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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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I think I can tell exactly why they're having problems on this ride...the ride is ridiculously fast and taken at an ungodly pace.


I can't believe they'd actually be able to operate the ride that way consistently, holey smokes. Looks amazing.

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After riding Storm Chaser recently, it's hard to imagine how crazy this ride will be at those speeds. We bought a season pass early this season, just in case we do drive back down. If this bad boy actually opens, it is getting more and more tempting to make the trip.


To be one of "those people", I wish it was a little bit longer!

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tpr is probably jealous they didn't get the first pov.


I get the impression that TPR has never really cared about being first and more about the quality of the videos they shoot. I think they'd rather have a nice steady video without the shaking than having a member rush out with a hand mounted one to be first.

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^This. Which is why we shot our own video of The Joker. Robb has also routinely waited for the 'HD' version from the park before uploading. Quality vs. Firsties.


If I'm not mistaken, Dollywood has a no video policy period on it's rides without permission. It wouldn't appear that person had permission especially given their description of the video.

Edited by chadster
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tpr is probably jealous they didn't get the first pov.


I get the impression that TPR has never really cared about being first and more about the quality of the videos they shoot. I think they'd rather have a nice steady video without the shaking than having a member rush out with a hand mounted one to be first.

This is exactly right.

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That POV is awful on a Coasterforce level. Shakier than Muhammad Ali (too soon? OK, Michael J Fox), horrible color mixing, atrocious audio, can't see most of what's going on because of the crap field of view, oh and he deliberately broke park policy to get the video.

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I heard from multiple employees at the park today that the recent extended downtime is due to damage sustained during Thursday's storms. I have no clue whether or not this is accurate information, but it aligns with this post on Reddit:



We heard the same thing from a park lead today. Sounds like it will take a couple of days to get things back up. They are getting close!


I hope nobody gets frustrated over this kind of delay. I definitely understand getting restless over the technical problems, but this is the textbook definition of something that couldn't be helped

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I heard from multiple employees at the park today that the recent extended downtime is due to damage sustained during Thursday's storms. I have no clue whether or not this is accurate information, but it aligns with this post on Reddit:



We heard the same thing from a park lead today. Sounds like it will take a couple of days to get things back up. They are getting close!


I hope nobody gets frustrated over this kind of delay. I definitely understand getting restless over the technical problems, but this is the textbook definition of something that couldn't be helped

It isn't just LR either, Tennessee Tornado is closed due to it as well as Mystery Mine. Not sure as to what the lightning done exactly, but yea the only coasters that are open at Dollywood are Thunderhead, WE, and FCE. I'm in town right now and people were behind me at breakfast this morning that went to Dollywood yesterday, and were given rain check tickets this AM because nothing was going to really be open. They said the park was dead. Early June and the park is dead? What's the deal? I've always known Dollywood to be crammed from June-early August.

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That POV is awful on a Clusterfarce level. Shakier than Muhammad Ali (too soon? OK, Michael J Fox), horrible color mixing, atrocious audio, can't see most of what's going on because of the crap field of view, oh and he deliberately broke park policy to get the video.


Probably a bit too soon, but definitely worthy of a & a ...and perhaps even a


And yes, I would much rather (and will) wait for TPR's POV than watch someone's crappy illegally filmed video.

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I heard from multiple employees at the park today that the recent extended downtime is due to damage sustained during Thursday's storms. I have no clue whether or not this is accurate information, but it aligns with this post on Reddit:



We heard the same thing from a park lead today. Sounds like it will take a couple of days to get things back up. They are getting close!


I hope nobody gets frustrated over this kind of delay. I definitely understand getting restless over the technical problems, but this is the textbook definition of something that couldn't be helped

It isn't just LR either, Tennessee Tornado is closed due to it as well as Mystery Mine. Not sure as to what the lightning done exactly, but yea the only coasters that are open at Dollywood are Thunderhead, WE, and FCE. I'm in town right now and people were behind me at breakfast this morning that went to Dollywood yesterday, and were given rain check tickets this AM because nothing was going to really be open. They said the park was dead. Early June and the park is dead? What's the deal? I've always known Dollywood to be crammed from June-early August.

I've seen both MM and TT testing today, so they're at least not totally fried (and both were operating yesterday).


The park is dead today — walk ons on just about everything.

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That POV is awful on a Clusterfarce level. Shakier than Muhammad Ali (too soon? OK, Michael J Fox), horrible color mixing, atrocious audio, can't see most of what's going on because of the crap field of view, oh and he deliberately broke park policy to get the video.


Not as bad as this one:


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That POV is awful on a Clusterfarce level. Shakier than Muhammad Ali (too soon? OK, Michael J Fox), horrible color mixing, atrocious audio, can't see most of what's going on because of the crap field of view, oh and he deliberately broke park policy to get the video.


Irony... When no one in this generation cares about felons slinging crack and heroin on street corners of every town in this country, but everyone gets butt hurt when someone shoots a poor quality POV video which may have possibly violated park policy. I enjoyed the sneak peak, just as I will enjoy the eventual higher quality videos to come. I'm pretty sure the producer wasn't aiming to out-do Spielberg.

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