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4 New Fuji Q POV's - Fujiyama, Dodonpa, and MORE!

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I can see why you think the Hamster coaster was the best out of all those rides!

LOL! Now you know what we mean! Seriously, though, we were so looking forward to Fuji Q after everything we heard, and the coasters there just didn't live up to any hype:


Fujiyama - Boring for the most part.

Dodonpa - Rough as hell and really not very enjoyable.

Double Loop - Rough and pointless

Zola 7 - Quirky and fun, but more of a dark ride than a coaster

Rock N Roll Duncan - Kids coaster.

Wild Mouse - Closed

Hamster Coaster - "Hey, this is GREAT!!!!!"


IMO, there are MUCH better steel coasters in other parks in Japan. We're willing to give Fuji Q another try since all we keep hearing is GREAT trip reports from this park, but color us totally unimpressed by our visit.



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After seeing the Dodonpa in action, should I be afraid of Hypersonic at PKD? Do both coasters have the same rules in that you have to be basically naked in order to ride?

Although, we haven't been on Hypersonic since 2002, and I have heard reports that it's gotten quite rough since then.....



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I can see why you think the Hamster coaster was the best out of all those rides!

LOL! Now you know what we mean! Seriously, though, we were so looking forward to Fuji Q after everything we heard, and the coasters there just didn't live up to any hype:


Fujiyama - Boring for the most part.

Dodonpa - Rough as hell and really not very enjoyable.

Double Loop - Rough and pointless

Zola 7 - Quirky and fun, but more of a dark ride than a coaster

Rock N Roll Duncan - Kids coaster.

Wild Mouse - Closed

Hamster Coaster - "Hey, this is GREAT!!!!!"


IMO, there are MUCH better steel coasters in other parks in Japan. We're willing to give Fuji Q another try since all we keep hearing is GREAT trip reports from this park, but color us totally unimpressed by our visit.




I always used to think of Tokyo Disney, Fuji-Q and Nagashima Spa Land when I though of Japenese parks, but now that you've got some great media of other places, I'm not looking foward to Fuji-Q as much as I wouldn't have been, say 3 years ago.


Hopefully the new coaster will outdo the park's two previous efforts trying to break records. But if X's capacity plus that park's operations are combined, on a bad day the queues could be huge.


I'm gonna keep an open mind on the park until I visit. Days at parks can vary immensely after all.

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