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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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Rocky Mountain Construction confirmed!


"Rocky Mountain Construction is confirmed! A job posted today directly from Rocky Mountain Construction for an immediate position in Pigeon Forge for "2 Full-Time survey positions"! Now, Rocky Mountain Construction is way too big, too popular, and too expensive for anyone other that Dollywood to be using them in Pigeon Forge, so this absolutely confirms the rumors that the new coaster will be a Rocky Mountain Construction coaster!"

(source: http://www.pigeonforgetnguide.com/things-to-do/new-dollywood-roller-coaster-in-2016/ )


Would a company lost their project sites all willy nilly like that? This doesn't see that "authentic" to me...

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I'm not surprised at all, but I am very anxious to see what elements/layout this coaster will have. I am hoping for something around 4000' of length with hopefully no inversions!

The barrel rolls on Outlaw Run are some of the best inversions out there. A perfect balance of airtime and inversions would be awesome.

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Rocky Mountain Construction confirmed!


"Rocky Mountain Construction is confirmed! A job posted today directly from Rocky Mountain Construction for an immediate position in Pigeon Forge for "2 Full-Time survey positions"! Now, Rocky Mountain Construction is way too big, too popular, and too expensive for anyone other that Dollywood to be using them in Pigeon Forge, so this absolutely confirms the rumors that the new coaster will be a Rocky Mountain Construction coaster!"

(source: http://www.pigeonforgetnguide.com/things-to-do/new-dollywood-roller-coaster-in-2016/ )


Would a company lost their project sites all willy nilly like that? This doesn't see that "authentic" to me...


I'm also suspicious.

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For the record, the job was initially posted at http://jobs.landsurveyorsunited.com/a/jobs/list/ as a premier, sponsored listing...and they paid $109 to get it listed on that site as well as SimplyHired.com . Sure, someone could fork out $109 to dupe people, but with this sort of thing I don't know why.

Edited by ASE
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For the record, the job was initially posted at http://jobs.landsurveyorsunited.com/a/jobs/list/ as a premier, sponsored listing...and they paid $109 to get it listed on that site as well as SimplyHired.com . Sure, someone could fork out $109 to dupe people, but with this sort of thing I don't know why.


Yeah I'm not suspicious AT ALL. To add to your reasoning, you could get in some pretty serious trouble/lawsuits by posing as a company you don't represent. This all adds up to me. Dollywood along with KK and SFDK will be must visits next year!

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Coaster enthusiasts get excited and confident when they hear a rumor from the bathroom janitor in a theme park but are skeptical of a real job listing that is through RMC...


Good for Dollywood for the confirmation. I'm already planning on getting a season pass down there next season as it may be my last year being only 4 hours away.


Also, GREAT news for Kentucky Kingdom and probably Discovery Kingdom. Cedar Fair will you ever join this bargain of a trend?

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This could also explain why we haven't seen many changes on the hill in the past month...most likely waiting for surveyors to get started on all the "fun stuff".

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I'm cautiously optimistic... I'm worried that if it does have a launch there will end up being issues. Like I've talked about before, I really want DW to have a ride that I'll actually want to travel to ride over and over again. A lot of DW's attempts to be innovative haven't turned out well, but RMC has never disappointed yet...

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Coaster enthusiasts get excited and confident when they hear a rumor from the bathroom janitor in a theme park but are skeptical of a real job listing that is through RMC...


Wrong. I'm usual skeptical of everything.


You wouldn't think a company like RMC would have to put out a generic advertisement for something as common as surveying. I'm not doubting the listed projects, but this seems more like controlled hype than a legitimate listing. Either way it's a win.

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A lot of DW's attempts to be innovative haven't turned out well...

Firechaser express???


Firechaser Express is very creative, but for what I'm referring to it's not the type of innovative I'm talking about since Mack has already done plenty of similar rides. I'm talking more about Adventure Mountain, Timber Tower, Mystery Mine, and even Wild Eagle (IMO). That's not so say that those attractions were bad, but they were perhaps overly-ambitious and ended up having issues that hampered their enjoyment factor or DW's ability to keep them around. Chain-wide, there's also Buzzsaw Falls and the SDC Waterboggin conversion that didn't necessarily go well. They have also had some hits: Powderkeg, Outlaw Run both involved a manufacturer using new techniques and they turned out amazing.


DW seems to have a history of being less careful though, hence my hesitation at seeing them get yet another moderately ambitious ride. Launches shouldn't be a huge deal anymore, but a lot can happen when a company is doing something for the first time. I doubt it will be an issue, but I'd honestly be more psyched if the launch rumor wasn't hanging around and we were just talking about them getting an even awesomer version of Outlaw Run.

Edited by Shavethewhales
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A lot of DW's attempts to be innovative haven't turned out well...

Firechaser express???


Firechaser Express is very creative, but for what I'm referring to it's not the type of innovative I'm talking about since Mack has already done plenty of similar rides. I'm talking more about Adventure Mountain, Timber Tower, Mystery Mine, and even Wild Eagle (IMO). That's not so say that those attractions were bad, but they were perhaps overly-ambitious and ended up having issues that hampered their enjoyment factor or DW's ability to keep them around. Chain-wide, there's also Buzzsaw Falls and the SDC Waterboggin conversion that didn't necessarily go well. They have also had some hits: Powderkeg, Outlaw Run both involved a manufacturer using new techniques and they turned out amazing.


DW seems to have a history of being less careful though, hence my hesitation at seeing them get yet another moderately ambitious ride. Launches aren't shouldn't be a huge deal anymore, but a lot can happen when a company is doing something for the first time. I doubt it will be an issue, but I'd honestly be more psyched if the launch rumor wasn't hanging around and we were just talking about them getting an even awesomer version of Outlaw Run.

Whether or not you like Wild Eagle, it's been a big hit for the park and I haven't heard anything about anything going wrong technically with the ride, so not sure why you chose that as an example. (Also, how was Adventure Mountain "innovative"?) There's a reason parks take risks with new prototypes. Without SDC taking risks, we wouldn't have seen Outlaw Run or Powder Keg. RMC has not had a bad coaster yet; they haven't even had a mediocre one yet, so there's a high chance a launch is going to work out just fine for them.


Launches are freaking awesome though. A launched RMC? Even better.

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Mystery Mine seems to be a huge hit too, it always has a huge line (I know capacity isn't the best but still, it's a very popular ride) and people outside of the enthusiast community really seem to like it. Personally I have no shame in saying it's in my top 10 steel coasters (out of about 200). I absolutely love it.

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