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Kingda Ka- Who cares?

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So CP has three coasters over 200 feet and SGAdv only has two....I don't get the skyline reference I guess especially since they are adding the pretty big Intamin woody next door to KK this year. Overall coaster heights at SFAdv are nothing to sneeze at, they have a pretty impressive overall collection, maybe not quite at CP's level but pretty close. SFGAdv doesn't look as impressive because it is so spread out. If SFGAdv keeps going in the direction they are going with the cleaning of the park and the new theming it has the potential to be THE monster regional theme park in the USA, if for no other reason, because of the huge amounts of space that they have to work with. I just wish they would get a few more quality flat rides.

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Also what's the go with Chiller Batman, that's getting to be like Flashback at SFMM in terms of being open, shame cause it looks like a great ride.


Personally, I find these coasters are an impressive one off experience but they aren't as exciting to ride over and over again, whereas I could ride Superman Ride of Steel at SFNE for a week continuously, I love that coaster.


My biggest complaint with Great Adventure is how they have handled Batman-The Chiller.


Also, I agree about the coasters. As a whole they are impressive, but individually they aren't in any of my top ten lists. Hopefully, El Toro will change that next year.

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They should fix The Chiller (both sides) or scrap it. It`s only popular because it is a launched coaster. There are only 3(4) launchers in this general area: Kingda Ka, Storm Runner(Hersheypark), and 2 if you count both sides of The Chiller. All of them are "popular", but only 2 really deserve it. I don`t think I need to specify. SFGAd is really rocketing to the top. Intamin is a good coaster company (I've yet to be on a bad one) and getting two in two consecutive years is awesome (Hopefully ET won't disappoint!)! They need a tall S&S tower like CP's and a good racing/dueling coaster to get more recognition and a better reputation.

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BTW, did anyone else notice in particular that SFGAd has no Vekomas? I've noticed that 4 of their coasters are smooth (B&M) and the rest are just smooth enough not to be called sheer crap. (the director of recourses must have had personal experiences 8) !!)

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I've just noticed this isn't NEAR getting as much hype as TTD. I remember back in late 02' every single thread was dedictaed in TTD, no exceptions. Everyone kept making comparisons etc etc etc, it got quite annoying. But this hasn't been happening for Kingda Ka, no one really seems to care that much, its like old news.


Although how much KK rocks, theyr'e not getting much attention becuase TTD was the first continuos coaster to go over 420ft

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Why I don't care about Kingda Ka... because I drove all the way out to SFGAdv to ride it. Okay, I just wanted into the park. I paid to park, I got my pass out and was ready to be swiped into the park during a light rain at 5 after open. Suddenly, a SFGAdv worker jumped on a stool, slammed the gate in our face and screamed at us to go to Guest Relations. They escorted all the other guests out of the park, continued to test rides, and said that "because only season pass holders would be in the park, we don't feel it is worth it to keep the park open". So, they closed the park all day and we had to go on to PPP that night. It's no wonder that park has a queue for its Guest Relations window. I don't care about KK NOW! GRRRR!

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^Just because the park closed early, doesn't mean you should not care about KK now. If KK exploded, and the park closed down, then you have a good reason to hate it.


^^A taller, faster, airtime filled copy. How would you design it? Money doesn`t grow on trees, but if you want to donate track to SFGAd to change it up, be my and thousands of people who like SFGAd's guest.

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Kingda Ka IMO is actually a great thrill ride. I dont get it when people are saying OH IT SUCKS or HOW UNRELIABLE, but then they talk about how TTD is AMAZING. Kingda Ka isnt exactly a copy cat anyway, do you see a airtime hill thats taller than most of the rides first drops in a park, I dont think so. So for all the people that bash KK but PRAISE TTD, I wouldnt talk because their both the same thing only ones taller and faster.

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Although how much KK rocks, theyr'e not getting much attention becuase TTD was the first continuos coaster to go over 420ft


And is that really a big deal? Then you could easily say "Kingda Ka was the first continuous coaster to go over 450 ft". If anything, there's actually a larger gap between Kingda Ka and the coaster it topped (36 feet) than what Dragster overcame (20 feet taller than Superman and Tower of Terror), so it could be considered even more of an accomplishment if you want to spin the numbers.


I agree, its actually one hell of a thrill. It's just not God's gift to man IMHO, and not a very strong roller coaster, which it is portrayed to be. I think that Ka gets kind of a bum rap, especially compared to Dragster.


- Joe, who doesn't really think either are fantastic coasters, but would probably choose Kingda Ka because of the themeing and extra bump

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The fact that is the airtime hill that`s taller than most coasters initial lifts should set off a chime in people's heads. KK is way more reliable than TTD anyway!


I'm a proud KK supporter!


^ I'll have to disagree with you there, in saying KK is not strong. This is obviously my own opinion, but I think KK has a TON of out of control going down the other side in a row towards the back. Not in the back!

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Why I don't care about Kingda Ka... because I drove all the way out to SFGAdv to ride it. Okay, I just wanted into the park. I paid to park, I got my pass out and was ready to be swiped into the park during a light rain at 5 after open. Suddenly, a SFGAdv worker jumped on a stool, slammed the gate in our face and screamed at us to go to Guest Relations. They escorted all the other guests out of the park, continued to test rides, and said that "because only season pass holders would be in the park, we don't feel it is worth it to keep the park open". So, they closed the park all day and we had to go on to PPP that night. It's no wonder that park has a queue for its Guest Relations window. I don't care about KK NOW! GRRRR!


WOW! THAT REALLY SUCKS :o ! My friends who working that day (at the park) told me about it, and I thought they were teasing me.

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A taller, faster, airtime filled copy. How would you design it? Money doesn`t grow on trees, but if you want to donate track to SFGAd to change it up, be my and thousands of people who like SFGAd's guest.


I have a lot of things i'd like to change about KK.


1. Try something different! (although SF doesn't consider the subject)

2. Take out the brakes at the top of the tower

3. Let the entire airtime hill be accomplished before braking

4. Make the launch time BETTER than previous rocket coasters

5. increase ride time, maybe


With all these in consideration, you may as well ride TTD (it's in a better park, too)


And is that really a big deal? Then you could easily say "Kingda Ka was the first continuous coaster to go over 450 ft". If anything, there's actually a larger gap between Kingda Ka and the coaster it topped (36 feet) than what Dragster overcame (20 feet taller than Superman and Tower of Terror), so it could be considered even more of an accomplishment if you want to spin the numbers.


The height isn't very noticable between TTD and KK and superman and TOT only go up about 2/3 of their actual tower (being arount 325 feet NON continuous circuit without twists)


kingda ka's acceleration is actually a downfall to TTD's (the acceleration is what really grabs you)


The fact that is the airtime hill that`s taller than most coasters initial lifts should set off a chime in people's heads. KK is way more reliable than TTD anyway!


most coasters aren't over 137 feet? and I wouldn't think a screw ripping off the launch track right after it opened would be reliable! TTD keeps it to a minimum and KK has just as much problems as any HLC!


Jason "I rest my case" S.

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1. Try something different! (although SF doesn't consider the subject)

Your Cedar Point bias is starting to come out. Maybe CF should consider this "Try something different!" stuff.


2. Take out the brakes at the top of the tower

You do realize that the brake don't really affect the train, correct?


4. Make the launch time BETTER than previous rocket coasters


kingda ka's acceleration is actually a downfall to TTD's (the acceleration is what really grabs you)

Hm, 128 in 3.5 versus 120 in 4. Nice try though!


...(it's in a better park, too)

IMHO Great Adventure is better than Cedar Point.


The height isn't very noticable between TTD and KK and superman and TOT only go up about 2/3 of their actual tower (being arount 325 feet NON continuous circuit without twists)

See, once again, spinning numbers and words. We can all do it so why use it as a basis for your position?


most coasters aren't over 137 feet?

A quick search of operating coasters on rcdb shows a mere 7% eclipse 137'


and I wouldn't think a screw ripping off the launch track right after it opened would be reliable! TTD keeps it to a minimum and KK has just as much problems as any HLC!

I actually believe its a bit to early to judge, but over time I'd have to say that Dragster has had more problems. Kingda Ka really only had one major problem, whereas Dragster has at least 2 or 3 this year alone.


- Joe, who's not trying to be mean but feels some things need to be responded to

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^Woah. :shock: That was good researching!


^^I don't know if KK had any rollbacks during operation, but I've heard that TTD has had several this year alone, and one bad one that caused it to close for the rest of the 2005 season. Sometimes I can't keep from thinking that CP spent more money on theming than the actual ride itself. I know they didn't, just for you wise @$$es out there, but KK has lighter theming, but enough to be considered having a theme, and it's been running better than TTD with the exeption of the big breakdown. Better to have one big one than many small ones.

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I've seen 2...because of the wind...


Oh yeah, as for Cedar Point being a BETTER park than SFGadv...I actually like SFGadv much more than Cedar Point. realize that Cedar Fair hasnt been doing all so well, I mean next year they're taking out the oldest building at one of their amusement parks (Dorney) to make a Subway, great move Cedar Fair, way to get rid of history. As for KK and TTD, do you see a Airtime hill on TTD...NO, do you see 128 MPH on TTD...NO, SFGADV is going in the right direction and is adding more and more, I mean look they're getting the first Intamin Plug and Play in America, which I dont see at Cedar Point.

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^Well, uh, yeah. TTD goes 120 mph, which was 12 mph faster than the previous record holder. Kingda Ka broke TTD's record by 8 mph. How can you say, "Oh TTD doesn't go 128 mph", when at the time, TTD was much faster than anything else? Also, there was no airtime hill on TTD because it was not a clone of any ride, it was unique, and therefore didn't need a crappy bunny hill to differentiate itself.

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That "crappy little bunny hill" is what makes KK stand out from TTD. Let`s count the total seconds of airtime on TTD. Oh wait, we can't can we? That 8mph is 8mph that TTD will never see. And at THIS time, TTD is the SECOND tallest and SECOND fastest. That "crappy little bunny hill" is what makes KK longer. Let's face it. KK took over the lime light for now. KK is bigger, faster, and has a more powerful launch. So what if it`s a clone? KK doesn`t sit at 128mph on every launch. Like TTD, it can vary on the weight in the train.

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