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Photo TR - Vienna Prater

Does "Auto Bergbahn" (pictures 17+18) count as a credit?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Does "Auto Bergbahn" (pictures 17+18) count as a credit?

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Posting some random photos from my trip on 2006-05-27.

The park is located in the middle of Vienna, Austria. It is a pay-per-ride-park since each ride belongs to different owners. Therefore it can get quite expensive visiting the park if you want to ride each and everything.

Ah yes, and since this site is sort of coaster related - Prater has 7 or maybe 8 credits - you decide.


One of the best ways to end a trip to Prater - a few beers at the "Schweizerhaus"


And one more classic ride- the merry-go-round. If i remember correctly it has about 6 HP.


Classic steamtrain running through the big park-part of the Prater.


Ten seconds after this shot they were fighting for the best spot to sell their balloons. I swear.


Random shot of horses. Adults should ride the left ones.


Is there another boomerang out there with a tunnel?


See - no engine in the cars


I wonder if this counts as a rollercoaster. If 50% of you vote for yes my coastercount would increase. It has a lifthill and cars travelling down a track by gravitation only.


Even flatrides are themed to Mozart these days (250th Birthday)


A monkey on the back and piranhas on the loincloth, glad it's not me


Random kiddieride. Under special guidance by Super Mario.


Skyline of thrills. Bungee Ball (partly), Starflyer and Boomerang


No vertical loop in this report, so i thought i should at least add a lifthill photo. The guy in the last row is the brakesman.


ACE coaster classic - the "Hochschaubahn". A classic side friction coaster.


Newest attraction - the bell. Fun ride, much like a frisbee with much smaller rotating part and therefor not that forcefull. But it was fun to ride.


Classic kiddieride, the "Meckybahn", themed to hedgehogs. And as you can see in the top, drinking in public is allowed in austria.


Coastershot. If you look closely you can find the train. Maybe.


Another spinning flatride. Way to much overheadspinning for me.


Darkride (walkthrough) themed to dinosaurs. Nothing Disney-like but well done.


Random spinning flatride


Being 18+ you have two choices: a. either invest your money for rides or b. put it into coinmachines


EPCOT meets Prater, seems like they are offering guided tours on segways


The mascot of the Prater, called Praterwurschtl, sitting on a giant "Punschkrapferl" (in fact it is an atm)


Landmark of Vienna, the classic giant wheel built in 1897

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Wait, how the hell did you get on it? If I wanted that credit I would have had to pay off the ride-op and basically lay on top of the car!


Unless of course you rode it as a child or something.


I really liked Prater, hopefully I'll get to stop by the next time I'm in Austria. I've got to ride that bell!


Nice pics!


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I'd definitely say that Auto BergBahn is a credit.


Reasons: Not only is it listed on RCDB, it seems to be a gravitational ride, no electrical donkeys required, utilizes lots of dryboard, certainly is radioactive too (carbon anyone?) and may easily be ridden after a larger dosis of lentil soup.


At least that's what the canadian acrobats reported...


Servus nach Wien, übrigens

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Rides can change very quickly in this park, because each parcel is operated by different owners.

So if they don't make any more money out of one ride they get a different one. Or they rent the parcels to others, placing moveable carnival rides in. I can remember alot of rides that were in the park and are gone now. Some are missed, some are not.


But one thing i know for sure is, that the Auto Bergbahn is there since at least 25 years, because i rode it as a kid ... long time, seems like i'm getting old

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Good TR! I thought Prater was a fantastic place. You wont find any parks like it anywhere else in the world. I cant belive you got on Auto BergBahn though!


Yngve "Megablitz rocks" Oestbye

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