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I'm writing the song "Credit Whore"

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In between things like backing up data or waiting in the doctor's office, I've been writing the song "Credit Whore." It's to the tune of Avril Lavigne's "Sk8er Boi." Here are some lyrics. Let me know what you think!


EDIT: Here is the semi-rough version:


"Credit Whore"

Parody by Barry H.


Montu I’ve rode


Gwazi I’ve done


Now it’s time for some Wacky Worm fun


Hey, it’s an SLC


You say that they’re the same


Even with different names


It adds to my count


All just the well, I log them into Excel


Rode all the Deja Vus


And the Superman: Ultimate Flights


They brought my credit count to newer heights




I am a credit whore


I borrow three year old boys


For a ride on the Taxi Jam


The seats may be too small


I may be too tall


But I will ride every coaster on Earth!




5 months to wait


I sit at home


Waiting for the opening of another Batman clone


Boot up my PC


Access RCDB


Where is the nearest Jeepers to me?


I called up my friend


We wanted to go


To Astroworld, you know,


To ride the Serpent before the park closed


Hey, look what I found


There’s a Boomerang around


No credit shall be turned down




I am a credit whore


I borrow three year old boys


For a ride on the Taxi Jam


I’m at 299 coasters, you see


What will my 300th be?


The High Speed Thrill Coaster, of course!




I am a credit whore


I borrow three year old boys


For a ride on the Taxi Jam


Vekoma skater time


No kid needed according to the sign


I’m waiting in the 60 minute line




Does Journey to Atlantis count, my friend?


It’s got the coaster part in the end


How about Dudley Do-Right’s Ripsaw Falls?


It’s got a lift hill, after all


Hey, why can’t you see?


My hero is Elissa Alvey?


Waive 5 bucks in front of the operator’s eyes


Maybe he’ll let me take a ride




There’s a Minor Mike


A ‘Lil Shaver I like


Here I found a Dragon Wagon


I am in love


They’re powered, I know


But it’s still a credit, hey bro!




I am a credit whore


I borrow three year old boys


For a ride on the Taxi Jam


Visited the Six Flags Over Georgia park


Visited American Adventures on a lark


Now I’ve got a new credit to mark




I am a credit whore


I need credits more and more


I saw a Fiesta Express


My credit whoring is in excess


But you do the same


I just know!




Who has a garage band and wants to record it? I'll give you $1.95!

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I've done a semi-rough version of the song:


Montu I’ve rode


Gwazi I’ve done


Now it’s time for some Wacky Worm fun


Hey, it’s an SLC


You say that they’re the same


Even with different names


It adds to my count


All just the well, I log them into Excel


Rode all the Deja Vus


And the Superman: Ultimate Flights


They brought my credit count to newer heights




I am a credit whore


I borrow three year old boys


For a ride on the Taxi Jam


The seats may be too small


I may be too tall


But I will ride every coaster on Earth!




5 months to wait


I sit at home


Waiting for the opening of another Batman clone


Boot up my PC


Access RCDB


Where is the nearest Jeepers to me?


I called up my friend


We wanted to go


To Astroworld, you know,


To ride the Serpent before the park closed


Hey, look what I found


There’s a Boomerang around


No credit shall be turned down




I am a credit whore


I borrow three year old boys


For a ride on the Taxi Jam


I’m at 299 coasters, you see


What will my 300th be?


The High Speed Thrill Coaster, of course!




I am a credit whore


I borrow three year old boys


For a ride on the Taxi Jam


Vekoma skater time


No kid needed according to the sign


I’m waiting in the 60 minute line




Does Journey to Atlantis count, my friend?


It’s got the coaster part in the end


How about Dudley Do-Right’s Ripsaw Falls?


It’s got a lift hill, after all


Hey, why can’t you see?


My hero is Elissa Alvey?


Waive 5 bucks in front of the operator’s eyes


Maybe he’ll let me take a ride




There’s a Minor Mike


A ‘Lil Shaver I like


Here I found a Dragon Wagon


I am in love


They’re powered, I know


But it’s still a credit, hey bro!




I am a credit whore


I borrow three year old boys


For a ride on the Taxi Jam


Visited the Six Flags Over Georgia park


Visited American Adventures on a lark


Now I’ve got a new credit to mark




I am a credit whore


I need credits more and more


I saw a Fiesta Express


My credit whoring is in excess


But you do the same


I just know!

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PS- Wes, where's your Capitalization and Punctuation ?


Sometimes the traumatic nature of a situation can cause us to panic and feel anxious. At times like these it is common for such trivial matters as grammar to be thrown out the window temporarily. I'm sure once this frightening concept goes away Wes's skills will be restored.

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