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Murder is planned where as Manslaughter is not. If you kill someone in a random fit of rage its manslaughter because you didn't plan it to happen unless you planned the murder to look like manslaughter...


Is killing someone with an icicle the perfect murder?

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The earth won't end but the human race may be extinct by then. In the next 100 years there are a lot of things that may happen, from Global Warming, Disease, Asteroids, Storms, and other Natural Disasters.


If there is a gay King, and he marries another man, what is that man to the royal family?



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Well first off there isnt a gay king its a gay queen, and second off if he/she/it married another man, then that person would become a gay queen to, there are no kings in that land. And there arent any princes or princesses anyways, its just 2 gay guy sitting on a throne.


Why is baloni spelt bologna? (lol pronounce it and its BUH-log-nuh )

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Not always. I forget which attraction in DCA but the red and green buttons are opposite of what you would assume. Green is bad. I think it was Grizzly.


Why is it that in America, a generally fat country, fat is seen as disgusting? Sort of dumb...you would think we would all be fit if society saw fat as disgusting.

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You know I've never really thought of that, but I think even if most of the populus of a place is overweight, people will still view it as disgusting, heck, I'm overweight and I find it a bit nasty myself.


Why is it that America is so overweight and yet there are people STARVING in other countries, and still were throwing out all this food that can be used INTO THE GARBAGE!?

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Because companies keep making cherry flavored stuff. There isn't enough strawberry or watermelon or kiwi or cantaloupe flavored stuff, so people just stick to cherry. It makes life easier not having so many flavors to choose from. So there ya have it.


Why ice "cream" and not ice "cheese?"

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