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upcoming no limits track

Guest Black Tornado

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Here was my problem with this ride. For a first attempt, it was pretty good. You will get much better as time goes, so that is no biggie. The thing that was wrong with this ride was the second half. It was very drawn-out and slow. To me, it seemed like you just wanted to make it as long as possible (I know that isn't true, but it is what it felt like). The next thing is you need to heartline. It takes away from the jerkiness of the turns. If you don't have the heartline showing up, go to display and put it in. You want to make this line straight both horizontally and vertically. Seccond, the launch did absolutely nothing for this ride. I feel that it would have been much better without it, in that you had a good amount of speed, and you wasted it with the brake run. You would've had a much better ride without it. Third, when doing loops, do them manually. It is so much better than the one you can insert (not your fault). All you do is place the node at the top of the loop, invert it to 180, and that's basically it (for an example, you can look at mu last coaster). Fourth, the tripple cork was kind of boring. If they had been smaller, it would have been more exciting (I made this mistake on my last coaster too, so you're not the only one doing it). Try to keep the amount of corks down to two, because it makesthe rider a little bored. Your turns could have been tighter and more banked, to add to the excitement levels.


All in all, not a bad first ride, and you will do better in the future!

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correction 3rd ride I put a launch there on purpose to do something different. If you want to ride a real coaster goto your local park as someone said. I'll just mess around with it to see what I can get. This AHG never works, always comes up with some fault so I don't use the useless rubbish

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ok maybe you can give me some hints, it comes up with train has vallayed or something like it, never seems to work when I want it to, can you try and explain the settings a bit better as I think they arn't in plain stright forward english

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ok maybe you can give me some hints,...


Sorry, but not this time. I have followed this entire thread and have seen your possible reactions on other comments. I'm not willing to put any effort in helping you while at the same time taking the risk of being flamed.


Thus: I have nothing decent to say so I keep my mouth shut.

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This AHG never works, always comes up with some fault so I don't use the useless rubbish


AHG is very simple to use.. input start speed, end speed, and number of segments then load a track with the section you want to heartline. Then tweak the filter so that it's just right. But at this point I would work on your track design before worrying about the AHG. Just like the smoother and all the other tools, they won't make your track a good track just because you use them.


Oh, if you need to convert mph to m/s for the ahg, you can simply type into google: "X mph to m/s" where X is your start or end speed from the simulator. Start with a vertex every 2 meters (track length in the statistics window divided by 2) and a filter of 100. Set the filter higher or lower as needed.

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You don't have to use AHG to heartline....I haven't yet. I was just giving my opinoin on your ride. I don't care why you put a launch in, I just told you what I thought of it. It was different, yes, but it didn't work the way it was meant to. It felt like you were being different just to be different. Next time, you could have more of a ride before your launch, so it feels more like it fits.

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I don't like the AHG anyway. My next project will be different I gurantee it. All I will say I hope to have what I call a reverse shuttle loop which I will start when I can

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coasterlover420 this is what I ment with segment thing, I think its 2 thats if the station is included. I am making a intamin rocket, or trying to


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^Ahem...let me guess, you used the elementary....


What is wrong with making your own turns? It's not like they're inversions or something...


a lead???? like a little stright bit of track


And if you are using the AHG, I would advise doing that, but with more segments set into the AHG.

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An easy way to make circular turns is just to put a circular object up to the screen and make the track go right around it. Then you can AHG it.



This whole AHG thing is strange.

I can't remember anything on it me, from what I can remember you make a turn of some sort save that as a element thing which yeah fine, thats easy, then what? start a new coaster put that element in it and save the track, then ahg it, then save that as a element, when ahg can't save it as elements, phuh got me lost that, can someone explain it in slow, plain english so even a dumb ant can understand it, to me its gobble de gook. don't worry, i have calmed down alot

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