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Unofficial Solace Roll Call?

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Are you going to Solace? I am. However, I don't want to be a closet coaster enthusiast this year. It would be cool to hang with a group, but as I am so lame. I must beg for some one to take me in. Can you throw a dog a bone as I don't want to be the only single rider there this year... Again.


Guy "I suck so bad." Koepp

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We will not be at Solace on Saturday, but we will be at the Rideworld event at SFMM. And then we MIGHT go to Robb & Elissa's party afterwards....oh, wait....


--Robb "Please be sure to RSVP to the Sunday night TPR party if you are planning on going!" Alvey

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Elissa, I think a lack of ERT on Friday night has a bigger effect on people coming in from out of town for Solace than the Mountain getting a big new coaster reday to go. While it isn't the primary reason I won't be at Solace (a little jaunt to Florida last weekend has something to do with it), that is certainly a major factor.


Paul "Might be on the Mountain Sunday" Miller

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Also it'll help if you can post which days you'll be there.


Don- neither Friday or Saturday (but I'll be there on Monday!)


Monica- Definately on Friday, possibly on Saturday






Yeah, forget to mention me, Don.


What the plans are for monica and I is do the friday evening event through the hotel package deal at the Knott's Resort Hotel, then on Saturday we're just doing regular admission since it's cheaper. $25 bucks with baskins robbins coupons complementary by Don.

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  • 2 weeks later...

// Bringing the Roll Call back from the grave!


Ted Cromwell

Catrina DeGarmo


Fri - Late LAX Arrival and drinks in the Knott's Hotel Bar (Any Takers?)

Sat - Knott's Solace, Possible little jaunt to Adventure City so Catrina can see it

Sun - SFMM WCB3, Robb & Elissa's Party

Mon - Touristy stuff, Possible stop at Universal

Tues - Fly back to West (By God) Virginia

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Elissa, I think a lack of ERT on Friday night has a bigger effect on people coming in from out of town for Solace than the Mountain getting a big new coaster reday to go. While it isn't the primary reason I won't be at Solace (a little jaunt to Florida last weekend has something to do with it), that is certainly a major factor.


Paul "Might be on the Mountain Sunday" Miller

Wait...so there isn't any ERT for the Friday night part of the event?



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^ On the flyer it states that they are still offering the Friday night deal including a "private party", but makes no mention of ERT. Has it in the past? I would have to assume that the party would again have to offer some kind of ERT.


^^ Yes. I will be staying at the Knott's Hotel Fri-Tues. See you there!

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I will doing the package thing with 7 or 8 non coaster friends from San Diego and my Dad, who is flying out from Tulsa for the event. It will be my dad and I's first coaster trip together since Coastermania '97. I'm nice and don't bite, and love to meet new people face to face so if so inclined, please say hi!


I rarely or sporadically post so I have a feeling I know who many regulars are but not many would know me.


Have a great trip everyone!



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Driving down on the March 4th.


5th through 9th in no particular order.



Lego Land

Belmont for a few rides on Giant Dipper


Adventure City

Santa Monica Pier.


Check into Knott's Hotel Friday.

Solace Saturday

WCB/Robb and Elissa's party Sunday.

Long hideous 15 hr drive back to Portland on Monday.


Ted, if you and Catrina (and anyone else) want to get a few drinks at the hotel bar with Sandi and I, let me know. We are bringing a babysitter with us

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Thursday night -> Logan to Vegas, get crazy

Friday -> Vegas rides, Desperado, Knotts pm

Saturday -> Knott's am, Disney Cali Adventure, Disneyland, Knotts pm

Sunday -> SFMM ERT, drive 12+ hours home for work on Monday.


Wish I could make the shindig at Robb & Elissa's! Safe travels for everyone!

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Friday's Schedule:


6:00 PM – 7:30 PM ERT Montezooma’s Revenge


Supreme Scream



8:00 PM – 10:00 PM VIP Guests Dinner @ Silver Bullet Midway


10 PM - 12 AM ERT on Silver Bullet

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