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The Official "TPR 2006 UK Tour" Thread!

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indulged in the tipple, and way off me pickle, so do forgive mates.


CORR BLIMEY, it's good to see you lot getting a taste of English other than septic yankee speak. Yobbo, bogan, chav, Kevin Bloody Wilson, wot you reckon? Spending my time here in the states, and I can understand everything people spew at me, yet I have to constantly answer to "WHAT?" I just don't get how anti-global citizens here are. I bet Lou understood all yer speak, yet she probably had to decipher heaps for you, and you still made judgements.


Anywho, good on ya for having the gaul to explore and enjoy. Looks like you set up a right crackin' trip, and heaps o' fun was had by all. Much bonding went on apparently, much like a scientology retreat, or maybe even boy scouts and brownies in the woods weekend (tee hee hee). Cherish the bonds you've made; it's the only way this fudging world is going to see it past the next century. I'm gagging for a go on Speed; looks like a right corker, that one! And from what I gather, if you want to know the meaning of yob, just have a look at Derrick, that says it all, (Aye, just taking the piss mate, no worries, eh?)


Hogfire Pignuts McCunty Twat Fink


Oh good lord, you'd think I'd know better than to post something (especially my first post here) when I'm piss drunk. Sorry for any ridiculousness and offensiveness, I'm a silly twat sometimes.


Anyway, what I meant to say was: What a fantastic trip you created for a fun-loving crew, and the updates are amazing and throroughly entertaining. I'm so envious not having the means to take part in something similar with a great group of people. All the coasters, well almost all of them, look like heaps of fun. Keep up the great work!


Ugh, now to take care of this massive hangover and find out what other annoying things I got up to last night/this morning . . .



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"It's amazing! I hate it."


How many times have I said that?


Oh, and Elissa...


... OUCH!


Good coloring on that bruise though. Does it still hurt, or is it just an ass numbing feeling now?


Great pictures. I can't wait to see how the rest of the trip turned out.

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^That picture was to showcase the bruise, not Elissa! But OUCH! I know how that feels, I got shot in the leg when I was playing paintball and it got worse every day for 3 days, then finially started to feel better. Ill post a picture later...


Colin C

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^You should hear Josh scream! I seriously though it was James screaming behind us on Rumbler, but apparently it was Josh! It sounded like an asmatic kitten! Oh and heres a shot of my leg when I got hit, and a second one two days later. The second one is a little blurry, but you can still see it.


Colin C


Day three, see the difference?


Day one

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Just for the pain of subjecting us to that picture, I'll shoot you in the groin with a paintball gun if I see you again!


You should be happy I dont have pictures of all the bruises that I get from paintball!


Colin C

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