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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of us are cool and always will be; others are not and never will be. Because of that, we'll never find that common ground that it takes to get along with each other.


How did they ever decide that red and green would be Christmas colors?

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  • 3 weeks later...

The mysterious little bird who tells all has been around since the dawn of time, yakking in a millionty-five different languages 24/7. To get ahold of it:


1. Pour birdseed into palm of hand.

2. Hold hand out flat somewhere outside.

3. Wait for bird to land on it.

4. Close hand, trapping bird.

5. Use your imagination from that point.


Why do we sign on the dotted line? Why not a straight, solid line?

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Because we Americans are idiots. We think it will be funny but when we watch it, we realize that those two hours are some we will never get back.


Why is it that in about every other county in the world, soccer is the #1 sport and is normaly played by men. But in America, it is the #5 sport and is considered a womans sport?



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Here in America, soccer being down at No. 5 and a women's sport is an advantage because it allows the women to get home and make meat loaf and mashed potatoes for their hungry man when he gets home from a grueling day at the office.


Why do you have to cut out coupons?

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because George Bush had a dream one night that Stalin, Hitler, and Osama were all just giant number 10's in disguise and made a decree that next morning that any use of the number ten would result in prison for life and being forced to vote republican in every following election. So people quickly worked to create an inconsistent system of measurement with absolutely no reference to the number 10.


Why is Michael Phelps so fast?

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