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Montu Batwing Element

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I believe Paramount's Top Gun coaster has a brakeless Batwing. I think Montu and Top Gun are the only two coasters to have this element. It was my favorite section of Top Gun (yeah it is a little more intense than Montu's plus it has a mist tunnel). If you sit on the very last row (while Montu has some slight brakes, it is still intense in the last row) the forces are quite a bit stronger...but that is the case with inverted coasters. As an overall coaster I think Top Gun is great, but I still like Montu better. Though Top Gun's batwing was a little more fun and intense.

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Montu's batwing is amazing out in the middle of no where. As far as I knew, it had no brakes going into or coming out of the batwing. Montu did have the trims on a little hard back when I was there in December.


Yes, Top Gun at (PCar) and Montu are the only B&M's to have this element. So other manufaturer's do have the element it's just not called the batwing.

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Montu's batwing is definitely the more intense of the two, which is why it has a slight trimming going into it as well as the change in size of the entry angle and return found on Top Gun. Both are great inversions though, much better than those Cobra Rolls (ESPECIALLY the new versions with no forces at all....Silver Bullet and Hydra).


Old Skool B&M elements rock!

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Montu is one of my favorite inverted coasters. I think it is one of the best B&M inverts ever made. I think the coaster would be a lot better if it wasn't for the MCBR. When I rode Montu a couple of months ago I didn't notice a trim break slowing me down before the Batwing. When I ride Montu it makes me wish that newer B&M's were built like the older ones.

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I think top gun's batwing is more drawn out because of the entrance path that runs right thru it not because of the g forces!


That is just a coincidence... I promise you will never see another B&M with a Batwing as tight as Montu's again.....Similar situation is with Mantis and Riddlers Revenge. RR is very Drawn out just cause of the extreme forces Mantis had. They take away the constant extreme G-force when they space it far apart like that.



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I must say, the batwing on Montu is the most amazing element of any inverted coaster Ive been on. Nowadays, the trim is on pretty hard, usuially lasting 3/4 of the train, but still the batwing provides a lot of positive G's. The MCBR has really killed the second half of the ride, but I guess were going to have to live with that.


And ParTrips, B&M designs a coaster for the space that the park provides, and Im pretty sure that the batwing was designed to go under the walkway, not to reduce G's. Just my opinoin...


Colin C

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And ParTrips, B&M designs a coaster for the space that the park provides, and Im pretty sure that the batwing was designed to go under the walkway, not to reduce G's. Just my opinoin...


What? When did I mention anything about the space it's in, or a walkway, or reducing G's

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He must of been refering to me...Yes I know that It was designed for Carowinds Entrance but EVEN if they had built it in flat land out in the middle of nowhere it would still be that drawn out and it would not be nearly as intense as Montu's is!

I think it looks great but I would rather have a High G Batwing than a tunnel under a park entrance.

Nobody on here can deny that B&M has tamed their rides considerably over the last decade because of how intense they have gotten...just look at how many random trims are placed around EVERY B&M that is built now. Oh well as long as they do not touch Raptor!



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I don't think its the compact size of the batwing that makes Montu's more intense, I think its the speed. Comparing the two batwings, the most intense part of Montu's is in the trench. Montu finishes the heartline then dives down, picking up enough speed to be able to accomplish the entry into the batwing, which is much higher and more of a fuller half flatspin/half loop (RCT-terms) than Top Guns. You could take Montu's second half of the batwing and elongate it enough to throw an entry plaza underneath, heck you could stretch it to go under Busch Blvd and come out over in the parking lot, and it would still be more intense than Top Gun's because of its speed and tighter directional change going into the Batwing.


enter from right to left. notice how higher and drawn out the entry to the batwing is. The distance at the bottom of the batwing doesn't matter


enter from left to right. notice how much more looplike the entry is

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I've logged exactly one ride on Montu (July 2002). I need to get back there and get some more in, along with SheiKra and Kumba, which I missed on my visit because it broke down before I got to it


It is interesting that only two B&M inverted coasters have that element. I'd think that it would have made more "appearances," as it were because it's unique and fun.



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Wow, what a difference between the two coasters. My favorite Montu element, that was added last Oct., was the new sound effect featuring people yelling "Silver Bullet" after the MCBR. For some reason it was turned off during my last two visits. Oh well.




I wish a few more coasters would have batwings like Montu's. The nearest to a batwing I've been on the is similar element on Goudurix, and Montu's batwing can only by better than that!

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