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Six Flags Elitch Gardens

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Hey... everyone... Just wanted to see if anyone in the denver area was going to EG tomarow? If ya are, post a message before tomarow morn... or just send me a pm... or call my cell (I realy dont hope i regret posting my phone # here on the forums (970) 2102519... anyways... i am taking pics in the process... so if you want to view them as they go up... head over to robertmoblog.textamerica.com

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I hope you are aware that the park will be packed beyond packed. It's a free ticket day. Just an fyi. If you were going next weekend I would go.


Just a tip. If you want to ride the volare sit in seat 2 or 3. Never 1 or 4. and ride it in the morning. (it seems to be smoother)


Also try and get a pic of the drag brake on t2.

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I don't think it will be too busy, its just the free mothers day tickets right... I don't think most people go, "hey its mothers day... lets go to an amusment park" but hey... I could be wrong. And also ive never been the EG when its been "too busy" I have season passes, so If I go and just right 1-2 rides... Im perfectly ok with that... If it does get uber busy, I may just hop over to lakeside... sooo yeah, btw, do you know where the trim break is suposed to be?


EDIT: ok, im leaving my hotel room now, so If you plan on going, feel free to call me or send me a txt... what evah...

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ok, so im back home, Ill get the pics up soon here... I must say, I realy like the changes theyve made, the opening cerimony, its cleaner, and not to mention that everone working seems to be more friendly. but anyways, It park was empty today... no realy, I had ridden everything by 11:30 with rerides on most things... so at about 3:00 we left and took a ride on the cyclone at lakeside before heading home, Over all, this has been the best trip to EG yet far...


BTW. Flyingcoasterfreak I got a pic of the trim break... Its in a horred place, you go down the first hill, round the corner, and its about 1/2 way down the second hill.. it almost hurts... and it takes all the air from that uphill

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I just moved to Denver yesterday. I don't have a car, but I do have a season pass. If anyone can give me a ride, PM me. I don't have the Internet in my apartment yet, so I have to go to a computer lab in my building to access it. My replies may take a while.


But us Denver TPRers should definitely get together at Elitch and Lakeside.

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I went on tuesday...Didn't think the brake totally killed Twister, certainly doesn't help it though. Not too many visable changes from last year. I miss Chaos. I hate the $15 parking, thank God I bought a pass. Man I wish Tower of Doom had better capacity (being the best ride in the park and all and only holding 12).


I may go again next week...might as well before the summer crowds hit. Cool to see lots of locals on here.

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It was running both trains with pretty good efficiency. I rode twice because there was hardly any wait, so I didn't stick around too long. I might have stayed longer but walking around that queue takes foreva!

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