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Unanswered/Dumb Question-Dumb Answer game

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You can try stalking him, I heard him say once that he hates it when people stalk him. And try calling him non-stop, that always annoy me, so maybe it will annoy him.(No you do not annoy me, I was just kidding)


What is the one billionth decmial of pi?



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Because our noses used to have a 'curry smell detector' but due to evolution we lost it and now all curry smells the same. Luckily our 'curry taste detector' is still entact.


Why is it that all fake watermelon stuff (candles, lip gloss, jolly ranchers etc.) smell and taste the same but don't actually smell and taste like a proper watermelon?

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If we didn't fell like we were falling, then we wouldn't know we were. See, if you know you're falling, then you have time for your life to flash before your eyes before impact.


How did they come up with the concoction of flour, eggs, butter, etc., then baking it and eating it after it cooled off?

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