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Bratz dolls


bratz dolls whores?  

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  1. 1. bratz dolls whores?

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OMG who the hell makes these the Paris Hilton corp. ? I mean there little whore dolls built to make the young girls little sluts. I especally think the worse is the bratz big baby dolls I mean c'mon they came out with a new one that blows...blows bubbles.


*this is just the things going through my mind at the moment while bored*

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We actually do not allow our daughter to own these dolls.



If she shows intrest, we just draw her attention back over to the Barbies(who would of thought THOSE would be the lesser of two evils, and by alot), and she will always pick Barbie



They are like slut/hooker dolls

"look mommy, I bought Sally the Nickle Slut Bratz Doll"




Look hun, If you want that, its gonna cost $300, and you have to pay for the room

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Amen on this subject, although I have to say I cracked just a little bit this past Christmas.....


With Sammi being 7 1/2, I was really getting concerned that the whole "Santa" thing might be an issue this year. So, I told her that while I did not like Bratz and would not buy any, if he thought they were OK, she could ask Santa for some.


I know, that was lame, but she knows how I feel about Bratz so I thought that was a good plan. Also, I only got the "Baby Bratz" which are slightly less HO-ish.....


Well, as it would turn out, she never questioned Santa Claus and doesn't play with the stupid dolls much, either.... go figure


Shari "lesson learned" Shoufler

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I almost dated a Bratz doll once. We got to talking in a Target store and she gave me her number. Turns out it was for the main store switchboard and when I went back she had been sold!


Since then me and Polly Pocket have been getting kinda serious so I think it worked out in the end.

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