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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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My thinking was trying to decide if it was the video that just was making it seem a slower pace or if it was the difference in the launch vs chain lift, but if it is a slower pace than that's not necessarily a bad thing because it will make it more family friendly with younger children, the one time I rode it in launch mode it was very very fun but very very fast and the whole thing was a blur from start to finish. I personally think for me if it is a slower pace that just gives me more time to enjoy the twists and turns, just my opinion.

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19 hours ago, TrippinBillie said:

I saw a side by side of 2016 and 2024 Lightning Rod that was synced up at the exact same time after the crest of the first hill; I have to say it's extremely neutered.  I'm sure they will take uptime and reliability over the guest frustration and guessing game of open/closed each day, but that thing is definitely a shell of it's original form.  After watching the official TPR on and off-ride, you can tell that thing isn't as whippy and out of control as it's v1.  As someone who rode in 2016 and then 2020, I noticed a HUGE difference in pacing and a slower launch.  I can't imagine how clipped it must feel now. 

I'm certainly not one to cause problems or throw shade, but I'm a bit shocked and disappointed Rob continuously replied to comments on his POV YouTube that "I couldn't tell one bit of difference".  I'm not sure if that is genuine, or if he was wanting to help the PR train with Dollywood....but it's sad to see videos of the old vs new with this coaster.  That quad down in 2016 was literally absolute chaos and insanity.  If you look at POVs from this year, that thing is crawling over that first return up and over to start the quad down.  But, again, I'm sure Dollywood is happy their big investment has more uptime.  I just wish people would admit to the glaring difference in pacing and how it runs.

I'm not Robb, but we're certainly not sucking up to Dollywood. The ride really didn't seem any different to me. That being said, I think a lot of the newer RMC's and other coasters just out do it and it is an older ride now so it's not as crazy as it once was. People have this memory of riding it back in 2016 when it was legit amazing and new and something we hadn't really seen before. Since that time there have been a ton of new coasters that are bigger and faster and have equally crazy elements so I think it's more a memory issue. 


Oh, and the day we were there it ran two trains all day with a 5 minute wait so there you go. I'll take that thanks!

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On 3/24/2024 at 8:22 PM, TrippinBillie said:

I saw a side by side of 2016 and 2024 Lightning Rod that was synced up at the exact same time after the crest of the first hill; I have to say it's extremely neutered.  I'm sure they will take uptime and reliability over the guest frustration and guessing game of open/closed each day, but that thing is definitely a shell of it's original form.  After watching the official TPR on and off-ride, you can tell that thing isn't as whippy and out of control as it's v1.  As someone who rode in 2016 and then 2020, I noticed a HUGE difference in pacing and a slower launch.  I can't imagine how clipped it must feel now. 

I'm certainly not one to cause problems or throw shade, but I'm a bit shocked and disappointed Rob continuously replied to comments on his POV YouTube that "I couldn't tell one bit of difference".  I'm not sure if that is genuine, or if he was wanting to help the PR train with Dollywood....but it's sad to see videos of the old vs new with this coaster.  That quad down in 2016 was literally absolute chaos and insanity.  If you look at POVs from this year, that thing is crawling over that first return up and over to start the quad down.  But, again, I'm sure Dollywood is happy their big investment has more uptime.  I just wish people would admit to the glaring difference in pacing and how it runs.

I'd be curious to see that comparison. Specifically to know when each was filmed.

I know a bunch of 1 vs 2 comparisons that had vastly different temperatures, and LR was always slower in the cool months (like March/Nov/Dec). And even then March 20th one year could be significantly colder than another year
This year it wat 61 at noon. 2020 it was 68 at noon. 2016 it was 45.
I guarantee a video at 45 is a lot slower than at 69.

Even the same day could see 20-30 degree change from morning to afternoon and you could really tell the difference.

So you need videos at similar temperatures to compare with.

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The first time I rode this ride was 2019 and I have been lucky that every time I have gone it has been open and I have been able to ride it.  I normally go in March and/or June and I guess I am lucky.  But I have ridden it a lot.

We were there last week and I have to agree with the people riding and seeing no difference.  I told my kids to warn them it was chain, but after hill it is not supposed to be different.  They were disappointed when I told them, but I told them to give it a shot.  We had the last 2 rows of the coaster.  It whipped us over that lift hill which shocked me honestly.  But my kids and I all agreed it is still super fun and FAST.  My one daughter said she thought it was better than last year.  The lift hill was also faster than I expected and my oldest said the same.  She expected Eagle and it was much faster than Eagle.

My one said "I hate when you are right mom, but you were it was the same after the lift and really a lot of fun, can we go again?"

Iron Gwazi is a chain lift and a very similar coaster and super insane and fun also.  I agree with others, other coasters have come out that are better.  I used to have this at the top with Iron Gwazi and now I have ridden coasters like Velocicoaster and now that is my top.  Memories are an interesting thing and play tricks on us.

I think this is a win for the park.  I can't comment on up time vs down time since this vacation was no different than any others as I said we were always lucky and had a lot of up time on the days we went.

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On 3/24/2024 at 9:22 PM, TrippinBillie said:

I saw a side by side of 2016 and 2024 Lightning Rod that was synced up at the exact same time after the crest of the first hill; I have to say it's extremely neutered.  I'm sure they will take uptime and reliability over the guest frustration and guessing game of open/closed each day, but that thing is definitely a shell of it's original form.  After watching the official TPR on and off-ride, you can tell that thing isn't as whippy and out of control as it's v1.  As someone who rode in 2016 and then 2020, I noticed a HUGE difference in pacing and a slower launch.  I can't imagine how clipped it must feel now. 

I'm certainly not one to cause problems or throw shade, but I'm a bit shocked and disappointed Rob continuously replied to comments on his POV YouTube that "I couldn't tell one bit of difference".  I'm not sure if that is genuine, or if he was wanting to help the PR train with Dollywood....but it's sad to see videos of the old vs new with this coaster.  That quad down in 2016 was literally absolute chaos and insanity.  If you look at POVs from this year, that thing is crawling over that first return up and over to start the quad down.  But, again, I'm sure Dollywood is happy their big investment has more uptime.  I just wish people would admit to the glaring difference in pacing and how it runs.

Soooo it was the year they did the retracking (whenever that was) and I recall seeing a side by side comparison and the current looked dreadfully slow. There was no way eyes can deceive like its right there.  I did ride it that year and full sincerity it felt exactly like the year before (before the retracking). And in general POVs of the same coaster can look very different....it depends on a lot of factors. You also can't totally trust one, I recall Skyrush looking cool but....OK, then we rode in person and uh yeah. Point being, you really can't trust POVs to make much of a claim, you have to ride it. 

We're enthusiasts we're all insanely critical and crazy lol I doubt anyone would fake their opinion. If people are saying they don't notice any real difference, they mean it. They'd have no issue saying otherwise. 

Also this is my personal opinion: the launch was great but a bit overhyped. It was fun but as we know it slowed down after a bit and didn't really go over that quick (I never got to experience the OG sadly). To be blunt I felt more WOW going over the top of Skyrush. It was ofc super fun and its a bit sad its gone but I truly cant imagine it'll impact the overall experience, deff wont make it slower bc again it was going over not that quickly anyway tbh

TLDR: dont use POVs to make definitive claims. Im sure it'll be great still as some are confirming. 

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Even in person you can't really trust looking at it.  I thought while on it the lift was surprisingly fast, we all did.  I came down to my husband who was with my son and pointed up and said the lift was pretty fast for a chain and yet looking at it from the ground it looked super slow lol

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  • 5 months later...

Hey everybody, I'm going to Dollywood for the first time (and possibly only time) on Tuesday next week. Just wondering what the best strategy would be for seeing everything in the 1 day. Should I go around the left side first and hit Big Bear Mountain, or should I go straight for Lightning Rod? Also, if anyone has any other tips that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Ask your future gods.



1. Early Entry:

Arrive as early as possible. If the park offers Early Entry, take advantage of it. This will give you a head start on some of the more popular rides before the crowds arrive.

2. Lightning Rod First:

Go straight for Lightning Rod as soon as the park opens. It's a popular ride, and lines tend to get long quickly. Since it’s one of Dollywood’s most unique and intense coasters, hitting it early will save you from waiting in long lines later in the day when it’s busier.

3. Big Bear Mountain After:

After Lightning Rod, head towards Big Bear Mountain. The left side of the park is quieter in the early morning, so this is a good time to explore it and ride Big Bear Mountain before crowds increase.

4. Utilize the Dollywood App:

Download the Dollywood app to keep track of ride wait times and plan your route based on shorter lines. The app also has a map and showtimes, making it easy to adjust your plan as needed.

5. Midday Shows & Dining:

Dollywood is famous for its shows. Consider catching a show around lunchtime to take a break from walking and the heat. Also, make sure to try some of the local Southern food (Cinnamon Bread at the Grist Mill is a must).

6. Explore Hidden Gems:

Don’t forget to check out the Craftsman’s Valley for some unique shops and experiences. This part of the park is less crowded but offers a peaceful escape and cool crafts.

7. End with Rides or Night Show:

Towards the end of the day, lines for popular rides might be shorter, so hit any coasters you missed or want to ride again. Dollywood also has some nice nighttime entertainment, so check for any fireworks or special evening shows.

Additional Tips:

Water Rides: If you're okay with getting wet, save the water rides for the afternoon when it’s hottest.

Quick Queues: If you’re worried about long waits, consider purchasing a TimeSaver Pass to skip the lines.

Plan Meals Off-Peak: Eat lunch and dinner at off-peak times (early or late) to avoid the rush.


Dollywood crowds in early October tend to be moderate, as this time of year falls between the busy summer season and the peak holiday season. However, the Fall Harvest Festival, which usually runs during October, draws more visitors than typical weekdays. The festival features seasonal decorations, food, and events, including the popular Great Pumpkin LumiNights in the evening. This can make the park busier, especially later in the day when people come specifically for the nighttime displays.

What to Expect:

Mornings: Likely less crowded, especially if you arrive early. You’ll have a good opportunity to hit popular rides with shorter waits.

Afternoons: Crowds tend to pick up as more visitors arrive for the festival activities.

Evenings: Expect larger crowds for Great Pumpkin LumiNights, as it’s a highlight of the festival and draws in more local visitors.

To avoid the longest waits, try to ride the coasters and big attractions early in the day and enjoy the fall festivities later on.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks a lot for that! It ended up being super quiet on Oct. 1 when we were there. We were walking right onto all the rides in the morning, so we got through the entire park by about 2 pm. 

I found Dollywood to be an above average theme park, but I was expecting more considering all the hype it gets. I don't like country music though, and the whole country theme was boring to me. It was scenic, but I've been to other parks that are way better for scenic beauty (Tokyo Disneysea, Busch Gardens Williamsburg). And I've seen pictures of places like Europa-Park and Phantasialand and they look way better too. I dunno why this place keeps winning the Golden Ticket award for most scenic. Also, a year ago it won best theme park which is just mind boggling to me. The people were really friendly though, and the food is pretty good for theme park standards, but still not much healthy stuff to eat (I don't like feeling like crap while I'm walking around all day). 

Lightning Rod was good, but a little short. It seemed like the layout had more focus on intensity, which isn't big for me. It was nice and smooth though. I've been on Steel Vengeance, which is like twice the length, so pretty hard to really appreciate Lightning Rod a lot. 

I liked Big Bear Mountain the best, even though it's classified as a family coaster. It was tons of fun and really long. 

Thunderhead was my #2 in the park. Good layout and pretty smooth too for a wooden coaster. Pretty long too. 

Wild Eagle was pretty lame. I've been on enough B&Ms that I don't get excited about them anymore. They all have those same elements. They're pretty good coasters though. Nice and smooth too. This one was disappointing because it didn't really make much use of the wing element. It had kinda a generic layout.

Firechaser Express was pretty fun, but pretty slow for most of it and not really a ride worthy of repeat rides. 

The other rollercoasters were closed that day. 

Overall, this park was better than most Six Flags parks, but I wouldn't say it's worth making a trip there. I'm trying to figure out why people like it so much. Maybe if you have kids? Or if you really like country music? I'm not sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/5/2024 at 6:31 PM, throatytoast said:

The other rollercoasters were closed that day. 

Overall, this park was better than most Six Flags parks, but I wouldn't say it's worth making a trip there. I'm trying to figure out why people like it so much. Maybe if you have kids? Or if you really like country music? I'm not sure.

Odd for TN Tornado to be closed. Mystery Mine and Dragonflier as well? Dang that a bummer.

Wild Eagle is one of my (now 20) daughters favorites. Fits the theme well, a gentle soaring flight. No scare elements like head choppers or key holes. Just an fun ride with great scenery.

LR is 3800 ft, Steel Vengeance is 5740, not double the length (that'd be 7600). LR comes at you so fast that you don't get to reflect on the elements as they happen because the next one is starting. Granted the new track sections and loss of the LSM launch change it a bit, but the elements are all still great and the integration with the landscape is unique. I've ridden ArieForce One and the quad down on it is not as fun as LR. And the wave turn has a lot more hang time than others RMC has done

Guess it depends on what you are looking for. It's a theme park, if you don't like the theme it won't do a lot for you. It not an amusement park like SF.

As for why people like it, it's a different experience than amusement parks like SF. At SF it's just getting from one ride to the next and waiting in line. DW, take your time and enjoy the journey. Stop at a show or demonstration. Look around a shop.  DW has 9 coasters now, though 4 are family rides not thrill rides. But those are only part of the experience. There's a lot more to DW than just the rides. I spend as much time at shows as I do riding rides.

While it's been a while (2022) since I was there the food used to be much better then other parks (I think even better than SDC). Guess it depends on where you went. I tend to visit the restaurants like Aunt Granny's, Ham 'n Beans, Front Porch (though I liked more when it was Backstage), and Miss Lillian's (again, liked the Chicken House better). Also like when Aunt Granny's and Miss Lillian's were buffets and you served yourself.

Not sure what you mean by healthy stuff. Aunt Granny's and Ham 'n Beans are basically home-style meals similar to what I eat most nights. Pot roast, meatloaf, catfish, fried/baked chicken, chicken pot pie, pinto beans, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, roasted potatoes, carrots, green beans, turnip greens, cabbage.

And the Front porch has fried cauliflower, fried green tomatoes, fried chicken (w/ mashed potatoes, gravy, pickled tomato & collard greens), shrimp and grits with sausage, pork loin chop (with potatoes, gravy, and collard greens), even a past dish (rigatoni, basil oil, tomato sauce, parmesan)

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All good points.



Pot roast, meatloaf, catfish, fried/baked chicken, chicken pot pie, pinto beans, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, roasted potatoes, carrots, green beans, turnip greens, cabbage.

And the Front porch has fried cauliflower, fried green tomatoes, fried chicken (w/ mashed potatoes, gravy, pickled tomato & collard greens), shrimp and grits with sausage, pork loin chop (with potatoes, gravy, and collard greens), even a past dish (rigatoni, basil oil, tomato sauce, parmesan)

A few OK things in there, but yeah. Way better than just pizza, chicken strips, and funnel cake options. You can eat at DW and SDC without coming out feeling like complete garbage.

Thankfully, parks are definitely doing better now. Even KI had an "organic locally sourced" restaurant up front.

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On 10/17/2024 at 7:43 PM, prozach626 said:

All good points.


A few OK things in there, but yeah. Way better than just pizza, chicken strips, and funnel cake options. You can eat at DW and SDC without coming out feeling like complete garbage.

Thankfully, parks are definitely doing better now. Even KI had an "organic locally sourced" restaurant up front.

As I said, what I typically have at home, and what my mother typically cooked.
Interesting you skipped potatoes, a staple for the 50+ years I've been around, eaten 3-4 times a week.
And cream style corn was/is 2-3 times a month thing.

For sure I'd say anything from the sit down restaurants DW is far healthier than most park food (or even the other DW options. 10 years as a pass holder and only ever at at those places a handful of times. Even then it was for special options during the festivals. For example, I only ever had BBQ during the Bluegrass festival)

I guess it's just a where you're from/what you're used to sort of thing.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Skipped Dollywood last year (painful as it was) looking to go back for 25. 
I am looking at mid April, a weekday. Any general idea what crowds are like? I've only ever been in early June and Sept. 

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18 hours ago, JJLehto said:

Skipped Dollywood last year (painful as it was) looking to go back for 25. 
I am looking at mid April, a weekday. Any general idea what crowds are like? I've only ever been in early June and Sept. 

A lot of spring breaks are taking place April 7-11, so that will be the busiest week in April. Also, the Rod Run in Pigeon Forge is the 10th-12th, so that week is going to be extra-packed in town. 

The 2 weeks after that will be much lighter.

You can check the Dollywood Crowd Calendar to get an idea of the best/worst days to visit. Looks like April 21, 23, or 25th would be your best days in April.

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19 hours ago, JJLehto said:

Skipped Dollywood last year (painful as it was) looking to go back for 25. 
I am looking at mid April, a weekday. Any general idea what crowds are like? I've only ever been in early June and Sept. 

I visited on a Friday in late April 2023 and had great luck with crowds. I had purchased the TimeSaver anyway since it was my first visit and I wanted to ensure I could ride as much as possible, but in the end it wasn't super necessary. Of course LRod was closed and Big Bear was a couple weeks away from opening but I thought it was a wonderful time to visit. The weather was perfect too.

Considering going in April again this year.

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I've always enjoyed April visits though the weather can throw some curve balls.

While not as bad as early April, I've seen some cold days in late April.

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9 hours ago, thrillseeker4552 said:

I visited on a Friday in late April 2023 and had great luck with crowds. I had purchased the TimeSaver anyway since it was my first visit and I wanted to ensure I could ride as much as possible, but in the end it wasn't super necessary. Of course LRod was closed and Big Bear was a couple weeks away from opening but I thought it was a wonderful time to visit. The weather was perfect too.

Considering going in April again this year.

Mid to late April is great.  Early April is filled with school/spring break trips. Go when they start taking Tues and Thursdays off.

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On 2/1/2025 at 11:16 AM, ASE said:

A lot of spring breaks are taking place April 7-11, so that will be the busiest week in April. Also, the Rod Run in Pigeon Forge is the 10th-12th, so that week is going to be extra-packed in town. 

The 2 weeks after that will be much lighter.

You can check the Dollywood Crowd Calendar to get an idea of the best/worst days to visit. Looks like April 21, 23, or 25th would be your best days in April.


Good thing is I was looking after that week, so sounds like this will work out quite well. 

EDIT: And thanks to everyone who's commented. It sounds like mid to later April is a fine time to go, which is superb as that's when I was looking. Trust me, I have long learned my lesson about spring break week, anywhere. I treat it like the plague LOL

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FYI Dollywood just listed their ticket prices for the upcoming season, I've been checking for a spring break trip we're planning.

I don't know where ticket prices have been in the past but it looks like it's $92.00 for a single day, $122 for a 2 day and $132 for a 3 day ticket. Definitely more expensive than I remember for a single day but 2 day pricing still seems pretty reasonable relative to some other parks of it's caliber.

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Quick search says it was $82, $119, and $129 last year.

I also remember the regular pass being less than 2 daily tickets.
Now the cheap "Silver" pass is $170.  My 2020 regular pass was only $129 (no blackout dates) and Gold pass was $214. 


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