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As wide as the sun on a Monday morning as it rises over the meadows and illuminates the lone farmer and his brother as they walk to market to buy eggs for their beloved mother who is ill in bed because of the long cold winter that was so harsh and killed the only cow that lived in the barn that their neighbour Jack built with nothing but his bare hands and a magical hammer sent down to him by Thor the god of Thunder who won a bet against Fate as to whether the cow would survive the winter but lost a bet with Cupid as to whether the old ill mother would survive the long cold winter and make it into spring to hear the sun rise on a Monday morning and see her sons walk to market to buy eggs for her as she is ill in bed because of the cold winter that was so harsh and killed the only cow that lived in the barn that their neighbour Jack built with nothing but his bare hands and a magical hammer sent down to him by Thor the god of Thunder who won a bet against Fate as to whether the cow would survive the winter but lost a bet with Cupid as to whether the old ill mother would survive the long cold winter and make it into spring to hear the sun rise on a Monday morning and see her sons walk to market to buy eggs for her as she is ill in bed because of the cold long winter......


Why is lemon washing up liquid made with 100% real lemons and lemon squash made with lemon concentrate?

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Because there are two different food fairies at work... the Green Fairy and the Greener Fairy.


If people spell it "Vampyre" when a "Pyre" is a pile of burning material normally used in ceremonial cremation and a "Vamp" is a sexually provocative woman


Does that make the "Vampyre" a seductive and sexually active bonfire?

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^ First of all, I laughed pretty hard at your question. I've read the one about the blind wearing sunglasses, but never the deaf wearing earmuffs!


Second, I'll answer it: It's the same reason that people who smell don't cover their noses.


Why do some people call a cup a "glass" when it's obviously made of plastic?

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