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Favorite Togo coaster (is it Bandit?)

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Well I was gonna put this in Ask Alvey but I am sure quite a few of you have been to Japan and ridden most of them.


From what I have seen on videos and such it seems like Bandit would be the best...but I never hear much about it.


So is Bandit the best Togo or does anybody think another one is better?


pics of Bandit http://www.rcdb.com/ig1218.htm



Edited by larrygator
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I can only comment on the only one I've been on, Skyrider at Pcw, a Togo standup.


I'm the same way, its the only Togo ride I've been on. And just like you, I actually enjoy the ride. Its not that rough (comparitavely) and the sack squash has always been kept to a minimum on my rides.

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I had a really good ride on Fujiyama so I'll vote for that. Bandit was down when I was there last so I can't vouch for that.


Standing and Loop coaster actually wasn't too bad either, definately way better than the two stateside Togo standies. Of course it's also much shorter than either of them and doesn't have a bunny hop of pain either.


Bandit looked really good though!



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I loved Fujiyama. Ultra Twister at Nagashima is good too. And if not already, I KNOW I'm in the minority for sure because I like Manhattan's twist-and-dive.

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Fujin Rajin at Mitsui Greenland was pretty awesome!!! Smooth, Racing dueling stand up and sitdown, with ejector airtime on both! The one at Hamanako was also pretty good. They hypers really did nothing for me.

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As a current resident of Japan, I feel it is appropriate to voice my opinion in regards to the question posed.


I'm a big fan of Bandit. It gets faster and faster as it goes, and only has one transition that is less than pleasant. (Actually that one turn is very abrupt!)


Megacoaster (Hamanako Pal Pal) is cool, as are the Ultratwisters. So far my favorite inverting TOGO actually may be Loop Screw at Seibu Yuenchi.

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On the subject of Bandit does anyone know what this video is all about? I was just randomly searching google video and found this (soz if its come up before).




I'm not sure I understand why the girl gets an electric shock at the end but I laughed my arse off at her reactions on the coaster.

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On the subject of Bandit does anyone know what this video is all about? I was just randomly searching google video and found this (soz if its come up before).




I'm not sure I understand why the girl gets an electric shock at the end but I laughed my arse off at her reactions on the coaster.


Wow, dude that is pretty odd. Usually the folks they film on coasters have a little better time than that. I will agree the electric shock thing at the end isn't normal, even for Japanese TV. I'm asking the wife about this one when she gets home tonight!


OK, Mayumi says that the girl in the video used to be on a morning talk/news show. She is part of a girl group and this was something she did outside of the band. She was supposed to announce new release DVD's while she was riding the coaster. Since she failed to complete the announcements properly she was punished by being electrically shocked by the device. This was a regular segment from a local station. (Not national.) I have NO clue what was up with the bunny! (Apparently a mascot character of the TV show, because Yomiuriland's mascot is a white dog with rainbow stripes and wings.)

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I tried 10 TOGO coasters in total while living and working in Japan for 6 months in 2000-2001.


Fujiyama is the best TOGO I have been on, and was for a long time my overall favourite coaster. But people say that it is now very rough. Back then it was pretty smooth. What a shame!


Bandit was also excellent (don't know what it is like today). Great scenery and good airtime.


Other noteworthy TOGOs were Cyclone (Toshimaen) and Ultra Twister (Nagashima Spaland). The rest was nothing to write home about.


Here is my full list:


1. Fujiyama, Fuji-Q Highland

2. Bandit, Yomiuriland


Cyclone, Toshimaen

Ultra Twister, Nagashima Spaland

Jet Coaster, Nagashima Spaland

SL Coaster, Yomiuriland

Standing & Loop Coaster, Yomiuriland

Zola 7, Fuji-Q Highland

Geopanic, Korakuen

Fujin Raijin II, Expoland

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