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Disk-O Coaster's Design's

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^ Zamperla now markets an extended layout version of their ride as a "Disk-O Coaster".


I suppose with something like a high-banked 'half-pipe' style turn you'd be able to get a disk-o to turn corners. Something similer to what Maurer has been doing with their spinners.


OMG, can you imagine riding Shivering Timbers on a Disk-O?! God, that would be so insane. Hopefully they are already working on the idea.



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I was thinking about this the other day actually. The idea of such a large community style ride vehicle on a coaster track does sound REALLY awesome.


I would imagine there would be huge problem with trying to do such a thing though. Even more so perhaps than Arrow faced with "X"


-Firstly, the undercarriage of the "disk" would need to be redesigned entirely to include coaster style wheels and bogies in order to navigate corners. This would need to be high so the carriage wouldn't come too close around the edges to touching the track when navigating dips.

-Secondly, there is NO WAY you'd ever be able to bank into corners. The gyroscopic effects of the spinning disk would put an insane amount of force on the pivot. You can't heartline a 30ft gyroscope.


So basically all you could really do is a Scenic Railway type layout, with the corners at the highest point so the carriage doesn't take them any faster than about 7mph.


I do believe it could be done though. And I think it'd be one of the greatest ideas ever. I'd like the seats to be facing inwards though

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I didn't even think about the gyro forces...I guess a zero-g roll is out!


Imagine though putting the turn at the apex of a hill, and have it go 180 degrees or so and continue on an out and back sort of layout.


Otherwise I'd love to see Zamperla bring back the old Virginia Wheel concept, only much bigger of course!




I'd love to see a disk-o take this turn! Photo by me.

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^^ Actually, that would probably work. Seeing that it is not banked, the Disko train could probably take it. But another problem would face us. What about capacity? Would there be two cars connected to each other or just seperate ones traveling along the track? It would take a long time to load the trains, about 5 minutes. That would be way to long.


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^I thought about that too until I remembered that these things seat like 32 people, about the same as a fully loaded B&M train.


Also, I'm not talking about a hyper-coaster or anything, more like a large oval with two banked turns at either end. A ride time around 1:30 would give you the capacity of a regular Disk-O ride, give or take.


And as for you ^^ shut up or I'll post that video of you topless at the kareoke bar!! Stand by your man indeed!



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Remember the latest update on Avitar? Its supposed to be a disk-o, AND a first of a kind coaster according to its origional announcement. Maybe this will be the first "Disk-O coaster?" I just hope theyres a layout for it...


The layout for Avitar looks like a W. If you goto PKI.com and look at the new 2006 map you can see what I am talking about. Also if you goto PKD map Flight of Fear is gone off of the map, but the one at PKI is still on the map.

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