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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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^ last year I waited over an hour for fire chaser...We have to understand, if the demand wasn't at dollywood for these attractions to keep popping up we wouldn't see them keep popping up. If you look at my trip reports, it seems as if the parks are always dead I go to but I just go when no one is there...


Neither have I, Neither have I...


I really doubt there's enough space for two coasters there, as cool as that would be. Whatever source you have, I don't believe it. Don't get your hopes up!


There's NO way... I will put all my money on it being a single track!

There is enough space for anything they want to put in that area. I would highly suggest you look at the overhead view of that area if you haven't...


And no one is asking you or anyone to believe anything at all...We are all speculating here right? Also, my hopes are not up at all but I wouldn't be so sure of what it WONT be either. Have you seen the plans? I doubt it so yeah, it's anyone's game right now.

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Neither have I, Neither have I...


I really doubt there's enough space for two coasters there, as cool as that would be. Whatever source you have, I don't believe it. Don't get your hopes up!


There's NO way... I will put all my money on it being a single track!


There is plenty of room back there, I wouldn't be so sure of myself if I was you.

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Neither have I, Neither have I...


I really doubt there's enough space for two coasters there, as cool as that would be. Whatever source you have, I don't believe it. Don't get your hopes up!


There's NO way... I will put all my money on it being a single track!


There is plenty of room back there, I wouldn't be so sure of myself if I was you.


True, there is plenty of room! But IMO, there hasn't been enough room cleared for two coasters. I'm thinking it'll be one track nearing 4000' long. From the rumors that've been spread, I think many people are getting a little too ambitious! Although we may see another racing/dueling RMC in the near future, it won't be at Dollywood. I'm still crossing my fingers for an LSM launch up the hillside with some unique elements. I also hope the keep the inversions down to a minimum with this one and focus on airtime!

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People always assume that the park is very small due to what they can only see by the eye from where they're from. Look at a map on Google, and even then you won't get the greatest idea. Take Wild Eagles track and see what all you could do with that back there. People always speculate a coaster up in the clearing, while that may be true I don't see that particular coaster being very big. I see more of a village type area and flat rides possible. The overal feel of the train is supposed to be as if you are traveling to another town in the smokies and back. Anyway, I got off topic but still, back to Shot Rod.

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There is plenty of room back there, I wouldn't be so sure of myself if I was you.


True, there is plenty of room! But IMO, there hasn't been enough room cleared for two coasters. I'm thinking it'll be one track nearing 4000' long. From the rumors that've been spread, I think many people are getting a little too ambitious!


Your logic is failing you today. The ride opens in March 2016. They aren't nearly done clearing all of the land yet and I highly doubt any of the major construction will be visible until after the August announcement.

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There is plenty of room back there, I wouldn't be so sure of myself if I was you.


True, there is plenty of room! But IMO, there hasn't been enough room cleared for two coasters. I'm thinking it'll be one track nearing 4000' long. From the rumors that've been spread, I think many people are getting a little too ambitious!


Your logic is failing you today. The ride opens in March 2016. They aren't nearly done clearing all of the land yet and I highly doubt any of the major construction will be visible until after the August announcement.


Ok, then I'll stop talking about it. Instead I'll just wait for August and keep everyone's certainty on dueling bookmarked until then.

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i was at dollywood today, and this year we've mostly did the preferred parking option. it's 10 bucks with a gold pass and think the convenience is worth it. " i just consider my extra 10 dollars a donation to the park to help aid their expansion, haha, plus you get a really nice, normally unseen view of Thunderhead. " but anyway, the point is that when you take the road that leads to the preferred parking area there is a gravel road on the left just before you get into that parking area with some large cargo or storage containers and some big " basically " palletized stacks of wood that i haven't noticed before. looked to me like like the wood was wrapped in plastic. so, i don't know exactly what it is, could just be nothing, my hopes are that it is some RMC commissioned wood. but who knows, could just be wood for fence repairs and such. thoughts?

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^Likely not for the ride as it is probably still a bit early for track to arrive. However, that same area was where Wild Eagle track was stored. I imagine though the main storage area for this ride will be back in the area by the employee parking lot.

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I agree with the whole single track idea. It would make sense to have a launch and feature that element, have a few more inversions as well as a chain lift. If they have 25 million, it would be more logical in my mind if they made one amazing ride with more elements as opposed to having a dual track and a shorter ride. Either way, I CANNOT wait to see how this turns out. If it ends up being anything like I'm hoping, it's looking like it'll be the best coaster for 2016.

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I'm face palming at the 'coasterboy' speculation over a dueling wooden launched coasters, as if just one launched roller coaster isn't cool enough. The dueling coaster is not going to happen.


Now back to earth... if this is a launched wooden roller coaster, does anyone know the weight difference between a steel coaster train and a wooden coaster train? I ask because if a wooden train is lighter, wouldn't it take less launch track and therefor even less space?


the GSMNP (smokeys) was the most visited long before Dollywood showed up to the party, so I don't think they have the "get out of jail free" card that some think they might. They are part of the overall package, but not the driving reason that park is the most visited - look at its positioning in relation to the nation's population core for example - that factors in a lot.


Agreed. The park is a big draw, but it's not nearly the only draw or even the biggest draw. Most adults without children who visit the area could give a crap about the park. I know a ton of adults from the St. Louis area who have traveled to the area for the cabins, national park, moon shine tasting, etc. My wife and I are the only couple who have been to Dollywood out of anyone we know who has been to the area.

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In regards to the whole "Dollywood having pull with the city" topics, here's the thing. Dollywood pays the city a lot of tax dollars....the national park doesn't. Don't get me wrong, the Smokies are beautiful but when it comes to changing city ordinances, it's the taxpaying businesses that have the most pull. Dollywood has worked with the city numerous times....all the way back to when it first changed to Dollywood. My grandfather was a commissioner at that time and received a letter directly from Dolly requesting some changes from the city.


The largest taxpayers in the city have the most pull. Why do you think they legalized liquor by the drink? Over 2,500 visitors were polled on whether they wanted liquor by the drink and 71% said no (source: http://www.pigeonforgetnguide.com/news/pigeon-forge-liquor-by-the-drink-vote-results/ )...but certain businessmen in the city hammered it to the voting locals and got it passed to bring in Hard Rock, Margaritaville, and everything else that's popping up.


Another example is the large, video signs throughout town now. One of the biggest taxpayers put one up without the city's approval (even though it was against ordinance). When the city brought it up, the business owner hinted at moving his businesses out of Pigeon Forge....needless to say, the ordinance was changed and tax dollars remained in town.


I say that to say this...if Dollywood (or any other large taxpayer in Pigeon Forge) has an idea up its sleeve that they can convince the commissioners that it will generate a load of new revenue, you'll see ordinances changed. Pigeon Forge has changed a lot over the years recently and will sell out to just about anything that promises $$$$$$. At this point, I wouldn't rule ANYTHING out when it comes to Dollywood...if Dollywood wants it to happen, they'll make it happen.

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And who said Dollywood was or was not the biggest draw? Earlier I was speaking in regards to variances to the planning commission. Not one vs. another.


I love a quote that Amy Owenby (VP of Hospitality @DW) said while giving construction tours of DreamMore and speaking about the overall economy of PF/Gatlinburg/Sevierville and that was "A high tide floats all boats", meaning that they realize that their additions are beneficial to the local economy overall. The planning commission knows this and works WITH them to ensure it continues to prosper. It is so not a one vs. another situation.

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I said Dollywood helps bring people to the area and is one reason the gsmnp was as big as it was but I didn't mean for it to be taken as the single largest draw.. I meant for it to be one of the largest non national park draws.. I'm sure everyone that visits Dollywood visits the national park.. Also, someone just mentioned people visiting the national park to taste moonshine.. Again why did they legalize it in the area? Revenue and Money..


The GSMNP brings a lot of its tourist itself BUT Dollywood, Moonshine, PF and Gatlinburg in general really really help push the national park numbers up.. Its a package deal and Dollywood is probably the biggest part of that package that is not the national park itself..


I know the NP would still probably be the most traveled even without Dollywood and the rest of the area but still Dollywood has to push those numbers up some


Think about it this way.. How many traveling visitors do you think Dollywood every year? I have no idea BUT think about how many of them also visit the National Park because they are here? Or think about how many people travel to the National park because of all the local entertainment in the area? The restaurants, entertainment, shows, small parks are all growing because of Dollywood. (The NP itself helps the area grow as well but I don't believe the area would be as big as it is without Dollywood)


When Dollywood grows so does PF.. So does the rest of the area.


So I do also feel Dollywood has a very big pull on the city and how it operates.. Keep Dollywood happy and it grows.. Bigger and better rides make the tourism grow.. Tourism makes everything around here grow

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Does Dollywood offer a special for an all day onride photo pass? If not, how about a discount for multiple photos throughout the park?

I called Dollywood and figured I would answer my own question in case anyone wants to know. The on-ride photos are ran by Kodak and not Dollywood so when I called Dollywood, they had no idea and I had to call Kodak to get the answer.


  • Dollywood sells individual on-ride photos for $15.99 +tax per photo.
  • Dollywood sells a USB drive for $39.99 +tax and that includes 1 photo.
  • You can add additional photos to your USB drive $1.95 +tax per photo.



The different photo opportunities (not including the water park) include...

  • Front Gate
  • The Train
  • The Bus
  • Mystery Mine
  • Thunderhead
  • Wild Eagle
  • Tennessee Tornado
  • Daredevil Falls

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Hi guys!

Need some advice from the locals.

I'm planning a trip for september and we (me and my wife)are gonna visit SDC and Dollywood.

We are planning to book a room at the new Dreammore resort with a 2 days for the price of 1 day entree ticket.

The question is: we have the choice in our schedule to either visit DW friday-saturday (18-19th) or Sunday-monday(20-21st). The other 2 days are gonna be used to visit the smoky mountains.

What's the best option in terms of crowds?




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Hey everyone Dollywood is at it again.... SO Dollywood seems to be already teaseing their new "ROLLERCOASTER" They have painted the wall in front of the construction site red and also painted a huge fire ball that says "DOLLYWOOD 2016" then next to that they have painted on the wall in Yellow "Dollywood 2016: Lighting Fast!" I have to say they pretty much just confirmed a Launching Coaster in my book! Thoughts?

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Hey everyone Dollywood is at it again.... SO Dollywood seems to be already teaseing their new "ROLLERCOASTER" They have painted the wall in front of the construction site red and also painted a huge fire ball that says "DOLLYWOOD 2016" then next to that they have painted on the wall in Yellow "Dollywood 2016: Lighting Fast!" I have to say they pretty much just confirmed a Launching Coaster in my book! Thoughts?


Do you know where I can see pictures of the fence?

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Hi guys!

Need some advice from the locals.

I'm planning a trip for september and we (me and my wife)are gonna visit SDC and Dollywood.

We are planning to book a room at the new Dreammore resort with a 2 days for the price of 1 day entree ticket.

The question is: we have the choice in our schedule to either visit DW friday-saturday (18-19th) or Sunday-monday(20-21st). The other 2 days are gonna be used to visit the smoky mountains.

What's the best option in terms of crowds?





Sunday-Monday would be better as far as crowds go.

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