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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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I'm going to go with 'Longest Looping Wooden Coaster in the World' if the "longest" rumor is true.


They wouldn't be able to advertise it as the longest RMC, the GP wouldn't understand that.

Think of Outlaw Run. It was $10,000,000 and just shy of 3,000 ft. Add into this the fact that the lower to the ground the coaster is built, the less money is spent on supports. If this is the terrain coaster I'm hearing about, that's a lot of money saved on supports. With a $20,000,000 budget, I can see this longest thing happening, but only if this thing is a terrain coaster to the t.

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^And they both are terrian coasters so your comparison is reasonable. Wow, it has been YEARS since the Beast, and this thing will not only also be secluded, but full of awesome RMC twistiness! Night rides are going to be KILLER!

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1. We decided to ride the trolley so that we would be able to see the construction zone and as we were going through it the driver said,"We are now going through the area for next year's new attraction. It is going to be the longest roller coaster in America!"

After he said that I was skeptical but once I saw the clearing I noticed it could definitely be the longest! Though, this is still a rumor I can't imagine an elderly man lying to a busload of passengers.


When I was at Busch Gardens earlier this year I took a ride on the Serengeti Railway. When we passed Cheetah Hunt we were told that Cheetah Hunt was three and a half minutes long. You can't always take what employees say at face value.

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I know we've talked about "firsts" here such as "The World's First Launching Wooden Coaster", but let's switch gears and talk records that could be broken with the new coaster...here's the current list of records (correct me if I'm wrong)


Largest Drop - 180ft "Goliath" Six Flags, Illinois

Tallest - 183ft "T Express" Everland, South Korea

Longest - 7,400ft "The Beast" Kings Island, Ohio

Fastest - 72mph "Goliath" Six Flags, Illinois

Angle of Descent - 85 degrees "Goliath" Six Flags, Illinois


If we're indeed looking at a +$20mil price tag for a wooden coaster, it's certainly possible that every single one of these records could be broken. Sure, it's not probable but it sure would put Dollywood all over the records books...and on top of pretty much every coaster enthusiasts' must-do parks.


What record(s) do you think the coaster will break?

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^Personally, I'm finding it hard to believe this coaster is going to have over 7,400 feet of track, so I'm going to rule length out. I also suspect that "Highest" (which, I believe will be taken by Kolmarden's Wildfire RMC next year anyway) and "Longest Drop" are out, as I think this is going to be more of a "terrain coaster", darting through the trees low to the hill. I do think steepest drop could be possible, as they've shown they can do inversions on a drop, so how much harder could it be to do a 90 degree drop, especially if it isn't from super high up (think, 50-100 feet.) Regardless of any of that, I do believe that aside from being the "Worlds First Launched Wooden Coaster", it'll also be the "World's Fastest Wooden Coaster," with the launch taking it to around 85 mph to snag that record. Given that I think this will launch at the beginning of the coaster (to go with the hot rod theme) to take it up onto that hill, I suspect if they're going to go for the "angle of descent" record, it would need to be later in the ride, maybe halfway through, helping to propel it through the remainder of the course. Does that particular record matter if it's the first drop or not? I'm not sure there...


Honestly, the steepest drop thing isn't likely to happen either, but I do believe the speed will be a new wooden coaster record (assuming it's a wooden coaster), and I also believe it will set the record for inversions on a wooden coaster, which is 3, currently. So, a 4 inversion launched wooden coaster setting a new speed record for that type! I think that alone will be pretty amazing, regardless of any other records set, though the vertical drop seems at least plausible to me as well.


Now, if this turns out to be I-box, so much for all of this talk about setting records!

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What if Dollywood is only going for the longest wooden coaster and this thing isn't even launched?? It has never been confirmed it was a launch and the "Dollywood search engine mistake" that said launched was said to be a Photoshop and not real..


Now I do believe it will be launched but nothing has been confirmed on that at all so for as far as we know it might just the the world's longest wooden coaster

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What if Dollywood is only going for the longest wooden coaster and this thing isn't even launched?? It has never been confirmed it was a launch and the "Dollywood search engine mistake" that said launched was said to be a Photoshop and not real..


Now I do believe it will be launched but nothing has been confirmed on that at all so for as far as we know it might just the the world's longest wooden coaster


It hasn't been confirmed yet but I think with a name like Shot Rod it is more likely to be launched than not.

It could also have a lift hill, if it is going to be the longest wooden coaster then we could see a lift hill first then a launch later on in the ride. Kind of like a wooden Maverick (I know Maverick's lift is more like a launch than a lift, but you know what I mean).

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Exactly I feel it will be launched as well but the name really doesn't confirm anything.


Rumors are rumors but we will know for sure in a few weeks what we are dealing with ha-ha!


Also if I am understanding the post correctly it wasnt a Dollywood employee that said it would be the longest anyways.. It was a Trolley driver so I guess City Employee. Not a Dollywood Tram Employee so I wouldn't take it very seriously

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Yeah, the coaster isn't going to be longer than the Beast. It could very well be the "longest coaster in America" with an asterisks next to it. (longest RMC coaster in America, longest coaster in America in a park that sells cinnamon bread, etc.)

Edited by ernierocker
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It's my belief that the only length record this coaster will hold is "longest coaster at Dollywood." Longest RMC record is irrelevant to almost everybody that's not us! And it's definitely not beating the Beast.


I also have some doubts with the $20 million claim. It's been thrown around so many times that people believe it. Can somebody link me to somewhere where a Dollywood official gave a price to this project other than saying "largest investment?" I have enormous doubts that $20 mill can be spent purely on a wood coaster. But I do know LSMs are expensive too. There's just something not sitting right with me about that claim.

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It's my belief that the only length record this coaster will hold is "longest coaster at Dollywood." Longest RMC record is irrelevant to almost everybody that's not us! And it's definitely not beating the Beast.


I also have some doubts with the $20million claim. It's been thrown around so many times that people believe it. Can somebody link me to somewhere where a Dollywood official gave a price to this project other than saying "largest investment?" I have enormous doubts that $20 mill can be spent purely on a wood coaster. But I do know LSMs are expensive too. There's just something not sitting right with me about that claim.


Didn't they say when they played the teaser video that it would be their biggest investment for a ride, and would cost more than Wild Eagle did. Wild Eagle cost $20million, so therefore this ride will cost more than that. Longest wooden coaster plus launch technology would surely come to around that figure would it not?

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^Yes, Pete Owens (Director of Media/Public Relations) and Craig Owens (Dollywood President) both said it would be their largest single investment to date. It's in this thread somewhere if you want to read it. I don't see where an exact dollar amount has been said, but that guarantees it will be more than $20 Million.

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Yup there is a video probably 50 pages or so back now where Pete Owens says it and there is another link where Craig says it..


So yeah, like ernierocker says the proof is here in this thread but you will have to find it..


Wild Eagle was their largest at around $20mil so this ride will be at least that.. Could even be more because I don't believe they gave a $ amount but just said its their largest investment yet..


Pete, in another interview said it would cost around Wild Eagle so with the largest investment and that statement that's where the 20 mil is coming from

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I did some searching, and the actual quote by Pete Owens was "in the same price range as Wild Eagle". Just search "Pete Owens" in this thread to read the full quote. Rather it is a little more or a little less than Wild Eagle, you are still talking a substantial ride, so it really doesn't matter.

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^I believe both Lightning Rod and Shot Rod are trademarked. I really hope they go with Shot Rod, as Lightning Rod has nothing to do with classic cars.


It reminds me of when SDC trademarked "The Outlaw" and then "Outlaw Run". They went with the latter of course. Hopefully this time Dollywood sticks with the first name.

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One thing to keep in mind here is that the cost of excavation for this site is going to be tremendous.


Take two examples:


B&M Wing Coaster Comparison

-X-Flight at SFGAm cost around $15 million.

-Wild Eagle was ~$20 million.

-You can argue that these two rides are similar in length, height, etc.

-The only differences are the excavation (little-to-none at SFGAm and moving a mountain at Dollywood) and themeing (Dollywood again with more $ here).


RMC Coaster Comparion

-Outlaw Run cost around $10 million.

-If Shot/Lightning Rod is rumored to be in a similar price-range as Wild Eagle, that could be around $15-18 million. The quote from Craig Ross (The Dollywood Company President) mentioned it being "ONE of the biggest single-attraction additions." If it indeed was THE biggest, I would assume that would be something he would have trumpeted at the time.

-Excavation alone for this project could be in the $4-5 million price range, putting the new ride itself at a similar price tag to Outlaw Run (or a bit higher).


I just wanted to pull everyone back to reality (especially those saying it will break numerous world-records). I wouldn't be surprised to see a launched coaster here - and that would be a world-record in itself - but to say it will be the tallest, longest, fastest, etc. is a bit of a stretch.

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Yeah, I am not sure if it would break these records. I think the launched aspect is already huge for RMC and Dollywood, but they've definitely worked hard on this project so I guarantee it will have some sorta elements that will be a first-of-a-kind thing

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Yeah I think it's pretty safe to say it will be around $20 million due to Wild Eagle. Also, keep in mind both quotes where over a year ago so price might have even went up due to materials and labor possibly costing more (price might go down a little as well)


Either way, even with groundwork you are looking at a coaster that will probably cost $5 - 8 million more before they have to do the groundwork.. That's about 50 - 75% more than outlaw run and still saves money for the groundwork... $15 million and then 5 million for ground work can build a nice coaster..


This has the potential to be everything in all these rumors but probably not the longest coaster..

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