters are this year and next: The Eastern U.S.



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If the two two-week trips are Japan, that sucks since most of us can't take off two weeks plus travel time from work. It was like pulling teeth to get my work to ok 10 days for my trip to Spain...no way could I get 16. I was hoping they'd be in the 9-10 day range including travel.

Oh well...was a nice thought



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Not to be a bruiser or anything, but I think the two week trips work for what they are. To keep the size of the group manageable, I think having a two week trip works just because not everybody can get two weeks off, so that really cuts down the amount of people who could go, making it a lot easier for R&E to get as many of the applicants on the trip as possible. If theyw ere to do a one week Europe or Japan trip, I'm sure SO many people would apply for a spot that R&E would either have to do some serious reworking for the reservations, or deny a lot of people access to the trip. Considering it is R&E we're speaking of, I don't think they would want to deny a bunch of people, so to set the timeframe to where less people could realistically go works for that.

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There you are Spotty, yeh Australia Trip would be awesome. Theme Parks are only an hour up the road. Not many parks though, we haven't got a flyer and only recently we got a rocket coaster. Still though, plane tickets to the U.S. = $$$.

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I think that you could come to finland sometime we have three parks with rollercoasters here, Linnanmäki in Helsinki, they have a classic woodie called Vuoristorata, a great themed indoor coaster called Linnunrata, a Mack powered coaster called Pikajuna, a Mack Fun Coaster/wild mouse coaster called Tulireki, and a Premier Watercoaster called Vonkaputous, there are too a Huss Booster, a Top Spin, Rapids River, Rainbow, and a Space Shot.


In Särkänniemi, Tampere you found Intamin Half Pipe, Intamin SLC Tornado, Vekoma Corkscrew (Korkkiruuvi), a zierer junior coaster (Vauhtimato), A Schwartzkopf Jet Star and Zamperla flying coaster Trombi, There are also a fun log flume, a rapids river, a Huss Take Off, and a spinning flatride called Troika


Powerpark in Alahärmä is the newest park in finland with good rides as GCII woodie Thunderbird, Vekoma Boomerang with millenium 2000 seats that makes the ride comfortable, a Pinfari (?) familycoaster, a Fabbri Booster, Technical Park Typhoon, and Fabbri Mega Drop

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great! what are you expecting from the GCII woodie Thunderbird? It was a very great ride, fast, tight turns and a few airtime hills:P the best coaster in finland:) it was better than Balder:D Tornado is too a great ride, very comfortable, and fast (at least in the front seat )

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