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The Official "TPR 2006 UK Tour" Thread!

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Melanie and Rich are still here in London and having a great time. However we miss the back of the bus crew! OLE, OLE OLE OLE!!!


Even though we have said it several times, thanks again to Robb and Elissa so much for this experience. We will treasure it always and look forward to the next trip. You guys truly are the best.




Rich and Melanie

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Hey everyone! We're off to Finland in the morning and I should be able to get the Blackpool photos up soon! Looks like we'll have about 8 to 10 pages of photos!


I'll post some POVs and other videos when I get home.



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What was the weather like when you went to Tusenfryd? I find Thundercoaster to be alright when its dry, but a ride in the backseat when its raining is just totally insane! I love how it throws the passengers around!

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Melanie and Rich are still here in London and having a great time. However we miss the back of the bus crew! OLE, OLE OLE OLE!!!


Oh God, I had so much fun in the bus once we moved to the back.


"Hey.. try this candy... it's really disgusting"


Ok, so that didn't happen ON the bus, but it involved the cool kids.

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What was the weather like when you went to Tusenfryd? I find Thundercoaster to be alright when its dry, but a ride in the backseat when its raining is just totally insane! I love how it throws the passengers around!


We had fairly clear weather most of the day, but it started raining pretty heavily around an hour or so before our ERT started, and yes, it was INSANE in the back. There were tons of cameras around so I'm sure there's some pictures of us all being thrown around somewhere on people's computers and in Norwegian newspapers.

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Finally I'm Back home. The Trip was awsome and I'd just like thank Robb and Elissa again for their excellent planning of it. I had a hell of a time packing into my suitcase all of the Balder goodies we got and I think everybody who didn't do the add on trip will commit suicide once they see the updates and videos.


And yes it did rain in Norway so Thundercoaster was INSANE. Who knew Vekoma had it in them?


Damn Lou beat me to it.

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^ My day was mixed. The rain made me peeved, and all the spitting lesbians scared me, I had to keep jumping out of the way to keep my shoes dry. But Thundercoaster was good in the rain, and watching the crazy dragon show without the English translation was pretty fun!

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After returning from this trip, I have no idea how Robb and Elissa had time to put together and post any PTRs.


You can't understand how much work they were putting in (and behind the work their hearts and souls were fully into this trip) to make it a perfect vacation for 53 others.


Many days we were not getting to the hotel until very late and there was literally no time to sleep yet R&E still sorted through all their photos to be able to post PTRs when internet access was available.




Even when the trip is now officially over they are scouting out parks for future TPR trips.

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Yeah, whatever happened to them... No, the spitting lesbians were hot, but... They spat! As did all the men!


We have Norwegian members, right? Why did people spit so much?!


Unfortunately its not a very uncommon sight in Norway. I cant give you any answers to why it is like that, but it feels a bit embarrasing that it seems that the spitting is what made the biggest impression on you in Norway.


It really sucks that you were a bit unlucky with your visit to Tusenfryd. I spent 2 days at Tusenfryd the last weekend in April and had a blast. Almost empty park, rain and all rides were running with the exception of short breakdowns on Thundercoaster and Speedmonster. My trip report can be found here http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=25014&highlight=tusenfryd

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