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The Greatest Game Ever.

The Cheat

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My best record is 37609.67. No, that isn't a typo! I used all my red aerials at the very beginning. That gave me a free 500+ meters. Then everytime I hit the ground, I left clicked repeatedly, and very fast. There are hidden specials where the Special sign doesn't pop up until you click. And I got the bouncy special through those hidden specials. It gave me more speed everytime I hit the ground. Do you hate it when you suddenly lose because your guy keeps hugging this girl when he lands? You have like half a second to click very fast to get a hidden special that gives you more speed, and stops you from losing. You want proof? Here are some pictures to prove it.


My best record. Thirty seven thousand, six hundred nine, point sixty seven. I forgot to get the hidden special on that.


That was the fasted I went. Pic taken after the bouncy special wore off.


I took that picture after my bouncy special wore off. The guy is gold colored when you have the bouncy special.

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When you hit a person, and the word "special" pops up, you have left click as fast as you can, and I do mean fast, or you'll miss the special. Also, you can obtain specials by clicking when hitting people even if the word "special" doesn't pop up. Thats how you can avoid losing when the guy tries to hug that girl. If you're lucky, you can get the bouncy special. The aerials can be performed when the word "aerial" at the left lights up. If you get a red aerial, you get a boost upwards, but you get unlimited chances yo use it, but you can only use it 3 times. The blue aerials makes you fall down faster, but you also pick up more speed. You get unlimited blue aerial uses, but you have to wait a certain time before uses, as represented by the percentages near the blue aerial symbol. I hope that helps. Happy smashing into men and women!

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The Blues re appear when your between the top clowds and the mountain.


Also theres a bar that displays what specials are up.


The thing about the stop chick special is that if its lit up and your about to hit it and you touch the ground first and then hit it on the bounce then it cancels it out, youll just stop. But its probably the best special ever too.

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