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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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Here in Knoxville, I know producers from 2 of the few major networks and ads can be pulled with very short notice. I also worked short time for scripps network. My friends told me it's all computerised now so in theory he said they can have it pulled in about a minute.. Of course it does take longer because the request has to be put in, someone gets the request and does the pull and so on.. But he said it can easily be pulled in under a couple hours usually less than 1 hr..



Eitherway, not defending Dollywood, but people should still research your trip fully before you go.. I hope Dollywood does pull the ad today though



Or better yet I hope Dollywood decided to open it today! One can wish

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Reading where this thread is going and I'm all like:





This thread went from "coaster enthusiasts knowing anything and everything about Dollywood and RMC coasters."


To: "Coaster enthusiasts knowing anything and everything about TV advertising, and how paying for commercials works."


SMH. . . This thread makes me need a drink.

I'm no expert, but I do have a degree in advertising, and I have bought/coordinated the production of TV spots. It's something I'm interested in, hence why I'm discussing it.


And is this not a place to discuss Dollywood/Lightning Rod? What else are we supposed to be talking about? Cinnamon bread? I think discussing a misleading commercial about a park's new coaster is valid as we wait for it to open. But I guess complaining about people complaining is cool too.

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This is a pretty legitimate discussion as the advertisement can affect the park negatively, maybe not with enthusiasts but with the GP who doesn't always use the websites or social media to find out if it really is open.

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I'm surprised they didn't pull the ad with a substitute for a generic Dollywood promotional ad. Retail advertisers or movie companies like Bass Pro or Disney have different promotions running each week and would for sure pull the ad if they were about to run a "come to the theater/store this week" when the sale/movie didn't start until the next week. It's a simple phone call and traffic swap!


Source: I work for Turner and do this often for advertisers like the two above.

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Hey so on a different note, how is Mystery Mine running this year? Is the fire back? I know they were having some issues with it last season.


I miss that ride. One of my favorites of all time! Thunderhead was running on an insane level when I visited in July two years ago. I don't see myself visiting this year, but I can't wait for the next time I do. But now that I've been to SDC, there will forever be the struggle of "Hmm...SDC or Dollywood?"

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Hey so on a different note, how is Mystery Mine running this year? Is the fire back? I know they were having some issues with it last season.

Yup had fire last week.. It was fine the day I was there but the day before it had gotten stuck on the brake run after the first small hill.. It's Mystery Mine so if it goes down its down for hours it seems.. But it was fine last week on Thursday! Both the fire and TV on the lift where working

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When they ask for single riders you can skip up to 20 minutes of the wait at Mystery Mine (which is usually the majority of the line from my experience). This works because you enter the station with a few switchbacks still left and where you first enter it is easy to get the groupers attention.

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Love being a season pass holder. Went to the park today. Arrived at 9:50. The traffic line turning off the road was 3 across and backed up past the Splash Country overpass. The parking lot was already spilling into the E area. Definitely not expecting that. I thought most spring breaks were over. No big.


Turned around, spent a few hours in Pigeon Forge. Rode a mountain coaster, had lunch. Headed back to Oak Ridge.


Love being a season pass holder.


Hate huge crowds.

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Love being a season pass holder. Went to the park today. Arrived at 9:50. The traffic line turning off the road was 3 across and backed up past the Splash Country overpass. The parking lot was already spilling into the E area. Definitely not expecting that. I thought most spring breaks were over. No big.


Turned around, spent a few hours in Pigeon Forge. Rode a mountain coaster, had lunch. Headed back to Oak Ridge.


Love being a season pass holder.


Hate huge crowds.

You know and what's strange is that Wednesday used to be their or one of their lightest days.. Sounds like another record day!! Hopefully they where planning on it today unlike last Wednesday when they had 17,000 on a 7,000 day lol..


I might be heading that way tomorrow as I'm off again we will see!

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It's nice to see we have so many marketing experts in addition to coaster experts here. That way we can have twice the amount of back seat driving.




For anyone who is actually interested, here's the national numbers. Local results will vary.

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...I would love to see a nationwide map of spring break weeks. That would help with coaster trip planning big time!


Maybe somebody should make an App for that? Or maybe there's one already.

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It's nice to see we have so many marketing experts in addition to coaster experts here. That way we can have twice the amount of back seat driving.

Not a coaster expert but I work in the marketing industry and our company even holds a marketing and promotional product account for Quassy and Six Flags New England so I'll share my marketing thoughts freely regardless of the fact that people get attacked for doing so here.

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It's nice to see we have so many marketing experts in addition to coaster experts here. That way we can have twice the amount of back seat driving.

Not a coaster expert but I work in the marketing industry and our company even holds a marketing and promotional product account for Quassy and Six Flags New England so I'll share my marketing thoughts freely regardless of the fact that people get attacked for doing so here.


I don't see how people who work in a relevant-to-the-discussion industry sharing their experience and perspective is so irritating.

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Love being a season pass holder. Went to the park today. Arrived at 9:50. The traffic line turning off the road was 3 across and backed up past the Splash Country overpass. The parking lot was already spilling into the E area. Definitely not expecting that. I thought most spring breaks were over. No big.


Turned around, spent a few hours in Pigeon Forge. Rode a mountain coaster, had lunch. Headed back to Oak Ridge.


Love being a season pass holder.


Hate huge crowds.


Monday wasn't bad, but yesterday was slammed, too. We ended up getting the Timesaver pass yesterday to help out (so worth it!).

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Back to important stuff! My main concern is will this perfectly normal delay affect the relationship between Dollywood and RMC? I personally would love to see a T-REX in the park someday. Hope it doesn't come to something like the Huss tragedy.

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^^ & ^ It's impossible to know that. Maybe the DW staff is completely pissed off behind the scenes, or maybe they are completely understanding. We could only vaguely speculate based on what we know about them, which is nothing.


That said, delays on major projects are part of the game in this country because we have high standards and regulations. If it were a huge issue, most companies wouldn't stick around very long.


The only company I'd be worried about is the vendor who supplied the original launch equipment. This was their time to break into a new niche and they shot themselves in the foot.

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