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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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The project also includes a new 750-foot walkway that provides a direct route to the park’s Craftsman’s Valley area from Timber Canyon.

This is the real news here!


As for the new ride, I am disappointed in a large way. I could get the same effect by driving through a carwash in a convertible with a water gun. To me, water rides (with a few exceptions) belong in water parks. Eh, it'll be a hit with the GP though.


I'll be sure to look at it once or twice as I walk past it on the beautiful new walkway. And, if there's enough space left over, maybe they'll put a darkride in next. I guess it depends on how large it is though.

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  • 7 months later...

Well ScreaScape had some new pictures of River Battle a few days ago. It looks really nice! Really close to Mystery Mine but I knew that.


Also the redid their map. I liked the old one better in someways and this one in ways. I like how every little thing was marked on the old one though. It doesnt really matter to me I know where everything is anyways.



Shows how close it all is to Mystery Mine.





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Ill be out opening weekend or week. Its awsome because the opening is exactly when my spring break is.

Ill get lots of pictures of this and the new pathway.

Im excited to see Mystery Mines tressle drop from directly behind it!

I think the path will have a few good photo spots on it.

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Dollywood is turning into what Knott's was: a family theme park that isn't Disney. Other than Disney, I can't think of one US park that offers the level of theming seen in that picture - Mystery Mine and River Battle - that goes beyond the station. IMO, stations and logos do not make a ride themed.

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One week till I get out to Dollywood! Man I cant wait! Thunderhead here I come! Im excited to see how it turned out. Im going to do some runs on Thunderhead first maybe jump on Mystery Mine then go in picture mode of this ride so all you guys can see how it turned out.


I think my trip will be Monday. I think the crowds might be bad since its right after Easter.

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  • 4 months later...

Get ready for an actionpacked

Summer of

Adventure at Dollywood

in 2009, where new attractions and

shows blend nature and the spirit of

the Great Smoky Mountains in pursuit

of great times!

The quest begins March 28,

2009, through April 28, 2009, at

Dollywood’s Festival of Nations

with the unveiling of the new

show Imagine presented by Le

Grand Cirque. Atroupe of daring

acrobats, aerialists, jugglers,

clowns and high wire artists

amaze audiences with their athletic

ability, lavish costumes, dynamic

lighting, mesmerizing music

and breathtaking feats in this circus

that stretches audiences’ imagination

as the unimaginable

becomes spellbinding reality. A

cast of premier international performers

sets the stage for mystery

and intrigue as Imagine delivers

such spectacular acts as pole

climbing and silk ropes in a setting

unlike any ever seen before at


The journey continues in

Wilderness Pass where a challenge

of strength and skill awaits

every member of the family at

Dollywood’s new Adventure

Mountain, where exploration

uncovers an endless combination

of high-energy feats to engage and

entice the entire family! At the

mountain’s base or high atop the

summit of this new multi-level

attraction, thrills are sure to peak

as guests encounter a waterfall

gorge, rugged rope trails, discovery

cave—even fire mountain—

along the various paths that meander

throughout this two-acre area.

Daring zip lines even awaits those

brave enough to travel through

the treetops! Guests can challenge

themselves in individual

competitions or the entire family

can compete in the contest to see

who can tackle Dollywood’s new

Adventure Mountain.

Dollywood Sets the

Course for 2009’s

Summer of Adventure


This was just released in Whats Happening the Dollywood host newsletter.

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Sounds really cool.... but I guess with me like any other coaster fan... I would like to see a new coaster... I know I know... they have just added Mystery Mine.... but I love coasters and love DW.... So anything that DW does... is great... DW just keeps getting bigger and better. So if they are able to add anything on a yearly basis that should be great for any coaster/park lover.

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Hmmm, Adventure Mountain sounds great to me. I'm just curious to see and hear more details, like concept art. I'd love to see a Toverland-like ropes course in America, but I'm guessing an attempt at such would be pretty neutered.


The journey continues in

Wilderness Pass where a challenge

of strength and skill awaits

every member of the family at

Dollywood’s new Adventure

Mountain, where exploration

uncovers an endless combination

of high-energy feats to engage and

entice the entire family!


I mean, because honestly, when you think of Dollywood's average guest, strength, skill, and high-energy don't necessarily come straight to mind, you know?

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^^Especially when you see what they're serving in the craft area and the restaurants!


But maybe that will keep the lines down.


Dolly must have been looking at those Toverland or Aventure Parc Wavre pics... did she see me doing the zip line with my toes pointed? Probably not, else they might keep me out the next time I go.



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It's an interesting attraction sure enough, but it doesn't entice me much. I mean, I've seen the Stone Mountain version and it just plain doesn't look like that much fun; all you do is hop from one object to another while suspended by a rope. I guess it's funner if you have the right people doing it with you.


Anyone have any experiences to share on the Stone Mountain version? Is it better than it looks?


I'm glad they're being so creative though rather than just putting in thrill ride after thrill ride - I can't wait to see the theming that will go into this. Can't we get a better name though?

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I doubt I'll ever visit this attraction when I'm at Dollywood if it's just going to be a large climbing structure like the one at Stone Mountain, except with some themed tunnels here and there. To be blunt about it, if I wanted to workout I would go to a gym, not a theme park. Plus the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is right next door where you can go on a REAL hike through the mountains - rather than wandering around in some artificial play fort.


Besides, Dollywood already had a bunch of net climbs, rope swings, ziplines, and physical activity-type stuff in the old Daydream Ridge area that was demolished for Dreamland Forest. I was under the impression they got rid of that because by the late 90s it was considered to be a liability.


I mean, I'm glad they aren't doing a new ride for the first time in several years, but I was hoping for something that would go back and expand the cultural aspect of the park that has been pretty much abandoned over the last decade.


I also agree, it needs a better name too.

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