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Whats your favorite Vekoma?

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I was severely dehydrated the last time I ride Everest so the high g's did not feel so great.


I lived HKDL's Grizzly coaster. Fun smooth and really different with the forwards launch, lift/ backwards section and then launch. Pure fun!

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I'm going with Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars at Hong Kong Disney, with Expedition Everest in second place. Both rides have unique layouts and excellent settings. I think Grizzly Mountain is Vekoma's best collaboration with Disney yet.

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This may come as a surprise for many, but mine is an SLC.


I rode Thunderhawk at Michigan's Adventure several times this past summer on different occasions and can honestly say it's like no other SLC I've subjected myself to in the past. Thunderhawk is butter smooth and a really intense/fun ride in the last row. I'm also quite fond of the flying dutchman models because I love the awkward transitions from flying to being on your back.

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I'd say either the flyers (been on at least a couple of those) or perhaps the GIB (only got to do Deja Vu at SFMM a few times, but what I remember of it I liked). Have never done the Disney Vekomas, so I can't comment on any of those.

Ironically, despite the fact that Deja Vu (or what used to be Deja Vu) and Firehawk at KI are Vekomas, they are also some of the precious few coasters that I've gotten creeped out on (that tilt coaster also looks like something that would creep many people out as well!) - the vertical lift on the GIB (when you face the ground) and the flimsy appearance of the restraints on the flyers did it for me on those two coasters. The only other coaster manufacturer I've ever had that happen on any of their coasters is Intamin.

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Definitely the Giant Inverted Boomerangs but I'll also add SFOG's Ninja as my favorite of the full circuit Vekoma coasters.


Those would be my top two as well. The GIBs seem to enjoy a somewhat favorable opinion from the internet coaster people (apart from their reliability), but Georgia's Ninja clearly doesn't. I've probably logged 30-40 laps on Ninja since my first time out to SFOG in 2001, and not one of them was anywhere near as bad as you'd think they would be if you've read what the aforementioned internet coaster people have to say about it. Nice pacing throughout it's course, and just the right amount of (unique) inversions for a (unique) 2,700 ft. layout; no need to tack on a bunch of barrel rolls at the very end of the ride just because.

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I'd say Everest is my favorite over Rock n Roller Coaster. After Everest, I am somewhat looking forward to see what they can deliver that is even better in the future (such as Battlestar). I must say I really would like to try one of their Giant Inverted Boomerangs, though!

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My favorite is probably Expedition Everest, followed by Le Big Thunder Mountain, and RnRC.


Honestly, I think I like more Vekomas than I dislike. The only ones I really don't like are SLCs, most loopers, and most Boomerangs (except Wiener Prater's lapbar-only model, it's actually fun). I enjoy the GIBs (Deja Vu), Invertigos, mine trains (Colorado Adventure, Calamity Mine), suspended coasters (Grampus Jet), flyers (X-Flight), weird ones (Megablitz, Evolution), Booster Bikes (Velocity), lapbar-only junior SLCs, and even roller skaters (Devil's Mine).

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^Most of the disdain for Vekoma rides is directed toward SLCs, Boomerangs, and Loop Screws. But most enthusiasts do seem to like the Mine Trains and Roller Skaters. The Stingray in China is a surprisingly good ride.

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So far, my favorite Vekoma is Space Mountain at Disneyland. I'm actually pretty surprised that it's Vekoma that manufactured the track. While the ride itself isn't that forceful/intense, it's still a fun ride, and the fact that it takes place in the dark adds to the fun.


(Yay, my 1000th post!)

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