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Best Out and Back Coasters

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I've heard that some people get tired of out-and-backs because the layout is so simple. I'm curious if that will ever happen to me. Personally, I like them a lot because of the airtime.


The only really good ones I've been on are wooden.


1. Giant Dipper (10/10)

2. Timber Terror (10/10)

3. Coaster Thrill Ride (8/10)

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  • 2 months later...

Steel Coasters

1) Behemoth

2) Apollo's Chariot

3) Bizarro (SFNE)

4) Ride of Steel

5) Steel Force


Wooden Coasters

1) Phoenix

2) Boulder Dash

3) Comet (The Great Escape)

4) Yankee Cannonball

5) Hurler (Kings Dominion)

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  • 3 years later...

To me, I like the strict description of out and back. A coaster that goes out, turns around and follows basically the same path back. Examples are Blue Streak at CP, Racer at KI, RebelYell at KD, Starliner at Miracle Strip/ Cypress Gardens, for wood. Apollos Chariot for steel. Hands down, Blue Streak for wood and Apollo for steel. After that , there's modified O&B's, Modified figure eights, Dog leg O&B's etc, ie, White Lightning. All are good, but for pure out and backs, I go with Blue Streak at CP. Not to nit pick but there is a difference depending on how technical one wants to get. I like them all though, so any mods to the strictest definition dont really matter a whole lot .

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I have always been a huge fan of Screamin' Eagle at SFStL. I think it's setting really adds to it, too. Same goes for GASM at SFOG, but its airtime is even more intense.


What was Dania Beach Hurricane's layout considered?

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1. Boulder Dash

2. Voyage

3. Timber Terror



1. Coaster (triple out-and-back freeform twister)

2. Phoenix (double out-and-back)

3. Giant Dipper, SCBB (double out-and-back)



1. B&M hypers (Apollo's Chariot, Goliath, Intimidator, etc.)

2. Morgan hypers (Mamba, Steel Force, Steel Eel)


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