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Food before riding

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This is kind of wiered.

I have motion sickness and so I must take travamine medecine to go to parks. However this medecine makes wanna eat all the time so I do eat but nothing too heavy though.

Unlike what you think, people tend to get sick not because they ate beofre, but because of motion sickness. If the ride is too intense to you you will get sick anyway. However, if you eat beofre riding and get sick 100% you will puke.

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I only ride coasters and major thrill rides.


For me personally it is better to eat before i enter the park.

If i don't eat i tend to get a little sick.


I do not ride spinning flats. Regardless of eating or not, they make me TOTALLY sick and ruin my whole day.

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Well, in my case I have to say this:


I'm like Elissa, not with spinning mouse rides, but with the Graviton rides. Those things hurt my chest immensely. Too much chest pain.


But with other spinning flats like Top Spins. I've never been on them or S&S towers. I can't judge on those, I hope to get on those types of rides this summer in Germany.


But I've been on the Shoot up and Drop down combo towers. They scare me alot, since I think their going to fly off the top of the tower. But they don't though!


Roller Coasters don't effect me that much either. It's my Dad and Mom. Dad (Motion Sick) Mom (Height of the ride). Brother is just fine, he's like me. Ride-wise, he isn't on the coaster scene like me, he's more of a Celebrity Chaser.

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I usually eat when Im at an amusement park (Vidampark being an exceptation) because I get sick easier if Im hungry. And if I get sick I dont feel like eating and I will get even more hungry. But I never eat alot because riding coasters with a full stomach isnt fun either.

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I've got a strong stomach so eating before a ride doesn't bother me too much, unless it's really intense.


I find that if I eat too much I get too tired. Too little and I feel really weak. So I take in a lot of carbs at a park in small doses to keep me awake and not tire me out.

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I can eat a regular sized meal and ride coasters without problems. Once at Universal, I filled up on the Hard Rock Hotel's breakfast buffet and ate 3 platefulls of greasy food. My friend had the idea to ride Dueling Dragons all morning until the lines got long. After 5 rides, we collapsed in Baby Swap and begged for mercy! If we had gone on one more time, I'm sure I would have hurled!

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It's been so, so long since I've experienced eating and theme parks w/coasters, altho the DisneyParis visits are, well.... let's just say, it's been a long, long time.... And with the UK Tour coming up in June, I do need to find out how much I can cope with, re:parks, rides, food, walking, etc.


Which is why I'm getting the season pass for this season at Playland, and 'testing' myself every weekend it's open, starting Easter Weekend (Apr.14). Unfortunately it won't be open daily until after the Tour has started, but weekends will do for now, heh heh.


There's a Burger King on the way to the park, which I will walk to from my house, by the way. Takes me probably a half hour to walk there, and BK is just past the half-way point there. And if I'm too "out-of-it" by the day's end, there's an easy one-route back with the bus to take, lol.


So - I may try a meal deal or something on my way to the park, then hope for the best, LOL.


We'll see.


I would like to try once in awhile, some of the 'stuff' offered right there at Playland, tho. There's a (local legend) White Spot onsite, which has/had great burgers and fries, tho (still) a touch pricy. But that'll get me ready for Theme Park overly-priced food, hmmm?

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Only one did I get sick when I ate before a roller coaster...Space Mountain in the Magic Kingdom (DW). That thing is rough as hell and slings you everwhere. Never again...I also got motion sick for the first time this weekend riding Fire on Dueling Dragons. I got off and felt dizzy and nauseous, I was not happy. Rode Ice twice, no problems, not even when they slam you thru that cobra roll...

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From what I understand, riding on an empty stomach = more stomach acid = greater chance of problems. I try to have something bland and not overfilling (a banana, for instance) shortly before entering a park. And I munch on crystallized ginger through the day - it really works against nausea.

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^ That sounds great, the crystallized ginger idea. We love that stuff and have it around the house all the time.


Worth a try. At Playland this season, they will have BreakDance and something they're calling The Gladiator which in photo looks like one of those swamp-boat 'like' flat rides. These are the two 'New AWESOME Rides' this year. What the flyer says, anyway.


But - definitely want to try both of them, so will take a pack of ginger along and see what happens, lol.


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^ That sounds great, the crystallized ginger idea. We love that stuff and have it around the house all the time.


Worth a try. At Playland this season, they will have BreakDance and something they're calling The Gladiator which in photo looks like one of those swamp-boat 'like' flat rides. These are the two 'New AWESOME Rides' this year. What the flyer says, anyway.


But - definitely want to try both of them, so will take a pack of ginger along and see what happens, lol.



Actually, the Mythbusters show on the Discovery Channel investigated non-drug nausea remedies. Those pressure-point wristbands didn't work. Crystallized ginger did.

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