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PKI Opening day

Are You going top PKI opening Day  

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  1. 1. Are You going top PKI opening Day

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PKI opening day this is also Good Friday so if the weather is nice im expecting a huge turnout for all you kids like me you should have no school that day so you can also go YAY!


yes i am going!




April 15th is NOT the "Opening Day" for the park, that would be Friday April 14th. Please do not make calendar topics unless you have double checked for accurate information.


Also, please do not make calendar topics for your personal park meets. If you are interested in creating an official "TPR Meet" please contact Robb or Elissa.





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  • 4 weeks later...

^ditto. Actually, I'll stay a bit longer. I gotta get my Vortex fill, which normally takes a few rides (theres just no best seat on that thing) Also, I usually take IJ and TR for a spin if theyre running, and I'll probabbly check out avatar...But yeah. I should be able to go that day. Just need to get a ride up>.>

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Living less than 5 minutes from PKI, you'd think I'd be there, but I don't think so. I only went once last year, to ride IJ, and wasn't really impressed. Someday they might build a new ride actually worth going the 5 minutes from my house to ride, but until then, I'll have to pass. Beast is still good, even though the magnetic brakes ruined rainy day speed rides, and if there's less than 3/4 of the train filled, your ride will be very slooooooowww. Vortex is good in the back seat, and I like racer backwards, but nothing really special is at this park IMO. If anyone from PKI happens to read this...: If I wanted Disney, I'd go to Disney, now quit wasting money on themeing of sub-par rides and build a good coaster. You don't need theming if the ride itself is good! Who am I kidding, I'll probably go this summer, if anything my girlfriend needs the IJ credit. probably the only person to continue a trip to Kings Island as a credit whore trip, huh?

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  • 2 weeks later...

April 15th is NOT the "Opening Day" for the park, that would be Friday April 14th. Please do not make calendar topics unless you have double checked for accurate information.


Also, please do not make calendar topics for your personal park meets. If you are interested in creating an official "TPR Meet" please contact Robb or Elissa.





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