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Is anybodys home park their favorite?

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Well, I have a few choices also for a home park (there are at least three I can get to in a day trip, in about 2.5 hrs each way or less), and the closest of those is SFA, and it is far from my favorite park. I like HP and KD, but they aren't my faves either (technically, I usually consider KD to be my actual home park).


I used to live in California, and then I had SFMM as a home park (was only about 30 mins away), but it wasn't my favorite either, at that time or now.


I guess I'd say that CP is currently my favorite park, but it's hard for me to pic a fave.

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The three most frequent parks I visit yearly are Holiday World (closest), Kings Island, and Cedar Point. I can say that Splashin' Safari is my favorite water park with three "bonus" coasters (rest of their flats are pretty lame/common among other parks). However my favorite dry park is Cedar Point or Busch Gardens Williamsburg. Love them both to death.

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SFMM is my home park, so, no, but I think I do like it more than most do. It's certainly has one of the best coaster collections around, so no complaints there, even if it is a little more quantity than quality.


My favorite park is Europa Park, which couldn't be much further away.


Also, I suspect I'd be less likely to ever claim any home park as my favorite, mostly because it'd probably lose its freshness.

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I think a definition of home park is needed. In Fresno there is Rotary Storyland & Playland that has a small Molina & Son's roller coaster. Not my favorite park but probably was when I was a little kid 40+ years ago.


If we are talking major parks then CGA is the closest and still not a favorite of mine.

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YES! My home park is Silver Dollar City, and it is the best park in the Midwest, bar none. The only one that would come close would be SF Great America, and although it has great rides, nobody outside of Disney does the theming and overall park experience quite like SDC.

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I have Canada's Wonderland.


Funny thing is six years ago you asked this question and the answer would be it's my least favourite. Large park with clones and below average operations.


Since Cedar Fair took over it's quickly moving up the rankings. It's amazing what much improved operations and two B&Ms will do. Kinda hard to justify travelling to Cedar Point when got Leviathan and Behemoth. It's no Disney but it really isn't that bad for a "home park".

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