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Small Worlds of Fun PTR

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Hey everyone.


Last Saturday I decided to take a couple of my friends down from Lincoln Nebraska to Kansas City to get away from college for a day. We left at 9:30am, got there at 1:00 and stayed till 7:00.


The weather was about as nice as you could ask for being 85 and sunny. This also meant the park was fairly busy for an April weekend but still not too bad.


We decided to save the Patriot for later and headed straight for the Mamba. I would still say this is the best coaster in the park. I've never been on Steel Force, but I definitely think this was Morgan's best hypercoaster. After Mamba, we headed to Timber Wolf which was...well...Timber Wolf. Now I'm a bit of a masochist and like rough rides, but OOF! This ride was much more painful than when I rode last fall. In the words of Elvis, after T-Wolf, "I'm all shook up." Finally we headed over to, duh duh duh, Patriot.


Patriot was ok, not the best invert I've ever been on, but still a great ride. If you can manage to stand in line for 40 minutes listening to blaring orchestral patriotic music, the ride was good. It definitely makes up for the loss of the Orient Express, but is not as good as the Mamba. This was the least intense invert I've ever been on, but I have only been on Batman Clones, Montu, and Raptor, so my opinion may have been a little tainted by this. I would say Patriot has the best drop of any invert i've been on and the inline twist was very quick. It also had the best airtime of any inverted coaster I've been on.


After the Patriot we went on Spinning Dragons. I was not too excited about this, but since we had 3 people in our group, the car was unbalanced and spun more than I thought possible, providing an awesome ride!


After that we hit up the other rides, including the water rides since it was actually HOT! The Top Spin even had the water jets on, which was a first for me. Anyway, it was a great day and I was definitely glad I was able to get away from college and not think about my finals that are to come next week.


Unfortunately my friend forgot their digital camera, so I was stuck with a crappy disposible, so the pictures are not fantastic or zoomed in at all.


Finally, I leave you with two more of Patriot.


Once my ass dried I used it to "put out the vibe."


Since we were already wet, we decided to ride our first top spin with water jets.


Which led to to drenched asses.


we (stupidly) stood on Monsoon's bridge...


Still one of S&S's better towers...


Mamba from the Detonator




The back of Patriot from the station.


A stunning photo of Patriot set with flowers....blah blah artsy blah


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Nice report. I'm anxious to see how Patriot compares to Silver Bullet and Talon in terms of forcelessness. Maybe if no one is up for the task I'll look into cheap flights out there in a few months.


Loud patriotic music, thats worth bringing my mp3 player into the park! Thanks for the info.

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It all depends on when you ride Patriot. The forces pick up later on in the day. In the morning it's not as good as it is later on. I haven't ridden it yet, but the general concensus with Patriot is that.


But then again, you can't compare Patriot to Raptor or Montu, they are larger scale B&M's where Patriot is a medium sized one.

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It all depends on when you ride Patriot. The forces pick up later on in the day. In the morning it's not as good as it is later on. I haven't ridden it yet, but the general concensus with Patriot is that.


But then again, you can't compare Patriot to Raptor or Montu, they are larger scale B&M's where Patriot is a medium sized one.


Montu and Raptor might be a bit longer than Patriot, but they are pretty much the same size when it comes to height and speed. Stats from RCDB:



Length: 3081'

Height: 149'

Drop: 123'

Speed: 60 mph



Length: 3790'

Height: 137'

Drop: 119'

Speed: 57 mph



Length: 3983'

Height: 150'

Drop: 128'

Speed: 60 mph


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Yeah, Patriot is a LONG way from being forceless. It also has one of the best zero-g rolls ever created.


Sounds like you had a great time. It's amazing that you waited 40 minutes for Patriot. I never waited more than 15 on opening day.

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