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Disney Resort Help!

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I'm still planning my DisneyWorld trip for April 20th through the 28th of 2007 but I'm having trouble deciding what resort I should stay at. I definitely don't want to stay at a Value Resort, but I can't afford a real expensive one either. I'm basically looking at the Moderate Resorts or possibly the cheaper of the Deluxe Resorts.


In your opinion, based on value and comfort and just overall experience, what resort would you recommend for 2 families, one a family of 5 and one a family of 4?


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Disney resorts really depend on what you want to do, and what parks you feel you will be spending the majority of your time at.


Since you mentioned the 'cheaper deluxe' ones. I'd suggest Wilderness Lodge. It's amazing, really nice, and a great location if you want to do MK a lot! If you're interested in Everest and like animals, AK Lodge is just as nice as Wilderness Lodge, but is really far away from the other 3 parks.


If those are still too expensive, Coronado Springs is very nice and quiet and in a good central location. Port Orleans is really crazy but might be good for families. (they both have a nice pool area as well)


Hope this helps!

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That does help. I've been doing A LOT of research and just want to find the best bang for the buck. I've been reading reviews and I actually heard that the Coronado Springs resort's food quality isn't all that great. I definitely want an "all-round" good resort.


Also, is there much that I can do in the way of buying my own food to make?

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Basically, here's how I have it planned out.


It's a 7-day ticket with park hopper and water park fun included.


Day 1 - Magic Kingdom


Day 2 - Epcot Center


Day 3 - Typhoon Lagoon


Day 4 - MGM


Day 5 - Animal Kingdom/another park


Day 6 - Blizzard Beach


Day 7 - Magic Kingdom

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^With your park hopping privileges make sure to take advantage of it! Oh and don't forget about the Extra Magic Hours! You should wait until that schedule is posted to decide when you will go to the parks.

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I would actually recommend looking into the new Family Suites at the All-Star Resorts. With how many people you have coming it might end up being your best shot. They are in the process right now of converting pairs of rooms in the all stars to very large family suites with a kitchenette setup (if you wanted to cook a bit). Here is a link for you to look at ..



If you are dead set against the all-star I would recommend Port Orleans Riverside. It's very quiet, nicely themed and has a great foodcourt and full sized restaurant. Plus you are a quick boat ride away from Downtown Disney. I've stayed in them all - so if you have any other questions please ask.

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The time you are choosing to go will probably not be too busy - but it is a bit too early to be 100% sure. Last 2 weeks in september and most of october are very slow times... but probably a little further in the year than you would like.

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I recommend staying at the French Quarter. Its more secluded, has only 1 bus stop centrally located, and is always the first stop to pick up and the first one to drop off from the parks. (it shares its bus with the Riverside). Its smaller, but the same price as the other moderates, and not as huge as others like Coronado, so it won't take 10 minutes to walk to the main pool.

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