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A Big BYE-BYE to those going on the UK Trip!

Is Robb REALLY going to close the site down for two weeks??!?!  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Robb REALLY going to close the site down for two weeks??!?!

    • Yes! He's DEAD serious...as always.
    • No, no...he's finally found a funny bone and just joking with us!

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For those people heading out to the U.K. trip, the following items will be waiting for them:


1. Waffles

2. Lentil Soup

3. Laundry Soap

4. Cornbread

5. Radioactive Kool-Aid

6. Rubber toothbrushes

7. Drywall

8. McDonalds gift cards

9. Antacid Tablets

10. Donkey socks and t-shirts

(11. CD's of Barry Manilow's Greatest hits, Yani's Greatest Hits, a collection of David Hasselhoff's Music, and finally-the Greatest hits from American Idol-no earplugs needed..lol)

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I'm already here, and I'm posting exclusive Photo TR's in the super-duper secret UK trip forum.


Also, if anyone has some extra bras, make sure you send them to Robb and Elissa (or any of us on the trip) so we can leave them on the Ultimate's lift hill


Why do people put bra's on top of Ultimate's lift hill? Have alot of fun.

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Yes, have fun everyone who is going on the trip! Any guys trying to get a certain 2 credits will get a severe @ss kicking when I see you!


Wait, the site is going to be DOWN the entire time you guys are away!? Are you serious!?! In that case, maybe I should just go with on the trip.

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^^ Derek, what two credits would those be


This trip is going to be so great....very busy and intense but looking very foward to this.....Thanks for the send off everyone, take care and enjoy looking at all the pictures......I am sure there will be plenty.

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Yes, have fun everyone who is going on the trip! Any guys trying to get a certain 2 credits will get a severe @ss kicking when I see you!


Well looks like Robb beat you to at least one of them!!


This has got to be the most reapeated pic posted on TPR!!

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Screw the UK. There's an all new episode of Kim Possible on Saturday morning. It's like a sign from God that I was meant to stay here with my family and not go off cavorting all over the British Isles. I now know my place in life. That place is planted on my couch with popcorn in hand at 10am Saturday morning.


So while you all are off riding coasters and grabbing boob credits. Think of me happily on my couch awaiting my lovely teenage cheerleader mistress. Oh KP, you coy kitty. What you do to me.


So have fun! If you can.


Guy " " Koepp

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Hmm... I wonder if the new Big Brother is on there again. That show is on one of the channels (I forgot its name) about 24/7. Last year, when we went to the UK, it was on about every single time we turned on the TV. There were these two gay guys on the show and one was a total drama queen and tried to get "his love" (aka the other gay guy in the house.) To fall in love with him. And he cried... ugh. It was totally funny, yet totally dumb. Anyone who saw it last summer knows. Whenever we were on the bus, we'd talk about that stupid show, just because it was so terrible.


Anyway, remember that TV isn't censored very much after 8PM (or something like that!) Fun for the whole family! You'll see things you'd never see on regular channels in the US.

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Big Brother rules! Omg it's so funny. You just get to laugh at the expense of these people. And they're stupid enough to go on the show why?


One of the contestants has size 30M boobs..... SIZE M?!?

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